
Consultation on the Driver Care Plan reforms of the: 1. Catastrophic Impairment Default Benefit Limit; and 2. Care, Not Cash Default.

Regulation Number(s):
O. Reg. 34/10 – Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS)
O. Reg. 664 – Automobile Insurance
Instrument Type:
Bill or Act:
Insurance Act
Summary of Proposal:
Ontario's Government for the People is taking action to fix the broken auto insurance system. The 2019 Ontario Budget announced the Putting Drivers First blueprint, the government's plan to put drivers first and put money back in people's pockets by lowering costs, increasing consumer choice and making the auto insurance market more competitive.

Auto insurance is complex; it can sometimes be difficult for consumers to know the amount of coverage they need to adequately protect themselves and their families in the event of a future accident, and injured claimants need to receive faster access to treatment and care. That's why a key aspect of the Putting Drivers First blueprint is the Driver Care Plan that will ensure that injured claimants receive quick access to treatment and care.

The Ministry of Finance is seeking feedback on two key reforms of the blueprint's Driver Care Plan, they are:

1. Introducing a return to the default benefit limit of $2 million for those who are catastrophically injured in an accident, after it was previously reduced to $1 million in 2016; and

2. A "Care, Not Cash" default clause so that a driver's auto insurance coverage will pay for treatment rather than cash settlements, which may not be directly linked to recovery, while still giving the driver the option to be eligible to negotiate a cash settlement.

Your advice is important to us and will inform the development of draft Regulations. We are inviting drivers, consumers, and all interested stakeholders to share their views on how to make sure these reforms best serve the people.

Please provide your written submissions no later than September 17, 2019 by either:
1. Completing the online surveys (see links below);
2. Sending an email to; or
3. Sending by mail to:
Auto Insurance Consultation Paper
Ministry of Finance
Financial Institutions Policy Branch
95 Grosvenor Street
Frost Building (North), 4th Floor
Toronto, ON M7A 1Z1
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
August 19, 2019
Comments Due Date:
September 17, 2019
Contact Address:
Auto Insurance Policy Unit
Financial Institutions Policy Branch
Ministry of Finance
95 Grosvenor Street
Frost Building North, 4th Floor
Toronto, ON
M7A 1Z1