Highway Traffic Act - HOV Lanes Regulatory Amendment
Regulation Number(s):
O. Reg. 620/05
Instrument Type:
Regulation - Minister
Bill or Act:
Highway Traffic Act
Summary of Proposal:
The Ministry of Transportation is proposing an amendment to the Highway Traffic Act, Ontario Regulation 620/05 - High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lanes for the purpose of allowing single-occupant licensed taxicabs and airport limousines in provincial HOV lanes, on a permanent basis. Single-occupant licensed taxicabs and airport limousines have been permitted in HOV lanes under a pilot program since 2012.
Allowing taxis and airport limousines to travel in HOV lanes with a single occupant will support the objective of the HOV network plan by encouraging a more efficient use of the transportation network by allowing taxicabs and airport limousines to reach their next passenger more quickly. It also supports accessibility for people who cannot or choose not to drive.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
May 4, 2020
Comments Due Date:
June 3, 2020
Contact Address:
Ministry of Transportation
Policy and Planning Division
Transportation Planning Branch
Provincial Planning Office
777 Bay Street, 7th Floor, Suite 700
Toronto ON M7A 2J8
Proposal Status:
Approved - Came into force on June 22, 2020