Ontario Regulation 403/10 (Hogs – Plan) under the Farm Products Marketing Act (FPMA)
Regulation Number(s):
R.R.O. 1990 Regulation 420 (Hogs – Plan
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Farm Products Marketing Act
Summary of Decision:
Ontario Regulation 403/10 (Hogs – Plan) was approved by the Lieutenant Governor in Council and was filed with the Registrar of Regulations on October 25, 2010. The Regulation will come into force effective January 1, 2011. R.R.O. Regulation 420 (Hogs –Plan) will be revoked by O.Reg. 403/10. The provisions within Regulation 403/10 complement Regulation 439/10 (Hogs – Marketing) made by the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission on November 26, 2010 and filed with the Registrar of Regulations on November 30, 2010.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
January 14, 2011
Summary of Proposal:
Under provincial regulations, the Ontario Pork Producers’ Marketing Board (“Ontario Pork”) has authorities regarding the marketing of hogs in Ontario. O. Reg 403/10 (Hogs – Plan) defines a new governance and electoral structure for Ontario Pork and, will replace R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 420 (Hogs – Plan). The new regulation results in a smaller, more efficient board and delegate body.
The provisions in Regulation 403/10 are based on recommendations from Ontario Pork - following extensive stakeholder consultation within the industry - and include the following:
- Four electoral zones as geographically defined
- Nine board members with three year terms with a maximum of four terms
- A provision for by-elections of board members when vacancies occur
- An approximately one hundred delegate model with a minimum of one delegate per association
- A maximum of two alternates per delegate
- A minimum of five registered producers to be an association
- A second vote per registered producer as is permitted currently in the regulation
Contact Address:
Sophie Dinnissen
Marketing Analyst
Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission
1 Stone Rd W, Guelph, ON, N1G 4Y2
Email: Sophia.dinnissen@ontario.ca
Phone: 519 826-3222
Fax: 519 826-3400
Effective Date:
January 1, 2011