Regulation - LGIC

Open for Business: Regulatory Amendments to Support Burden Reduction And the Streamlining of the Highway Traffic Act (HTA)

Regulation Number(s):
HTA O. Reg. 340/94 (Drivers’ Licences)
HTA O. Reg. 341/94 (Driver Licence Examinations)
HTA O. Reg. 484/07 (Lamps - Use of Flashing Red or Green Lights)
HTA O. Reg. 499/94 (Electronic Documents)
HTA O. Reg. 556/07 (Pilot Project -- Emergency Response Vehicles)
HTA O. Reg. 587 (Equipment)
Instrument Type:
Regulation - LGIC
Bill or Act:
Highway Traffic Act (HTA)
Summary of Decision:
Regulatory amendments and/or revocations were approved to remove:

- The Emergency Response Vehicles (ERVs) Pilot Project regulation which has become redundant, as the definition of "ambulance" in the HTA was amended by Bill 126, The Road Safety Act, 2009, to include ERVs. A consequential amendment to HTA O. Reg. 484/07 was also approved to revoke the redundant provisions allowing ERVs to display red flashing lights to the front;

- Outdated provisions that were intended to grandfather in moped licence holders when the province introduced a new limited-speed motorcycle licence class and that were used to collect fees for failing to keep an appointment;

- References to outdated brands of brake testing equipment and to clarify brake performance measures to allow for more current testing devices to be used;

- Provisions no longer necessary to support the electronic transmission of documents from MTO to the courts, as well as the electronic transmission of sealed and certified documents.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
April 8, 2011
Summary of Proposal:
The Ministry sought minor Highway Traffic Act (HTA) regulatory amendments and/or revocations to address redundancies created by recent legislation, and outdated provisions and references.
Contact Address:
1201 Wilson Avenue
Downsview, Ontatrio
M3M 1J8
Effective Date:
July 1, 2011