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Self-serve lottery ticket terminals (SSTs) in retail locations

The Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) plans to introduce self-serve lottery ticket terminals (SSTs) in retail locations across the province as a means to increase lottery sales and modernize practices as retailers and consumers move towards self-check out models of service.
Comments Due Date:  April 29, 2023

National and Ontario Code Consultations on the 2025 National Construction Codes

Ontario's Building Code is a regulation under the Building Code Act, 1992 which sets out minimum administrative and technical requirements for new construction, renovation, and change of use of buildings. New editions or major amendments to Ontario's Building Code are generally released every five years to coincide with updates to the National Construction Codes.
Comments Due Date:  April 27, 2023

Digital Platform Workers' Rights Act, 2022 - Regulations

The Digital Platform Workers' Rights Act, 2022 (DPWRA) was enacted in April 2022. It provides certain rights and protections to digital platform workers who provide ride share, delivery, or courier services for payment through the use of digital platforms. The legislation is not yet in effect. Regulations are required to address certain matters under the Act before it can be proclaimed into force. The government is consulting on these proposed regulations.
Comments Due Date:  April 27, 2023

Proposal to make consequential administrative amendments to several regulations under the Mining Act  (source: Environmental Registry)

If enacted, Bill 71, Building More Mines Act, 2023 will create new statutory authorities for conditional filing and phased financial assurance, and the decision-maker for some decisions under the Mining Act will change. As a result, administrative amendments to several Ontario regulations will be required. This posting describes the proposed regulatory changes.
Comments Due Date:  April 23, 2023

Proposed regulatory changes to closure plan rehabilitation requirements for advanced exploration and mine production and adding an additional class of facilities to the list of such classes that are excluded from the definition of "mine".  (source: Environmental Registry)

If enacted, Bill 71, will add clarity and flexibility to mine rehabilitation requirements. Proposed regulatory amendments to closure planning and the Mine Rehabilitation Code would make the rehabilitation framework more adaptable to new technology and expert-driven, while ensuring protection for the environment, public health and safety.
Comments Due Date:  April 23, 2023

Proposed Amendments to the General Regulation (O. Reg. 37/09) of the Taxation Act, 2007 regarding the Ontario Film and Television Tax Credit and the Ontario Production Services Tax Credit

Proposed amendments to O. Reg. 37/09 would expand eligibility of Ontario's film and television tax credits to include film and television productions distributed online and would introduce a requirement that eligible productions provide on-screen acknowledgement of Ontario tax credit support.
Comments Due Date:  April 11, 2023

New Hobby Mineral Collecting Guide  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Ministry of Mines (MINES) wants to provide further clarity for those requesting guidance on hobby mineral collecting.
Comments Due Date:  April 8, 2023