Proposal to create regulation to support implementation of the GO Transit Station Funding Act, 2023
Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
GO Transit Station Funding Act, 2023
Summary of Proposal:
The GO Transit Station Funding Act, 2023 (the Act) came into force on December 4, 2023. This Act allows the Minister of Infrastructure to approve the use of an optional funding tool called the Station Contribution Fee, to allow prescribed municipalities within the GO rail service network to fund the design and construction of new GO stations. This investment can then be recovered through a charge on new development in specified areas surrounding those new stations.
For a prescribed municipality to use the Station Contribution Fee, it must first pass a draft by-law, which is informed by a background study that demonstrates the rationale for fee calculation, includes a map of the applicable area and rules to determine how a charge is payable, among other elements. The process will also require consultation with the public.
The municipality will also need to pass a resolution requesting that the Minister consents to the passing of the draft by-law. No later than 15 days after the resolution has passed, the municipality shall forward to the Minister of Infrastructure a copy of the resolution and background study, a description of the consultation undertaken, and any other prescribed information and materials.
The Ministry of Infrastructure is developing the regulation to implement the Station Contribution Fee and invites input from stakeholders. In particular, the ministry is seeking feedback on:
• How municipalities should be directed to map the boundaries to which they can apply the Station Contribution Fee?;
• What costs related to construction of a new GO station should be recoverable through the Station Contribution Fee?;
• The methodology and considerations to be included when calculating the fee and any additional requirements of the background study?;
•The requirements for municipal offsets, in particular:
o What are acceptable offset strategies or measures that prescribed municipalities can consider?;
o What is the methodology for calculating municipal offsets and co-ordinating offsets with the requirement for fee payment?;
• In addition to the draft by-law and background study, what additional information, if any, should the Minister of Infrastructure require from municipalities before deciding to approve a Station Contribution Fee by-law?; and
• Should the Province consider exemption for certain forms of development from the Station Contribution Fee?
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
As part of this consultation, the Ministry of Infrastructure is seeking feedback on the anticipated costs and benefits of implementing the regulation for the Station Contribution Fee.
The proposed regulation is not expected to have a significant fiscal impact for the provincial government or any compliance costs.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
February 13, 2024
Comments Due Date:
March 29, 2024
Contact Address:
Ministry of Infrastructure
Transit Oriented Communities Policy and Delivery Branch
College Park
777 Bay St.
4th Floor, Suite 425
ON M5G 2E5