Regulation - LGIC

Housekeeping Amendments to the Demerit Point System - Regulation 339/94 of the Highway Traffic Act (HTA)

Regulation Number(s):
Ontario Regulation 339/94
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Highway Traffic Act
Summary of Decision:
Amendments to Regulation 339/94 will take effect on Aug 1, 2010, that will remove obsolete sections of the regulation and clarify the language about the application of demerit points.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
September 8, 2010
Summary of Proposal:
While Regulation 339/94 is open for the Amendments to the Graduated Licensing System (GLS) proposal, the ministry is proposing housekeeping changes to this regulation as follows:

• Remove obsolete sections and references to probationary drivers throughout both regulations. The Probationary Driver System was replaced by the Graduated Licensing System in 1994.

• Clarify demerit point application language providing that demerit points are not assessed against convictions for which a court has ordered a suspension, and, where there are two convictions arising from the incident, only the points from one conviction (the one worth the most points) are applied.

• Clarify the potential sanctions for failing to comply with the outcome of a demerit point interview by adding licence cancellation to the regulation. Licence cancellation authority is provided for in the Act.

• Remove references in the demerit point regulation to interventions related to collisions and collision/conviction combinations for novice drivers. These provisions were not implemented and are replaced by new provisions under Section 44.1 of the HTA as part of the Road Safety Act, 2009.

These regulatory amendments are not designed to change the application of demerit points or the driver improvement interventions within the Demerit Point System.
Contact Address:
Driver Improvement Office, Licensing Services Branch
1201 Wilson Avenue, Building “A”
Downsview, Ontatrio M3M 1J8
Effective Date:
August 1, 2010