
Potential Changes under the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act, 2002: Consultation Paper

Regulation Number(s):
O. Reg. 332/08
O. Reg. 333/08
Instrument Type:
Bill or Act:
Motor Vehicle Dealers Act, 2002
Summary of Proposal:
The Ministry of Government and Consumer Services (ministry) is considering proposing changes under the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act, 2002 (MVDA). This legislation governs motor vehicle dealers and salespersons (registrants) and sets out the requirements for how they conduct business and interact with consumers. The MVDA and its regulations are administered and enforced by the Ontario Motor Vehicle Industry Council.
The ministry is exploring potential changes that would:
• Reduce burden for registrants at the place of business
• Reduce burden in the day-to-day operations of registrants
• Protect consumers
• Enhance registrant compliance and improve regulatory efficiency
• Address other issues such as housekeeping amendments

The ministry is seeking feedback on the potential proposals and the questions posed in the attached consultation paper.

The ministry is very interested in receiving feedback on the potential costs and cost savings to businesses related to the proposals and options presented in the paper.

The ministry is also interested in hearing your perspective on other changes that would reduce burden for registered motor vehicle dealers and salespersons, enhance compliance, improve regulatory efficiency, and maintain consumer protection.

Your advice and insight are important and all input is welcome and appreciated. Providing reasons for your views will help provide the ministry with a better understanding of your perspective. All comments received may be used in the course of the review to inform recommendations for potential changes to the act and its regulations. This will involve disclosing some or all comments or materials, or summaries of them, to other interested parties during and after the consultation. The collection, use and disclosure of information is subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

You may submit your comments by responding directly to the Regulatory Registry posting or by sending your comments by e-mail to no later than September 17, 2021.

The ministry will take into account all feedback received.
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
The Ministry of Government and Consumer Services is conducting a Regulatory Impact Analysis.

The potential proposal being explored regarding advertising requirements for the sale of as-is vehicles may add costs to registered motor vehicle dealers. However, most of the proposed changes are expected to reduce costs or be cost-neutral for registered motor vehicle dealers.

The ministry is interested in receiving information and estimates from industry about cost impacts and cost savings associated with the proposed changes.

The ministry will consider all information provided.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
August 3, 2021
Comments Due Date:
September 17, 2021
Contact Address:
MVDA Consultation
Policy, Planning and Oversight Division
Ministry of Government and Consumer Services
56 Wellesley St. W. - 6th Floor
Toronto, ON M7A 1C1