Increasing the Reporting Threshold for Property Damage Only (PDO) Collisions in Ontario
Regulation Number(s):
Ontario Regulation 596
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Highway Traffic Act (HTA)
Summary of Proposal:
In Ontario, a Property Damage Only (PDO) collision involves damage to public or private property, including vehicles and their loads, but no bodily injury to any person. Currently, PDO collisions must be reported to the Registrar of Motor Vehicles if they exceed a dollar threshold of $2,000 or if any door of a motor vehicle that is open or opening comes into contact with a cyclist, a bicycle, or a moving vehicle. The dollar threshold refers to the total value of property damage to vehicles and property in a collision.
The current PDO collision reporting threshold of $2,000 serves as the criterion used by police officers and enforcement agencies to determine whether a non-fatal/non-injury vehicle collision should be reported to the Registrar of Motor Vehicles as required under the Highway Traffic Act (HTA).
Ontario's PDO threshold of $2,000 was last updated in 2015 to align with other Canadian jurisdictions and to reflect the rising costs associated with collisions. However, despite this adjustment, factors such as inflation and advancements in automotive technologies suggest that a collision resulting in $2,000 worth of damage is less severe today than it was in 2015.
As such, the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is proposing amendments to Ontario Regulation 596, which prescribes the threshold value for reporting property damage collisions under HTA section 199, subsection (1). The proposed change seeks to increase the property damage reporting threshold from $2,000 to $5,000.
Increasing Ontario's collision reporting threshold is anticipated to reduce burdens for Ontarians, law enforcement and commercial vehicle operators by eliminating the requirement to report minor collisions. It is important to note that Ontarians would still retain the choice to report a collision if they wish, but it would no longer be mandatory. Furthermore, a new collision reporting threshold of $5,000 is not anticipated to negatively impact ongoing data collection for analyzing road safety in Ontario.
We appreciate your input and invite you to submit comments on this proposal for MTO consideration.
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
It is anticipated that there will be no direct compliance costs associated with this proposal.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
February 20, 2024
Comments Due Date:
March 5, 2024
Contact Address:
Ministry of Transportation
Road Safety Program Development Office
Safety Program Development Branch
87 Sir William Hearst Avenue
Building "A", Room 212
Toronto, Ontario
M3M 0B4