Get It Done Act, 2024 - Moving Driver Licence and Photo Card Fees into Legislation
Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Highway Traffic Act (HTA) and the Photo Card Act (PCA)
Summary of Proposal:
The Government of Ontario:
Is creating the conditions to rebuild Ontario's economy to support better jobs and deliver economic prosperity.
Is helping to get shovels in the ground sooner on new roads, highways and public transit in order to reduce gridlock, help ensure we have housing for a growing population and move the province's economy forward.
Believes in supporting workers, families and businesses with policies that keep costs down and make life easier and more convenient, including by protecting against the high cost of a provincial carbon tax, banning new tolls on public highways and freezing current fees on driver's licences and Ontario Photo Cards.
Will get it done.
In Ontario, there are approximately 11 million DL and 860,000 OPC holders. The amount payable for a DL is $90 for a 5-year period ($18/Year) for original applications and renewals. The amount payable for an OPC is $35 for originals and renewals for a five-year period.
In the 2019-20, the ministry received approval to increase various driver, vehicle, and carrier fees by two per cent annually from 2019 to 2023.
Fee increases from 2019 to 2023 were fully or partially cancelled for various reasons including Ontarians slowly recovering from the economic impact caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the high cost of living.
Currently, there are no provisions or plans for any future DL or OPC fee increases, and as it stands, both sets of fees are set to remain without change.
MTO is proposing to amend legislation to:
· Move the DL fees stipulated from regulation into legislation.
· Set out OPC fees from a Ministerial Order into legislation.
If approved, these measures would make increasing DL and OPC fees more difficult.
The proposed legislative change does not result in compliance cost changes for regulated entities. There are no cost increases or decreases resulting from this proposed change. The submission is simply moving existing fees from regulation and a Ministerial Order into legislation.
The proposal was originally published on February 20, 2024, for 30 days comment period ending March 21, 2024. On March 20, 2024, we extended the comment period for another 7 days (to March 28, 2024).
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
RIA process completed and feedback received indicated there is no impact to regulated entities. There are no offsetting costs for this proposal.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
February 20, 2024
Comments Due Date:
March 28, 2024
Contact Address:
87 William Hearst Avenue, Rm B-051
Downsview, ON
M3M 0B4