Amending Evidence of Validation Exemption in Regulation 628
Regulation Number(s):
Regulation 628
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Highway Traffic Act
Summary of Proposal:
This amendment will allow a person to renew their licence plate sticker online before or after the expiry and receive a receipt indicating the licence plates were renewed. The online receipt will still be required to be carried in the vehicle and surrendered by the driver upon demand by enforcement. The online receipt will no longer be limited to ten days but will indicate a date that the licence plate sticker is expected to arrive in the mail to the licence plate owner in order to provide ample time for processing and delivery to take place. The online receipt will continue to provide evidence that the licence plates were renewed and allow the vehicle to be driven on Ontario's roads until the sticker is provided to the plate owner in the mail.
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
This proposal will have minimal impact on businesses within Ontario as it will only affect online licence plate renewals and not alter the process of how licence plates are renewed. Rather it just allows for an expansion of a pre-existing online renewal service.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
March 4, 2019
Comments Due Date:
March 8, 2019
Contact Address:
145 Sir William Hearst, Room 147, Toronto, ON M3M 0B6