2006 Proposal to Adopt New Occupational Exposure Limits or Listings for 27 Hazardous Chemical Substances
Regulation Number(s):
Regulation 833, R.R.O 1990
Regulation 845, R.R.O 1990
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Occupational Health and Safety Act
Summary of Decision:
OELs have been introduced for two substances that did not previously have an exposure limit in Ontario. Another 14 previously listed substances have been revised. Ten substances that the ACGIH had recommended removing have been maintained, based on comments received during consultations.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
July 28, 2006
Summary of Proposal:
Consultation on proposal to update occupational exposure limits (OELs) or listings for 27 hazardous chemical substances in the Regulation Respecting Control of Exposure to Biological or chemical Agents and Silica Designated Substance Regulation
Contact Address:
2006 OEL Update Project
Ontario Ministry of Labour
12th Floor - 400 University Ave.
Toronto, ON M7A 1T7
Effective Date:
March 9, 2007