Driver's Licence Check Service Fee
Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Bill or Act:
Highway Traffic Act
Summary of Proposal:
The Ministry of Transportation is proposing to waive the current $2 legislated fee required to conduct a driver's licence check through its online Driver's Licence Check service and launch a free and improved service in fall 2019.
The service provides timely information on the status of an Ontario driver's licence (valid, not valid, etc.) and is currently made available to anyone provided they have the driver's licence number(s) and pay the prescribed $2 fee per check.
Waiving the fee will enable both personal and business users the ability to quickly and easily check the status of a driver's licence or their employees' licences instantly online at no cost, thereby making life easier for Ontarians, reducing burden and putting money back in people's pockets. This also has the potential to increase service uptake and contribute to road safety.
The improved service will include enhancements which were designed in consultation with service users and support the needs of Ontarians for a modern, citizen-driven and digitally enabled service delivery model by creating a simpler, seamless and consistent experience while improving service accessibility.
This proposal will improve customer service, reduce costs and make Ontario open for business.
An amendment to Regulation 340/94, Section 26. (1) 8 is required to implement this change.
The ministry is seeking feedback from the public and businesses on any potential impacts associated with this proposal. Please provide your comments by August 19, 2019.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
August 16, 2019
Comments Due Date:
August 19, 2019
Contact Address:
87 Sir William Hearst Avenue, Rm 173
Toronto, Ontario M3M 0B4