General Proposed Changes for the Next Edition of Ontario's Building Code (Phase 3 - Fall 2022 Consultation)
Regulation Number(s):
O. Reg. 332/12: BUILDING CODE
Instrument Type:
Regulation - Minister
Bill or Act:
Building Code Act, 1992
Summary of Proposal:
The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing is entering its third and final phase of consultation on the 2024 edition of Ontario's Building Code.
With broad participation from partners, the ministry has collected extensive feedback through the first two phases of consultation on proposed changes to Ontario's Building Code.
-The first phase, in Fall 2021, focused on changes that would reduce existing variations from the 2015 National Construction Codes as well as a number of proposed changes that are unique to Ontario's Building Code.
-The second phase, in Winter 2021/2022, put forward proposals related to the 2020 National Construction Codes.
This phase focuses on remaining Ontario-specific provisions that were not included in the first phase of consultation, as well as new changes related to harmonization that were identified in the first two consultations. An overview of the proposals can be found in the attached Executive Summary, and each proposed change is listed in the attached "List of Phase 3 - General Proposed Building Code Changes" with embedded links to detailed Code Change Proposal Forms, with the exception of proposals related to housing supply, sewage systems and energy efficiency.
Due to their potential relevance to the environment, proposals related to energy efficiency and sewage systems are listed on the Environmental Registry of Ontario [].
A separate Regulatory Registry posting is also posted for proposed Building Code changes that are intended to support housing priorities and increase the supply and mix of new housing [].
Please submit comments on any of the proposed changes for the next edition of Ontario's Building Code by:
1. using the link provided within the attached list of proposals, or
2. submitting an email directly to with the Sentence(s) or Article number(s) as the subject line.
This posting is open for 45 days for feedback. If needed, a bulk comment form is attached below.
The ministry continues to carefully review and analyze the feedback collected from all three phases of consultation. This information will inform the drafting of the next edition of Ontario's Building Code.
Consultation on the 2025 National Construction Codes
Seven public reviews are expected between 2022-2024 to inform the 2025 National Construction Codes, with the first public review expected to open on October 24, 2022.[]
It is critical that Ontario's industry partners participate in these national consultations as they are likely to be Ontario's principal mechanism for consultation on Ontario's 2026/2027 Building Code. See the Executive Summary for more detail on the proposed change areas and the impact on the 2026/2027 edition of Ontario's Building Code.
Analysis of Regulatory Impact:
Costs: There are no new administrative costs anticipated for regulated entities.
Benefits: The proposed changes would update requirements and increase harmonization between Ontario's Building Code and National Construction Codes
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
October 25, 2022
Comments Due Date:
December 9, 2022
Contact Address:
Building and Development Branch
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
College Park 12th Floor, 777 Bay St, Toronto, ON M7A 2J3