Proposed regulatory amendments to O. Reg. 484/09: Grain - Plan and O. Reg. 485/09: Grain - Marketing.
Regulation Number(s):
O. Reg. 484/09
O. Reg. 485/09
Instrument Type:
Regulation - Minister
Bill or Act:
Farm Products Marketing Act
Summary of Decision:
At the request of the Grain Farmers of Ontario (GFO), the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission (Commission) amended O. Reg. 485/09 (Grain - Marketing) and with Minister's approval O. Reg. 484/09 (Grain - Plan).
The amendment to O. Reg. 484/09 removed a requirement for GFO to undertake a mandatory review of its district structure every five-years. The changes align GFO's plan regulation with other marketing board plan regulations, which allow GFO to undertake a review at any time.
The amendments to O. Reg. 485/09:
o removed restrictions placed on the Wheat Price Risk Mitigation Fund (WMF);
o delegated authority to GFO to establish funds consistent with its mandate; and
o revoked provisions related to wheat marketing that are no longer used.
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
There are no compliance or new administrative costs associated with the amendments to O. Reg. 484/09: Grain - Plan and O. Reg. 485/09: Grain - Marketing.
Amendments to O. Reg. 484/09 will save the Grain Farmers of Ontario costs related to board member and staff time and resources that are no longer needed to carry out the mandatory five-year review. Other savings could consist of external supplies and services used to carry out the reviews.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
July 28, 2021
Summary of Proposal:
At the request of the Grain Farmers of Ontario (GFO), the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission (Commission) is proposing amendments to:
oO. Reg. 484/09 to remove a requirement for GFO to undertake a mandatory review of its district structure every five years. The changes would align GFO's plan regulation with other marketing board plan regulations
oO. Reg. 485/09 to remove restrictions that limit GFO's authority to establish funds, allowing the board to establish funds consistent with its mandate, and revoke redundant provisions related to wheat marketing.
GFO has been in existence since 2009 and is a stable and well-run organization. There is no need to retain in regulation the requirement to conduct a mandatory five-year review of the district structure.
Currently, GFO is only authorized to establish a wheat price risk mitigation fund (WMF). This fund was established to specifically support GFO's wheat trading and marketing program. As GFO will no longer be offering wheat trading/marketing services after June 1, 2021, the board would like to re-invest these producer assets in strategic initiatives that benefit the entire grain sector.
The Commission will also provide GFO with the authority to establish funds that are consistent with its mandate.
Contact Address:
Branch: Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission Secretariat
Address:1 Stone Road West, Guelph, ON N1G 4Y2
Effective Date:
November 25, 2021