Amendments to An Act to incorporate the Trinity College School, S.O. 1872, c. 111
Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Bill or Act:
Summary of Proposal:
The Ministry of Education, on behalf of Trinity College School, is proposing to amend An Act to incorporate the Trinity College School, S.O. 1872, c. 111 that would, if passed:
• Eliminate the positions of the Bishop of the Dioceses of Toronto, the Chancellor of the University of Trinity College, the Provost of Trinity College, the Head Master of Trinity College School, and a person to be appointed by the corporation of Trinity College from the board's governance structure. With the exception of the Head Master, these ex officio members do not currently participate in the governance of Trinity College School.
• Eliminating these positions from the board's governance structure would align the legislation with the school's current governance realities and reduce an unnecessary burden on Trinity College School and the ex officio members. Further, the school would prefer to include the Head Master as a guest of the board rather than an ex officio member, which would align with common corporate practices for charitable corporations in Ontario.
• Make it clear that the corporation has the powers of a natural person, and to make other technical amendments to avoid any potential ambiguity relating to the corporation's right to appoint successors.
Trinity College School (BSID 886254) is an inspected private school located in Port Hope, Ontario.
Private schools in Ontario operate as businesses or non-profit organizations independently of the Ministry of Education and in accordance with the legal requirements established by the Education Act. Private schools receive no public funding or financial assistance from the government. The Ministry of Education does not regulate, license, accredit or otherwise oversee the operation of private schools.
The Ministry of Education is seeking comments and feedback pertaining to the proposed amendments to An Act to incorporate the Trinity College School, S.O. 1872, c. 111. Please submit your comments before the specified comment period closing date.
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
If passed, the proposed amendments would allow for timesaving for Trinity College School by eliminating a procedural requirement that does not have an impact on the school operations and is no longer feasible in the current context of governance for the school.
The proposed amendments, if passed, are not expected to result in new or incremental direct compliance or administrative costs for Trinity College School. The amendments will result in cost and time savings for the school.
The proposed amendments will not create any fiscal impacts for the provincial government.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
April 10, 2024
Comments Due Date:
May 10, 2024
Contact Address:
Private Schools and International Education Unit
Field Services Branch
Private Schools and International Education Unit
315 Front St W 12th Floor
Toronto, ON
M7A 0B8