Reclassification of the Sprinkler and Fire Protection Installer trade from voluntary to compulsory status
Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Ontario College of Trades and Apprenticeship Act, 2009
Summary of Decision:
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
Summary of Proposal:
A new Board regulation was created and three regulations were amended to implement the classification change for the Sprinkler and Fire Protection Installer trade:
1. O.Reg. 20/15 (Compulsory and Voluntary Trades)
This regulation prescribes the Sprinkler and Fire Protection Installer trade as compulsory. The status change will come into effect on February 2, 2017.
On April 23, 2014, the Ontario College of Trades Board of Governors ("the College Board") received the review panel's decision to make the trade compulsory. Sprinkler and Fire Protection Installer is the first trade to go through this new process for trade classification reviews. The College Board passed a resolution on June 17, 2014 to accept the review panel decision and make a Board regulation making the trade compulsory.
2. Amendment to Board Regulation O. Reg. 321/12 (Classes of Members and Registration)
To coincide with the Ontario College of Trades' ("the College") proposal in making the trade compulsory, the trade of Sprinkler and Fire Protection Installer is removed from Schedule 1 in this regulation, effective February 2, 2017.
The regulation provides that specific voluntary trades are matched to an equivalent Quebec trade such that Quebec workers in these trades may receive a reciprocal certificate upon request. These provisions are in keeping with commitments under the 2006 Ontario-Quebec Trade Agreement on Labour Mobility in the Construction Industry.
3. Amendment to Minister's Regulation O. Reg. 175/11 (Prescribed Trades and Other Matters)
This regulation prescribes the trades as voluntary or compulsory until the College Board makes a Board regulation pursuant to Section 61 of the Ontario College of Trades and Apprenticeship Act, 2009 to change the classification.
The amendment clarifies the wording of the regulation to provide that the prescribed trades remain designated as compulsory or voluntary until the status is changed by a Board regulation. The amendment references O.Reg. 20/15, which designates compulsory and voluntary trades as per a review panel decision.
4. Amendment to Minister's Regulation O. Reg. 421/12 (General)
Quebec-certified workers and Quebec-registered apprentices in six compulsory trades are exempt from obtaining an Ontario Certificate of Qualification when working in Ontario. This amendment includes Sprinkler and Fire Protection Installer as a compulsory trade in this exemption. This amendment is in keeping with the commitments under the 2006 Ontario-Quebec Trade Agreement on Labour Mobility in the Construction Industry. The amendment comes into effect on February 3, 2017.
Contact Address:
Standards and Assessments Unit
Programs Branch
Ministry of Training, College and Universities
23rd floor, Mowat Block
900 Bay St.
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 1L2
Effective Date:
February 2, 2015