Approved Regulatory Proposals

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Instrument Type:  
Monitors for Non-Governmental Regulatory Authorities under the Ontario Labour Mobility Act, 2009

This regulation amends O.Reg. 505/10 under the Ontario Labour Mobility Act, 2009 to designate monitors for two non-governmental regulatory authorities, remove a redundant monitor designation, and make updates to reflect ministry name changes.
Effective Date:  April 5, 2017

Amendment to Regulation 604

Effective Date:  January 20, 2017

Reg. 194 under the Courts of Justice Act (Rules of Civil Procedure)

Various amendments to Regulation 194 (Rules of Civil Procedure) to clarify and simplify procedures in the Court of Appeal, amend the process for motions for leave to appeal interlocutory orders in the Divisional Court, require time estimates for oral arguments to be provided in facta filed on judicial review applications and motions before the Divisional Court, and change the French translation of the term "panel (of the court)".
Effective Date:  July 1, 2017

Under the Provincial Offences Act: Regulation 949 "Parking Infractions" and Regulation 950 "Proceedings Commenced by Certificate of Offence"

Amending Regulation 949 under the Provincial Offences Act (POA) to address 15 inaccessible tables; and amending Regulation 950 under the POA to address 125 inaccessible tables and to revoke Schedule 16.
Effective Date:  August 3, 2017

Amendment to Regulation 103/97

Standards to Determine Allowable Gross Vehicle Weight for Bridges
Effective Date:  June 8, 2017

Amendment to Regulation 619

Speed Limits
Effective Date:  June 8, 2017

Designation of Public Service Agencies: O. Reg 76/17 amending O. Reg. 398/93.

Designation of one new public service agency and amendment to the designation of two previously designated agencies.
Effective Date:  April 1, 2017

Proposed regulation under the Public Lands Act

A decision was made to proceed with the proposal as described, subject to changes made below as a result of public consultation, and additional changes made by the ministry. The proposal was implemented by Public Lands Act Ontario Regulation 161/17 (Occupation of Public Lands under Section 21.1. of the Act) and an amendment to Ontario Regulation 239/13 by Ontario Regulation160/17, which were filed by the Registrar of Regulations on June 1, 2017 and published on eLaws the next day.
Effective Date:  June 14, 2017

Amendment to Regulation 627

Vehicle Permits
Effective Date:  June 1, 2017

Amendment to Regulation 611

Safety Inspections
Effective Date:  June 1, 2017

French Translation of O. Reg. 213/91 (Construction Projects) under the Occupational Health and Safety Act

O. Reg. 213/91 (Construction Projects) was translated into French and necessary incidental adjustments were made to the English text
Effective Date:  May 19, 2017

Amendment to 340/94

Drivers' Licences
Effective Date:  June 2, 2017

Under the Courts of Justice Act: Reg. 194 (Rules of Civil Procedure) and O. Reg. 258/98 (Rules of the Small Claims Court).

Various amendments to Regulation 194 (Rules of Civil Procedure) and Regulation 258 (Rules of the Small Claims Court) to permit civil e-filing in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, clarify the effect of rule 48.14 regarding administrative dismissals for delay, and allow for administrative dismissal orders to be electronically issued.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2017

Reg. 194 under the Courts of Justice Act (Rules of Civil Procedure).

Various amendments to Regulation 194 (Rules of Civil Procedure) to clarify processes relating to wills on deposit with the court and a lawyer's authority to execute a form on behalf of a client.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2017

Amendments to small game and furbearer hunting and trapping seasons Ontario Regulation 663/98, Ontario Regulation 665/98, Ontario Regulation 666/98, and Ontario Regulation 670/98 under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997 to streamline and modernize the management of furbearer and small game, include game reptile and game amphibian, wildlife species in Ontario.  (source: Environmental Registry)

Amendments to small game and furbearer hunting and trapping seasons Ontario Regulation 663/98, Ontario Regulation 665/98, Ontario Regulation 666/98, and Ontario Regulation 670/98 under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997 to streamline and modernize the management of furbearer and small game, include game reptile and game amphibian, wildlife species in Ontario.
Effective Date:  April 1, 2017

Reg. 258/98 under the Courts of Justice Act (Rules of the Small Claims Court).

Amendment to Regulation 258/98 (Rules of the Small Claims Court) to clarify the effect of administrative dismissal of a plaintiff's claim on a defendant's claim.
Effective Date:  September 1, 2017

Designation of Public Service Agencies: O. Reg 256/17 amending O. Reg. 398/93.

