Regulation - Other

Amendment to Reg. 194 under the Courts of Justice Act (Rules of Civil Procedure)

Regulation Number(s):
Rules of Civil Procedure, R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194
Instrument Type:
Regulation - Other
Bill or Act:
Courts of Justice Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.43
Summary of Decision:
This regulation was approved on November 10, 2022, and filed on November 15, 2022.
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
There is no regulatory impact to business anticipated in relation to this proposal.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
Summary of Proposal:
This regulation, O. Reg. 520/22, makes changes to the civil rules of court to introduce a new unsworn lawyer's certificate of service. The new certificate can be used to prove service of a court document where service was effected by a lawyer or caused to be effected by a lawyer.

The regulation amends five rules, creates two new forms, and revises seven forms.

The rule amendments:
• introduce two new unsworn lawyer's certificates of service (Form 16B.1 for general use and Form 74B.1 for probate applications) to prove that a document was either served by the lawyer or caused to be served by the lawyer;
• designate the lawyer's certificate of service, as well as electronic filing of certain enforcement documents, as an exception to the general rule that self-represented litigants may perform any step assigned to lawyers under the rules;
• update the name and terminology of the Form 16C certificate of service available to the Sheriff;
• update references to affidavits of service to clarify the applicable forms of proof of service; and
• prescribe revised versions of Forms 74.44, 74.49.2, 74.49.3, 74.50, 74.51, and 75.8 to update their existing references to affidavits of service.

Contact Address:
Ministry of the Attorney General
Corporate Policy Unit
720 Bay Street, 3rd Floor
Toronto, ON M7A 2S9
Effective Date:
January 30, 2023