Amendments to O.Reg 473/07 ("Licences for Driving Instructors and Driving Schools")
Regulation Number(s):
O.Reg 473/07
Instrument Type:
Regulation - Minister
Bill or Act:
Highway Traffic Act (HTA)
Summary of Proposal:
O. Reg 473/07, made under the Highway Traffic Act, establishes requirements and governs the conduct of driving instructors (DIs) and driving schools. To improve access and flexibility for consumers, promote modernization of the program, and to offer potential cost savings to business and learners over the long term, these proposed regulatory amendments to O.Reg 473/07 will enable the digital delivery of certain segments of the BDE course, such as classroom instruction. The proposed regulatory amendments also prescribe qualifications for DIs wishing to instruct digitally, and also removes some outdated and obsolete references in O.Reg 473/07.
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
N/A - Minister's Regulation
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
March 4, 2019
Comments Due Date:
March 8, 2019
Contact Address:
87 Sir William Hearst Avenue, Rm. B-051
Driver Programs Office
Program Development and Evaluation Branch
Road User Safety Division
Ministry of Transportation