Cannabis, Smoke-Free Ontario and Road Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017, Schedule 4, Amendments to the Highway Traffic Act (formerly Bill 174)
Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Highway Traffic Act (HTA)
Summary of Decision:
The Ministry of Transportation will be modifying the below listed regulations:
• O.Reg 251/02 - Ignition Interlock Devices
• O.Reg 273/07 - Administrative Penalties
• O.Reg 287/08 - Conduct Review Programs
• O.Reg 339/04 - Demerit Point System
• O.Reg 340/94 - Driver's Licences
• O.Reg 419/15 - Definition of a Commercial Motor Vehicle and Tow Truck
• O.Reg 484/07 - Lamps - Use of Flashing Red or Green Lights-
• O.Reg 631/98 - Long-Term Vehicle Impoundment under Section 55.1 Of The Act
• O.Reg 950 - Proceedings Commenced by Certificate of Offence
• New Reg - Definition of Approved Drug Screening Equipment
These regulations are being enhanced to improve road safety by:
• Preventing the upward trend of collisions contributing to fatalities and major injuries related to pedestrians, cyclists, impaired and distracted drivers;
o Effecting a change in road user attitudes and behaviour; and
o Reducing the social costs associated with these types of collisions.
All comments that were submitted to the regulatory registry were carefully considered and stakeholder consultations were held with road safety stakeholders, enforcement, service providers and municipalities. Those consulted were generally supportive of the amendments.
Changes as a result of these regulation will come into effect on varying dates. The different effective dates for the proposals will be July 1 2018, September 1, 2018 and January 1 2018.
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
The Ministry of Transportation conducted a preliminary regulatory impact assessment and determined that there are no new administrative costs for business as the only individuals who would be impacted by these changes are drivers who have committed an offence under the Highway Traffic Act.
LGIC regulatory changes were filed with Registrar of Regulations on April 16, 2018.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
January 18, 2018
Summary of Proposal:
For the last 16 years, Ontario has been ranked first or second in road safety in North America (measured by number of fatalities per 10,000 licensed drivers). Despite Ontario's record of success, there is still more the Province can do to address growing safety concerns about collisions involving impaired drivers, distracted drivers and vulnerable road users (e.g., pedestrians and cyclists).
On November 1, 2017, Ontario introduced Cannabis, Smoke-Free Ontario and Road Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017 (formerly Bill 174). Schedule 4 of the Act strengthens existing road safety laws and allows for new measures to make roads even safer, especially for vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists. This Act addresses concerns that existing penalties do not adequately address the severity of traffic offences when death or harm is caused, particularly to vulnerable road users (e.g., seniors, youth and children).
In addition, this Act is a critical step in preparing for federal legalization of cannabis, which has a proposed implementation date of no later than July 2018. To supplement the legislative amendments in Schedule 4 of the Act related to reducing impaired driving, distracted driving and enhancing vulnerable road user safety, the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is soliciting public comment on complementary regulatory amendments.
For details on the ministry's proposed regulatory amendments, please see the attached summary. We invite you to submit comments on these proposed regulatory amendments for the ministry's consideration.
Contact Address:
Ministry of Transportation Road Safety Policy Office
Safety Policy and Education Branch 87 Sir William Hearst Avenue Building "A", Room 212
Toronto, Ontario M3M 0B4
Effective Date:
July 1, 2018