Proposed regulatory amendments to Regulation 761: Milk and Milk Products under the Milk Act to allow for vertical bulk tanks on farm (Milk Silos).
Regulation Number(s):
Regulation 761
O. Reg 121/98
Instrument Type:
Regulation - Other
Bill or Act:
Milk Act
Summary of Decision:
At the request of the Dairy Farmers of Ontario, the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission amended Regulation 761: Milk and Milk Products under the Milk Act to allow for the storage of milk in vertical bulk tanks on-farm.
Current provisions in Regulation 761 restrict the type of milk storage units that can be used to collect, cool, and store milk to horizontal bulk tanks housed within a specific structure or building designated as a milk house.
The amendments, which are in line with the Ontario government's Open for Business action plan to reduce burdensome regulations, provide producers with the option to store larger amounts of cow and goat milk on-farm in vertical tanks without having to increase their building footprint, while maintaining food safety and quality requirements.
To implement the proposed amendments, minor consequential regulatory amendments are required to O. Reg. 121/98 under the Milk Act and have been made by the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
The amendments will reduce regulatory burden for the industry, allowing dairy farms to store larger amounts of cow and goat milk without expanding the footprint of the milk house to enclose larger or additional horizontal bulk tanks.
Additional administrative costs are not expected. Installation and operation of bulk tanks, whether horizontal or vertical, to store milk will continue to be subject to appropriate regulation and inspection to ensure milk safety and quality.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
May 28, 2021
Summary of Proposal:
At the request of the Dairy Farmers of Ontario, the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission is proposing amendments to Regulation 761: Milk and Milk Products under the Milk Act to allow for the storage of milk in vertical bulk tanks on-farm.
The proposed amendments, which are in line with the Ontario government's Open for Business action plan to reduce burdensome regulations, would provide producers with the option to store larger amounts of cow and goat milk on-farm without having to increase their building footprint, while maintaining food safety and quality requirements.
To achieve these outcomes changes will be considered, including in the following areas:
•Construction of milk houses and design of bulk tanks
•Milk collection procedures including sampling and grading
Minor additional regulatory amendments to other regulations may be required under the Milk Act.
Contact Address:
Branch: Farm Products Marketing Commission
Address: 1 Stone Rd W, Guelph, N1G 4Y2
Effective Date:
December 22, 2021