Designation of one new public service agency and amendment to the designation of fourteen previously designated agencies.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2017

Working at Heights Training

Amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Awareness and Training Regulation under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) come into effect on April 1, 2017.
Effective Date:  April 1, 2017

Designation of Public Service Agencies: Ontario Regulation 110/17 amending Ontario Regulation 398/93.

Designation of one new agency under the French Language Services Act
Effective Date:  July 1, 2017

Amendment of Ontario Regulation 230/08 (Species at Risk in Ontario List) in response to COSSARO report received March 13, 2017  (source: Environmental Registry)

In accordance with the ESA, COSSARO may at any time submit a report to the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry regarding species that have been assessed and classified. Where a report submitted to the Minister identifies the need to amend the SARO List, the ESA requires that the regulation (Ontario Regulation 230/08) be amended within three months of receiving the report from COSSARO.
Effective Date:  May 12, 2017

Revisions to the Forest Management Planning Manual, Forest Information Manual and Forest Operations and Silviculture Manual

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) has approval for forest management on Crown lands under the Environmental Assessment Act through Declaration Order MNR-75. MNR-75 includes requirements for MNRF to revise and submit the Manuals for Lieutenant Governor in Council (LGIC) approval within 18 months of the August 25, 2015 approval date. The MOECC Director granted a three month extension to submit the Manuals for LGIC approval (i.e., May 22, 2017).
Effective Date:  May 19, 2017

Amendment to Regulation 627

Use of Controlled-Access Highways by Pedestrians
Effective Date:  June 8, 2017

Regulation 619

Speed Limits
Effective Date:  January 20, 2017

Regulation 619

Speed Limits
Effective Date:  January 20, 2017

Amendment to Ontario Regulation 140/16

Toll-Free Period
Effective Date:  January 26, 2017

College of Naturopaths of Ontario

Proposed Professional Misconduct Regulation Amendments Under the Naturopathy Act, 2007
Effective Date:  March 2, 2017

Amendment to Regulation 619

Speed Limits
Effective Date:  July 10, 2017

Amendment to Regulation 619

Speed Limits
Effective Date:  February 22, 2017

Amendment to O. Reg. 535/05 - Ethanol in Gasoline  (source: Environmental Registry)

The amendments allow Municipal Solid Waste to qualify for the cellulosic ethanol multiplier in proportion to the demonstrated bio-based content of post-diverted feedstock. They also streamline the regulation by removing portions that are no longer applicable and incorporate the current CGSB and ASTM standards for ethanol and ethanol-blended gasoline.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2017

Amendments to Regulation 421/12 under the Ontario College of Trades and Apprenticeship Act, 2009

Amendments to Regulation 421/12 to update a housekeeping item that was made permanent under the Ontario College of Trades and Apprenticeship Act, 2009 and extend an existing exemption.
Effective Date:  March 21, 2017

Amendment to Regulation 630

Veichles on Controlled-Access Highways
Effective Date:  June 8, 2017

MCSS Basic Income Pilot - Amendment to O. Reg. 201/96 under the Ontario Drug Benefit Act

The amendment creates a new class of eligible recipients under the Ontario Drug Benefit program. The amendment prescribes persons who were previously entitled to receive drug benefits under the Ontario Works Act, 1997 or the Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997 immediately prior to enrolling in the Ontario Basic Income Pilot and who receive Basic Income payments through OBIP as a class of eligible persons for the purpose of the ODB program.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2017

Proposed Regulation for Municipal Small Business Programs under section 108 of the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended

Accordingly, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs is proposing a new regulation outlining rules for municipalities proposing to put in place municipal small business programs under section 108 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended.
Effective Date:  December 21, 2017

Proposed amendments to R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 440 (Vegetables for Processing - Marketing) under the Farm Products Marketing Act.

Following the completion of consultations and an economic analysis, the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission is proposing amendments to Regulation 440. The changes promote growth, innovation and jobs in the processing vegetable industry by creating opportunities for growers and processors to work together for the benefit of the entire value chain.
Effective Date:  December 21, 2017

Proposed Amendments to O.Reg. 107/96 (Controlled Acts)

Proposed amendments to O.Reg. 107/96 (Controlled Acts) regarding the controlled act of psychotherapy
Effective Date:  December 30, 2017

Amendments to Regulations made under the Health Protection and Promotion Act

Proposed regulatory amendments would modernize requirements and respond to new evidence and practices to ensure public health programs and services remain current to protect the health of Ontarians.
Effective Date:  December 15, 2017

Proposed Regulatory Amendment to O. Reg. 386/99 under the Home Care and Community Services Act, 1994 (HCCSA) Relating to Direct Funding Agreements for the Purpose of Self-Directed Care (SDC)

