Proposed amendments to Regulation 543 made under the Healing Arts Radiation and Protection Act and; Regulation 107/96 made under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991.
Regulation Number(s):
O. Reg. 543 (X-Ray Safety Code)
O. Reg. 107/96 (Controlled Acts)
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Healing Arts Radiation Protection Act, 1990 Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991,
Summary of Decision:
X-Ray Safety:
Made: February 10, 2022
Filed: February 25, 2022
Published on e-Laws: February 25, 2022
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: March 12, 2022
made under the
Made: February 10, 2022
Filed: February 28, 2022
Published on e-Laws: February 28, 2022
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: March 19, 2022
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
The proposed amendments will not result in compliance requirements and costs for NPs and OMFS.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
June 25, 2020
Summary of Proposal:
As part of the Ontario 2019 budget, the government announced that it will enable regulated health professionals to use their education and training more effectively by expanding the scope of practice for certain regulated health professionals, including NPs and dentists. This commitment was further iterated in the 2019 Ontario Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review.
Amendments are being proposed to O. Reg. 543 (X-Ray Safety Code) made under the Healing Arts Radiation Protection Act to authorize NPs to order Computerized Tomography tests. Specifically, the proposed amendment includes:
• Amending paragraph 2 of section 5.2 to add a member of the College of Nurses of Ontario who is a Registered Nurse in the Extended Class to the list of individuals who may prescribe irradiation
Amendments are also being proposed to O. Reg. 107/96 (Controlled Acts) made under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 to authorize NPs and OMFS to order MRI tests. Specifically, the proposed amendments include:
• Amending section 3.1 to permit members of the College of Medical Radiation and Imaging Technologists of Ontario to apply electromagnetism if it is ordered by a member of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario who holds a specialty certificate of registration authorizing the practice of the specialty of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery or a member of the College of Nurses of Ontario who is a Registered Nurse in the Extended Class;
• Adding a new section to the Regulation which would permit a member of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario who has a post-specialty training certificate in oral and maxillofacial surgery and a member of the College of Nurses of Ontario who is a Registered Nurse in the Extended Class to order the application of electromagnetism providing that certain conditions are met (these conditions being the same ones that currently apply to the ordering of the application of electromagnetism by physicians).
These proposals are not final. The ministry may refine these proposals based on feedback received through this consultation prior to seeking the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council.
Contact Address:
Effective Date:
July 1, 2022