Family Medical Leave - Prescribed Individuals
Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Bill 56, Employment Standards Amendment Act(Family Medical Leave), 2004, under the ESA, 2000
Summary of Proposal:
The Ministry of Labour is preparing a regulation under the Employment Standards Act, 2000 to expand the current definition of eligible family members (parent, child and spouse) for whom an employee can take Family Medical Leave to assist. This regulation would expand eligibility for Family Medical Leave to be consistent with the new federal eligibility criteria for the Employment Insurance (EI) Compassionate Care Benefit (CCB) program.
New federal eligibility criteria for the EI CCB program were developed to broaden eligibility to include additional persons and also any person the gravely ill person considers to be like a family member.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
July 28, 2006
Comments Due Date:
September 15, 2006
Contact Address:
Family Medical Leave,
400 University Avenue,
12th Floor,
Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1T7