Proposed Amendment to R.R.O. 1990 Regulation 402 (Chickens - Marketing) under subsection 8(1)(a) of the Farm Products Marketing Act to allow for additional powers for the Chicken Farmers of Ontario
Regulation Number(s):
Regulation 402 (Chickens – Marketing)
Instrument Type:
Regulation - Other
Bill or Act:
Farm Products Marketing Act
Summary of Decision:
Amending Regulation O. Reg 129/11 was filed on April 20, 2011 with the Registrar of Regulations. The amendments to Regulation 402 (Chickens - Marketing) give authority to the CFO to determine the quality of each class, variety, grade and size of the regulated product that shall be marketed by each producer.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
February 10, 2011
Summary of Proposal:
The Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission (“Commission”) is a regulatory agency of the Government of Ontario, established under the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Act. The Commission has a range of regulation making powers under the Farm Products Marketing Act (FPMA) that pertain to Ontario’s regulated marketing sector, which includes chickens.
Under section 8(1)(a) of the FPMA, the Commission may make regulations vesting in the “local board” any powers that the Commission considers necessary or advisable to enable the board to effectively promote, regulate and control the producing or marketing of the regulated product. The local board in this case is the Chicken Farmers of Ontario (“CFO”).
The proposed amendment to the regulation would give CFO additional authority to help support its mandatory on-farm food safety program. CFO’s program meshes with that of the national agency, i.e. Chicken Farmers of Canada. The Commission has given similar authority to that which is proposed for the CFO, for example, to the Egg Farmers of Ontario and to the Turkey Farmers of Ontario.
The Commission supports the request of the CFO and the AOCP to amend Regulation 402 (Chickens – Marketing).
Contact Address:
Paul Glenney
Marketing Analyst
Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission
1 Stone Road West, Guelph, Ontario, N1G 4Y2
Phone: 519 826-3399
Fax: 519 826-3400
Effective Date:
April 20, 2011