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Instrument Type:  
Strengthening Safety and Modernizing Justice Act - Amendments to Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019

Amendments to Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019
Comments Due Date:  May 25, 2023

Proposed amendments to freeze all Building Code fees

This notice provides an update on proposed regulatory changes to the Building Code, in respect of building code fees.
Comments Due Date:  May 21, 2023

Proposed legislative amendments to the Building Broadband Faster Act, 2021 under the Less Red Tape, Stronger Economy Act, 2023

The Less Red Tape, Stronger Economy Act, 2023, if passed, would amend the Building Broadband Faster Act, 2021 (BBFA). The proposed legislative amendments to the BBFA would create regulation-making authority for the Minister of Infrastructure (Minister) to clarify existing BBFA requirements. The Ministry of Infrastructure (MOI) is also proposing a technical housekeeping amendment to the definition of "proponent" in the BBFA. A third update to the Building Broadband Faster in Ontario Guideline (Guideline) is proposed to provide greater clarity and improved guidance to broadband stakeholders. MOI welcomes additional comments on the above proposals.
Comments Due Date:  May 21, 2023

Modernizing Board Size Requirements for Mutual Insurance Companies

The Ministry of Finance, in consultation with the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery, is amending Subsections 165 (1) and (2) of Part V of the Corporations Act to remove requirements to constitute mutual insurance companies' boards in multiples of three, and to rather implement a requirement that mutual insurers have a Board ranging from a minimum of 6 directors to a maximum of 15 directors and make other complementary amendments as necessary. The Ministry is seeking input on the assessed impact of this change.
Comments Due Date:  May 19, 2023

Towing and Storage Safety and Enforcement Act Regulations

The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is proposing additional regulations to support the implementation of the Towing and Storage Safety and Enforcement Act (TSSEA). We are looking for your input on the proposed regulations before the TSSEA comes into effect. If approved, the proposed additional requirements would be rolled out in in July 2023 (certificate fees) and January 2024 (other regulations)
Comments Due Date:  May 19, 2023

Proposed legislative amendments to the Cannabis Licence Act, 2018 regarding licence and inventory transfers

Proposal for amendments to the Cannabis Licence Act, 2018 to establish regulation-making authority to permit the transfer of cannabis retail store licences as well as the transfer and sale of cannabis inventory between licensees, in circumstances specified by regulation.
Comments Due Date:  May 18, 2023

Proposed Legislative Amendments to the Trustee Act

The Ministry of the Attorney General is proposing to amend section 27.2 of the Trustee Act to clarify that investment managers, who have delegated authority to invest trust assets, may invest in investment funds such as mutual funds.
Comments Due Date:  May 18, 2023

Proposed Amendments to the Services and Supports to Promote the Social Inclusion of Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act, 2008

Proposed Amendments to the Services and Supports to Promote the Social Inclusion of Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act, 2008
Comments Due Date:  May 18, 2023

Proposal to allow the issuance of licences for new dog train and trial areas and the transfer of licences  (source: Environmental Registry)

We are proposing to amend the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997, and supporting regulations, to allow for the issuance of licences for new dog train and trial areas, and to allow the transfer of licences.
Comments Due Date:  May 18, 2023

Proposed amendments to Ontario Regulation 311/15 - Conversions and Transfers of Assets Under Section 80.4 and Conversions Under Section 81.0.1 of the Pension Benefits Act

Amendments under Ontario Regulation 311/15 of the Pension Benefits Act to extend the deadline for actuarial cost certificates and allow plan administrators to provide certification of how the plan members' consent threshold for the conversion has been met. The amendment would give the CEO of FSRA the authority to request the consent and objection forms received by administrators.
Comments Due Date:  May 18, 2023

A Proposal for the Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023

The Ministry of Education is consulting on the Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, that if passed, will amend the Education Act, Ontario College of Teachers Act, 1996, College of Early Childhood Educators Act, 2007, and Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001. The Act, if passed, will help to re-focus Ontario's education system on student achievement, prioritizing hands-on learning and skills development in reading, writing and math, as well as continuing efforts to modernize our education system by unifying its focus on student achievement, putting highly qualified educators in the classroom and strengthening the voice of parents to enable students to succeed in life and work.
Comments Due Date:  May 16, 2023

Prescribing Invasive Species Act, 2015 Instruments under the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993  (source: Environmental Registry)

We are seeking comments on the proposal to prescribe Section 13: Prevention and Response Plans under the Invasive Species Act, 2015 as instruments under the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993. In doing so, all future prevention and response plans will be required to be posted on the Environmental Registry of Ontario for public review.
Comments Due Date:  May 15, 2023

Transforming the way MTO pilots new micromobility vehicles on-road

It is the ministry's intent to continue to pilot new micromobility vehicles and to expand existing pilots when deemed appropriate and consistent with the ministry's road safety mandate. Furthermore, it is the ministry's desire to reduce regulatory burden where possible and streamline its existing micromobility regulatory approach. The ministry is now proposing, as part of this regulatory registry, to regulate these multiple micromobility vehicles under one pilot regulation.
Comments Due Date:  May 9, 2023

Public consultation on proposed amendments to O. Reg. 105/22 under the Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act, 2020 (CUCPA) related to the new First Home Savings Accounts (FHSA).

The Ministry of Finance is proposing to make regulatory amendments to align financial insurance treatment for FHSA held at Ontario credit unions with that of other registered accounts (e.g. Registered Retirement Savings Plans, etc.). The FHSA is a new registered savings plan launching in 2023 providing tax benefits for eligible individuals saving for their first home. Amendments would also allow credit unions and caisses populaires to act as trustees for FHSAs, similar to other registered accounts.
Comments Due Date:  May 6, 2023

Pending the Minister of Finance's approval of the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA)'s proposed amendment to the Unfair and Deceptive Acts or Practices Rule (UDAP) to ban deferred sales charges in segregated funds, public consultation on amendments to s.10 of O.Reg 408/12 and s.12(1) of O.Reg 347/04 under the Insurance Act.

The Ministry of Finance is proposing regulatory amendments that would enable FSRA's proposed amendments to the UDAP rule to ban deferred sales charges in segregated funds. This ban would protect consumers from high fees that they may not anticipate and is aligned with the direction announced by insurance regulators across Canada.
Comments Due Date:  May 3, 2023

Amending the Pension Benefits Act (PBA) to remove the reminder notice upon retirement.

The proposed amendments would remove the requirement for administrators of pension plans to provide reminder notices about communication formats to members who are already receiving electronic communications when they retire.
Comments Due Date:  May 3, 2023

Proposed Permanent Changes to Enable Digital and Virtual Processes under the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery's Business Law Statutes

Reducing Barriers by Giving Corporations and Businesses More Flexibility
Comments Due Date:  May 3, 2023

Proposed Permanent Changes to Enable Digital and Virtual Processes under the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery's Condominium Act

Reducing barriers by giving condo corporations more flexibility
Comments Due Date:  May 3, 2023