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Instrument Type:  
Proposed Revocation of the Parkway Belt West Plan  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing is seeking feedback on a proposal to revoke the Parkway Belt West Plan, 1978, under the Ontario Planning and Development Act, 1994.
Comments Due Date:  December 30, 2022

Conserving Ontario's Natural Heritage  (source: Environmental Registry)

In support of Ontario's Housing Supply Action Plan 3.0 and the government's commitment to support the construction of 1.5 million new housing units over the next ten years, the province is seeking feedback on the discussion paper entitled Conserving Ontario's Natural Heritage.
Comments Due Date:  December 30, 2022

Review of A Place to Grow and Provincial Policy Statement  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) is undertaking a housing-focused policy review of A Place to Grow and the Provincial Policy Statement. MMAH is seeking input on how to create a streamlined province-wide land use planning policy framework that enables municipalities to approve housing faster and increase housing supply.
Comments Due Date:  December 30, 2022

College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists of Ontario (CASLPO) Professional Misconduct Regulation

The CASLPO is proposing to amend its professional misconduct regulation made under the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Act, 1991, to ensure that it is more relevant to current expectations of members and that it reflect changes in practice environment.
Comments Due Date:  December 18, 2022

Regulatory proposals under the Building Broadband Faster Act, 2021 (BBFA)

The proposed Minister's regulation would fulfill the following purposes: 1. Amend Ontario Regulation (O. Reg. 436/22) under the BBFA to outline circumstances in which the Minister of Infrastructure may modify orders issued by the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) with respect to Ontario Regulation (O. Reg. 410/22) under the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 (OEBA). 2. Amend O. Reg 436/22 to clarify that any compensation that may be ordered by the OEB, under O. Reg. 410/22, is not prohibited by the BBFA. 3. Repeal O. Reg 782/21 under the BBFA. This regulation no longer serves any purpose due to amendments that were made to the BBFA, in respect of infrastructure locates, in April 2022.
Comments Due Date:  December 15, 2022

Draft Fisheries Management Zone 10 management plan  (source: Environmental Registry)

In co-operation with the Fisheries Management Zone (FMZ) 10 Advisory Council, we have developed a Draft Fisheries Management Plan for FMZ 10. The draft plan outlines the status of fisheries, sets fish population objectives, and provides direction for the management of recreational fisheries and aquatic resources within FMZ 10.
Comments Due Date:  December 12, 2022

Amendments to the New Home Construction Licensing Act, 2017 to protect purchasers of new homes

The Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery is proposing amendments to the New Home Construction Licensing Act, 2017 (Licensing Act) to strengthen consumer protection for purchasers of new homes in Ontario who may be adversely impacted by price escalations and terminations of agreements. The proposed amendments would also enhance the Home Construction Regulatory Authority's (HCRA's) enforcement powers and enable the HCRA to provide funds to adversely impacted consumers, among other things.
Comments Due Date:  December 9, 2022

Proposed Building Code Changes to Support More Homes Built Faster: Ontario's Housing Supply Action Plan: 2022-2023 (Phase 3 - Fall 2022 Consultation for the Next Edition of Ontario's Building Code)

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has been actively working on the development of the next edition of the Building Code since 2021, and is launching the third and final phase of consultation to inform this next edition, which is anticipated for filing in Spring 2023 and coming into effect in Spring 2024.
Comments Due Date:  December 9, 2022

Proposed Amendments to the Ontario Land Tribunal Act, 2021

The Ministry of the Attorney General proposes to amend the Ontario Land Tribunal Act, 2021, as part of Ontario's Housing Supply Action Plan 3.0
Comments Due Date:  December 9, 2022

Supporting Growth and Housing in York and Durham Regions Act, 2022  (source: Environmental Registry)

The province is proposing new legislation that, if passed, would require the expansion of crucial wastewater treatment services for York Region and the construction of a phosphorus reduction facility to remove phosphorus from drainage water that flows into Lake Simcoe.
Comments Due Date:  December 9, 2022

Proposed Amendment to O. Reg 232/18: Inclusionary Zoning  (source: Environmental Registry)

Proposing amendments to O. Reg. 232/18 (Inclusionary Zoning) to provide more certainty/clarity and make inclusionary zoning rules more consistent across the province by setting maximum affordability period at 25-years, limiting the number of affordable units to 5%, and standardizing the approach to determining the price/rent of the affordable units
Comments Due Date:  December 9, 2022

Proposed Changes to Sewage Systems and Energy for the Next Edition of Ontario's Building Code  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing is entering its third and final phase of consultation on the next edition of Ontario's Building Code. As part of this phase, changes to an energy requirement and sewage system provisions (Part 8 of the Building Code) are proposed.
Comments Due Date:  December 9, 2022

General Proposed Changes for the Next Edition of Ontario's Building Code (Phase 3 - Fall 2022 Consultation)

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing is entering its third and final phase of consultation on the 2024 edition of Ontario's Building Code.
Comments Due Date:  December 9, 2022


Joint Health and Safety Committee Standards Review
Comments Due Date:  December 7, 2022

Temporary Help Agencies and Recruiters Licensing Framework Consultations

The Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) was recently amended to create a temporary help agency (THA) and recruiter licensing framework that will support and protect workers, while levelling the playing field for businesses in this sector. The government is consulting on the supporting regulations that would prescribe details related to various aspects of the licensing and recruitment framework.
Comments Due Date:  December 6, 2022

Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Corporation Act

A proposed Act clarifying the continuation of corporate status of the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA)
Comments Due Date:  December 5, 2022