Red Tape Reduction- Northern Services Boards Act Modernization
Regulation Number(s):
R.R.O. 1990, Northern Services Boards Act
Instrument Type:
Bill or Act:
Northern Services Boards Act, R.S.O 1990, Chapter L.28
Summary of Proposal:
Local Services Boards (LSBs) are created under the Northern Services Boards Act (NSBA) to facilitate the delivery of basic community services in Northern Ontario unincorporated areas. LSBs are established by residents in a specific geographic area (outside of the boundaries of municipalities and First Nations). They are a voluntary organization that has the authority to deliver any combination of the following nine (9) approved powers (services): Water Supply, Fire Protection, Garbage Collection, Sewage, Street or Area Lighting, Recreation, Roads, Public Library Services, and Emergency Telecommunications. All LSBs are in Northern Ontario.
The Ministry of Northern Development (MND) has heard from LSBs that there is an interest in modernizing the NSBA as it has not had a full review since 1990. To ensure responsiveness to the needs of LSBs and Northern Ontarians, the ministry is consulting on:
• Modernizing NSBA administration processes;
• Improving clarity related to the definition of powers;
• Aligning LSB and government fiscal schedules / year;
• Changing timing of LSB elections and terms of office;
• Providing mutual aid services such as fire response and emergency services outside of the geographical boundaries;
• Reviewing legislated financial requirements; and
• Flexibility in establishing LSB rules / procedures related to in-camera and public board meetings, allowing discussions that would be considered private / confidential in nature.
Consultation feedback may inform any potential future legislative, regulatory, and/or policy changes.
The Ministry is looking for feedback on potential changes to the NSBA. Members of the public can provide feedback through the survey link below:
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
The intended outcome of MND's consultation is to receive feedback on potential areas where the NSBA could be updated. The ministry is considering opportunities to modernize the NSBA, reduce the administrative burden, and ensure the Act is responsive to the needs of LSBs and Northern Ontarians. Consultation feedback will be important in developing policy options to modernize the NSBA and respond to requests by LSBs to review and update the legislation.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
January 29, 2024
Comments Due Date:
March 14, 2024
Contact Address:
479 Government Street, Dryden, ON P8N 3B3 807-220-0001