Ticket Sales Act, 2017 - Administrative Penalties Proposal
Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Ticket Sales Act, 2017
Summary of Decision:
Administrative penalties will be one of a number of compliance and enforcement tools available to the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services to support compliance with the Ticket Sales Act, 2017.
The ministry has implemented a framework for administrative penalties under the Ticket Sales Act. The regulations set out the types of contraventions that could lead to a Director's order being issued against a ticket business and the corresponding penalty amounts. The penalty amounts are differentiated by whether the ticket business is incorporated.
The regulations will come into force on July 1, 2018.
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
There are no administrative costs for ticket businesses.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
March 1, 2018
Summary of Proposal:
The Ministry of Government and Consumer Services is seeking feedback on a proposal for administrative monetary penalties under the Ticket Sales Act, 2017. The act will come into force on July 1, 2018.
Administrative monetary penalties (AMPs) will be one of a number of compliance and enforcement tools available to the ministry to make sure that persons and ticket businesses follow the rules under the act and ticket buyers are protected.
To be able to issue AMPs for violations of the new ticket sales rules, the ministry will need to establish an AMPs framework through regulations that would include the following:
• The types of contraventions that could lead to an AMP being issued by the ministry against ticket businesses; and
• The penalty amounts.
Your feedback will be helpful to the ministry in developing the AMPs regulation.
How You Can Help
You may submit your comments and ideas:
• by e-mailing them to: consumerpolicy@ontario.ca with "Ticket Sales Act - AMPs" in the subject line; or
• by mailing them to:
Attention: Ticket Sales Act - AMP Regulation Consultation
Consumer and Business Policy Unit
Ministry of Government and Consumer Services
56 Wellesley Street West
Toronto ON M7A 1C1
Please do not use shortened URLs (e.g., Bit.Ly, Ow.Ly, Tinyurl) or include attachments larger than 25 MB.
You may submit directly or use the feedback form provided.
Thank you for taking the time to review the proposal. We look forward to your response.
Privacy Statement
Please note that unless agreed otherwise by the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services, all submissions received from organizations in response to this consultation will be considered public information and may be used, disclosed and published by the ministry to help the ministry in evaluating and revising its proposal. This may involve disclosing any response received to other interested parties.
Please keep in mind that the ministry is subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, which gives individuals the general right to access records in the custody or control of the ministry, subject to limited and specific exemptions and exclusions. This would include any input received in response to this consultation.
An individual who provides a response and indicates an affiliation with an organization will be considered to have submitted the response on behalf of that organization.
Responses received from individuals who do not indicate an affiliation with an organization will not be considered to be public information. Responses from individuals may be used and disclosed by the ministry to help evaluate and revise the proposal. The ministry may also publish responses received from individuals. Should it use, disclose or publish individual responses, any personal information, such as an individual's name and contact details, will not be disclosed by the ministry without the individual's prior consent unless required by law. Contact information you provide may also be used to follow up with you to clarify your response.
If you have any questions about the collection of this information, please contact consumerpolicy@ontario.ca.
Contact Address:
Ministry of Government and Consumer Services
Policy Branch
56 Wellesley Street West, 6th Fl.
Toronto ON M7A 1C1
Attention: Ticket Sales Act - AMP Regulation Consultation
Effective Date:
July 1, 2018