Modernize the Vehicle Registration Fee Tables and Housekeeping Amendments to Ontario Regulation 628
Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Highway Traffic Act
Summary of Decision:
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
January 28, 2011
Summary of Proposal:
The ministry has amended the HTA Regulation 628, Schedules 1 to 4 (commercial, farm vehicles, bus and school bus) which set out fees for different vehicle weights for every possible period of time for which a permit can be validated. The amended regulation sets out the appropriate annual fee for each vehicle weight with an explanation for how to get from the annual fee to a fee for a period of more or less than one year. The ministry will be implementing a user-friendly electronic fee calculator on the MTO website by March 31, 2011.
There are no changes to the fee structure.
Schedule 4 (School bus) charges the same fees as Schedule 3 (Bus) for vehicles up to 20,000 kg. This schedule was collapsed and incorporated into Schedule 3.
Schedule 5 (additional classes of vehicles) chart was replaced with the appropriate annual fees and a transparent formula enables customers to calculate the fee for their particular type of vehicle for period other than one year. Schedule 5 was not included on the fee calculator because the fees are not based on registered vehicle weight.
The amendment also includes minor housekeeping changes such as correcting typos and outdated terminology.
Contact Address:
Ministry of Transportation
Program Development & Evaluation Branch
Evaluation & Training Office
1201 Wilson Ave, Building A, Room B-051
Downsview, Ontario
Effective Date:
March 31, 2011