Naloxone in the Workplace Consultation
Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Bill or Act:
Occupational Health and Safety Act
Summary of Proposal:
MLTSD is seeking feedback on facilitating access to naloxone in Ontario workplaces in order to reduce the risk of deaths in the workplace caused by opioid overdoses.
MLTSD is particularly interested in receiving feedback on whether or not opioid overdose and overdose management are issues in Ontario workplaces, and if they are issues, if they require changes to the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) to address the hazard they present in the workplace.
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
All ministries are subject to requirements set out in the Reducing Regulatory Costs for Business Act, 2017 (RRCBA), which came into force January 1, 2018. As part of its obligations under the RRCBA, the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development is conducting a Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) of these proposed amendments. A RIA is a process of identifying and assessing the potential benefits and costs of proposed regulations.
As part of this consultation, the Ministry is seeking your comments and feedback pertaining to the anticipated costs and benefits of implementing these proposed amendments.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
21-MLTSD 030
Posting Date:
December 14, 2021
Comments Due Date:
January 14, 2022
Contact Address:
Naloxone in the Workplace Consultation
Health, Safety and Insurance Policy Branch
Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development
400 University Avenue, 14th Floor
Toronto ON M7A 1T7