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Proposed Rules for Debt Settlement Services Providers

Proposed rules for debt settlement services providers
Comments Due Date:  April 30, 2014

Better Decisions At The Door

Proposed door-to-door rules for water heater and furnace sales and rentals.
Comments Due Date:  April 22, 2014

Delegated Administrative Authority for the Film Sector

The Ministry of Consumer Services (MCS) is proposing to amend O.Reg 187/09, made under the Safety and Consumer Statutes Administration Act, 1996 (SCSAA), to assign responsibility for the day to day administration of the Film Classification Act, 2005 (FCA) to a Delegated Administrative Authority (DAA).
Comments Due Date:  April 14, 2014

Oversight of the Towing Industry and Vehicle Storage Issues

Towing and Storage - KPMG report and recommendations to the Ministry of Consumer Services
Comments Due Date:  April 8, 2014

Environmental standards for end-of-life vehicle processing facilities  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Ministry of the Environment is seeking input on a technical discussion paper that proposes regulatory changes that would apply new environmental standards to end-of-life vehicle (ELV) processing.
Comments Due Date:  April 6, 2014

Studded Tire Use in Northern Ontario

The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is proposing to extend the period during which Northern Ontario residents can use studded tires (from October 1st - April 30th to September 1st - May 31st).
Comments Due Date:  April 6, 2014