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Instrument Type:  
Proposal to amend Ontario Regulation 53/05 and/or create regulations under the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 to rate regulate certain pumped storage facilities.  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Ministry of Energy (ENERGY) is proposing to amend Ontario Regulation 53/05 (Payments under Section 78.1 of the Act) and/or create regulations under the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 (OEBA) to allow certain private entities to receive payments determined by the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) in respect of certain long-duration electricity pumped storage facilities to be developed by these entities.
Comments Due Date:  August 24, 2023

Proposed Regulations Related to Methods of Service, Appeal and Animal Forfeiture Time Periods and Contact Information under the Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, 2019

On June 8, 2023, Bill 102, the Strengthening Safety and Modernizing Justice Act, 2023 received Royal Assent. The Ministry of the Solicitor General is seeking input on proposed regulations necessary to implement and operationalize some of the amendments to the Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, 2019 (PAWS Act) that were included in Bill 102. It is anticipated that these regulations will lead to improvements in enforcement, compliance, and animal welfare.
Comments Due Date:  August 21, 2023

Consumer Protections Related to New Home Purchase Agreements and Price Escalations

The Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery is seeking input on: potential consumer protections related to purchase agreements, including a cooling-off period for new freehold home purchases, and a requirement that buyers receive legal advice on their purchase agreements for new homes; and ways to address issues consumers are experiencing with escalations in the price of new homes after they have already been purchased, including proposals to address price escalations.
Comments Due Date:  August 13, 2023

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario is proposing amendments to regulations made under the Medicine Act, 1991, to regulate Physician Assistants.

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) is proposing regulatory amendments made under the Medicine Act, 1991, to regulate Physician Assistants (PAs). The affected regulations include Ontario Regulation 865/93 (Registration), Ontario Regulation 114/94 (General), and Ontario Regulation 856/93 (Professional Misconduct).
Comments Due Date:  August 11, 2023

Proposed Changes to the Corporations Act to Simplify Voting Requirements for Share Capital Social Clubs to Continue Under Another Specified Act

The ministry is proposing amendments to the Corporations Act that, if passed, would make it easier for share capital social clubs to continue under another specified Act by simplifying the voting requirements for the continuance process.
Comments Due Date:  August 9, 2023