Proposed Regulatory Amendments to Teacher Assignment
Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Education Act
Summary of Proposal:
Pursuant to Regulation 298 made under the Education Act, principals must assign teachers to the best possible program and having regard to the safety and well-being of pupils. The assignment must be in accordance with the teacher's qualifications or as provided for under that regulation.
In certain circumstances, principals may assign teachers who do not hold the required qualifications by mutual agreement of the teacher and the principal and with the approval of the supervisory officer. Outside of these circumstances, principals may assign teachers who do not hold the required qualifications through a Temporary Letter of Approval (TLA) process granted by the Minister. If no certified teacher is available, the Minister may grant a Letter of Permission to a person who is not a certified teacher.
The Ministry is exploring options to provide authority for principals to assign teachers with technological education qualifications to teach (TAS1O) and (TAS2O) and to assign teachers with general education qualifications to teach (TAS1O) and (TAS2O) by mutual agreement for one school year, with the ability to renew based on need.
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
The proposed regulatory amendment is not expected to impose any administrative costs on regulated entities.
The proposed regulatory amendments will not create any fiscal impacts for the provincial government.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
February 16, 2024
Comments Due Date:
March 19, 2024
Contact Address:
Strategic Policy and Education Workforce Branch
Ministry of Education
315 Front St. W. 9th Floor | Toronto, ON M5V 2A4