
Excellent Care for All Act, 2010

Regulation Number(s):
Ontario Regulation 444/10
Ontario Regulation 445/10
O. Reg. 14/05
Instrument Type:
Bill or Act:
Excellent Care for All Act, 2010
Summary of Decision:
O. Reg. 445/10 (General) and O. Reg. 444/10 (Executives) under the Excellent Care for All Act, 2010 (ECFAA) were filed on December 2, 2010 and came into effect on January 1, 2011. O. Reg. 14/05 under the Commitment to the Future of Medicare Act, 2004 (CFMA) was revoked, effective January 1, 2011.

O. Reg. 445/10 under the ECFAA contains requirements related to quality committees, as well as the Ontario Health Quality Council (OHQC). The regulation contains many of the provisions related to the OHQC found in O. Reg. 14/05 under the CFMA, as well as some technical changes and amendments to reflect the expanded functions of the Council as described in the ECFAA.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
October 14, 2010
Summary of Proposal:

On June 8th, 2010, the Excellent Care for All Act, 2010 (ECFAA) received Royal Assent. The Act requires health care organizations, currently defined as hospitals, to:
• Develop and post annual quality improvement plans.
• Implement patient and employee satisfaction surveys and a patient relations process.
• Link executive compensation to achievement of quality plan performance improvement targets.
• Develop declarations of values after public consultation.
• Create quality committees to report to each hospital board on quality related issues.

Overview of Proposed Regulations

Quality Committee Membership
Requirements in ECFAA related to quality committees did not come into force upon Royal Assent and regulations are proposed to support the operationalization of these requirements in the Act.

Definition of Executive (Executive Compensation)
ECFAA requires that chief executive officer (CEO) and other executive compensation be linked to the achievement of quality plan performance improvement targets. A regulation is proposed under ECFAA to define the term “executive”, which would expand the list of individuals who would have their compensation linked to quality.

Ontario Health Quality Council
ECFAA expands the mandate of the Ontario Health Quality Council (OHQC) to include promoting health care that is supported by the best available scientific evidence by making recommendations to health care organizations and other entities on standards of care in the health system, based on and respecting clinical practice guidelines and protocols. The Council will also make evidence-based recommendations to the Minister concerning the Government of Ontario’s provision of funding for health care services and medical devices.

Regulations under ECFAA are proposed pertaining to quality committee membership, definition of executive, and the Ontario Health Quality Council.
Contact Address:
Sylvia Moustacalis
Manager, System Productivity and Governance Unit
Health System Strategy Division
Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
80 Grosvenor St., 8th Floor, Hepburn Block
Toronto ON M7A IR3
Royal Assent Date:
January 1, 2011