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Instrument Type:  
Proposed Amendments to O. Reg. 530/22 to expand strong mayor powers and duties to additional municipalities and set out additional details related to two-tier municipalities.

Proposed content for the regulation was posted on Ontario's Regulatory Registry on June 16, 2023. The Ministry received 2 submissions during this period from members of the public who were critical of the strong mayor framework and expansion to additional municipalities.
Effective Date:  October 31, 2023

Proposed Amendment to Ontario Regulation 909 under the Pension Benefits Act - Extend for One Year the Temporary Exemption from the Solvency Concerns Test for Certain Jointly Sponsored Pension Plans for Filing Annual Valuation Reports

The Ministry of Finance is proposing an amendment to Regulation 909 under the Pension Benefits Act to extend for one year the temporary exemption from the solvency concerns test for the listed Jointly Sponsored Pension Plans for filing annual valuation reports.
Effective Date:  October 3, 2023

Supporting Critical Transmission Infrastructure in Northeast and Eastern Ontario  (source: Environmental Registry)

We are proposing actions that, subject to approvals, would facilitate the development of critical electricity transmission projects to support economic growth and electrification is in Northeast and Eastern Ontario, while advancing a shared goal of reconciliation by providing economic and partnership opportunities for Indigenous communities.
Effective Date:  October 18, 2023