Proposed amendment to the GO Transit Service Area Regulation under the Metrolinx Act to expand the GO Transit service area to Southwestern Ontario.
Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Regulation - Minister
Bill or Act:
Metrolinx Act, 2006
Summary of Decision:
The regulation was approved and filed on October 13, 2021.
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
The proposed regulation, if approved, would provide additional transportation services to London and improve connectivity with Southwestern Ontario. The proposed introduction of GO train service to the region would provide benefits to Ontarians who are travelling to and from the region, and benefit employers and businesses due to increased mobility. Improved transportation service is vital for the post-pandemic economic recovery of the region.
Promoting public transit will have several important end use impacts in the region. It is expected that:
• the expanded GO train service will increase transit usage in the region.
• the project would also improve connectivity to the transportation network, address congestion, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions
The result will be improved connections for people in the region for jobs, economic and social opportunities.
No negative impacts on business, stakeholders or the public are anticipated due to the extension of GO train service.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
September 21, 2021
Summary of Proposal:
Transportation services to Southwestern Ontario has significantly decreased throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, which has had a significant impact on Ontarians travelling through the region. The proposal will allow Metrolinx to fill transportation service gaps that arose from discontinued service to the area by expanding GO train service to London.
MTO is proposing to amend the current GO transit service area, defined in Ontario Regulation 189/09, to allow for GO train service expansion with stops in London, Stratford, and St. Marys. This will support local communities, reduce congestion, enhance intercommunity rail through a better-connected transit network. The proposal aligns with the ministry's Connecting the Southwest draft transportation plan, which includes goals to increase passenger rail service to Southwestern Ontario.
Contact Address:
Ministry of Transportation
Agency Oversight and Partnerships Division
Metrolinx and Agencies Oversight Branch
30th Floor
777 Bay Street
Toronto, ON
M7A 2J8
Effective Date:
October 13, 2021