MOHLTC is seeking approval to propose an amendment to O.Reg. 386/99 under HCCSA to: 1) specify the community services that the LHINs may fund when providing direct funding to, or on behalf of, a person under section 28.5 of HCCSA; 2) identify the eligible client cohorts; and 3) exempt LHINs from the current service maximums for personal support services with respect to direct funding agreements for the purpose of self-directed care entered into with adults with an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI).
Effective Date:  November 24, 2017

Regulation under the Municipal Act, 2001 - Niagara

The proposed regulation would authorize The Regional Municipality of Niagara to exercise its power under the Municipal Act, 2001 to pass a by-law to change the composition of regional council.
Effective Date:  November 2, 2017

Amendments to Regulation (Reg.) 552 (General) under the Health Insurance Act (HIA) and the Schedule of Benefits for Laboratory Services (SOB-LS) under Regulation 552 of the HIA

In alignment with the ministry's Patients First Action Plan for Health Care, the Community Laboratory Modernization Strategy (Strategy) supports the goals of better value, ensures the sustainability of Ontario's health care system and improves quality and access. The proposed amendments to Reg. 552 (General) are consequential regulatory amendments to the HIA and align with the ministry's objective under the Strategy to achieve better value for money by implementing a new funding model.
Effective Date:  December 15, 2017

Long-Term Energy Plan Frequency  (source: Environmental Registry)

A new regulation is proposed under the Electricity Act, 1998. The regulation will specify that the government will issue at least one long-term energy plan within three years of i) the Minister of Energy approving all implementation plans submitted as part of the last long-term energy plan; or ii) the last long-term energy plan if no implementation plans were required as part of the last plan.
Effective Date:  September 1, 2017

Amendments to Ontario Regulation 201/96 made under the Ontario Drug Benefit Act

Amendments to create and implement OHIP+: Children and Youth Pharmacare Program.
Effective Date:  August 31, 2017

Amendments to Ontario Regulation 201/96 made under the Ontario Drug Benefit Act

Amendments to strengthen pharmacy payment management and recover the shortfall in savings that accrued in FY2016/17 from previously committed to pharmacy sector savings initiatives.
Effective Date:  September 1, 2017

Regulation to Prescribe Provisions of the Corporations Act to Wind Up Industry Funding Organizations (IFOs) under the Waste Diversion Transition Act, 2016 (WDTA)  (source: Environmental Registry)

In order to facilitate wind up of the IFOs as needed, a regulation is required under the WDTA to prescribe provisions of Part VI of the Corporations Act, with such modifications as are needed for policy and practical implementation reasons. The modifications reflect the specific circumstances that arise from the legislative framework in the WDTA that is applicable to IFOs.
Effective Date:  September 1, 2017

Proposed amendments to R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 441 (Vegetables for Processing - Plan) and minor consequential amendments to R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 400 (By-Laws for Local Boards) under the Farm Products Marketing Act.

Amendments to Regulations 441 are being proposed to update the governance structure of the Ontario Processing Vegetable Growers to foster an environment that embraces growth and innovation for the processing vegetable sector.
Effective Date:  August 11, 2017

Amendment to Ontario Regulation 73/94 under the Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR) to prescribe the Ministry of Education for Applications for Review  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993 (EBR) provides a number of opportunities for the public to influence and be involved in the Ontario Government's environmental decision-making process. The proposed amendment would expand the scope of the application for review provisions under EBR to the Ministry of Education and provide residents of Ontario the opportunity to participate in the ministry's environmental decision making.
Effective Date:  September 5, 2017

Administrative Penalties Regulation under the Waste Diversion Transition Act, 2016  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (the "Authority") is responsible for the oversight of existing programs under the WDTA and the producer responsibility scheme under the RRCEA, including compliance and enforcement under both acts. The proposed regulation would govern the determination of the amount of, and the manner in which Authority staff will issue an order to pay an administrative penalty for non-compliance with the WDTA and its regulations.
Effective Date:  November 3, 2017

Proposed modifications to O. Reg. 311/06 (Transitional Matters ¡V Growth Plans) made under the Places to Grow Act, 2005 (part of the Co-ordinated Land Use Planning Review)  (source: Environmental Registry)

O. Reg. 311/06 is a Minister's regulation under the Places to Grow Act, 2005 that prescribes transition provisions for growth plans under that Act.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2017

Amendments to Ontario Regulation 367/11 (General) to provide a framework for a portable housing benefit

The Ministry of Housing is proposing amendments to Ontario Regulation 367/11 under the Housing Services Act, 2011 to allow Service Managers to offer a portable form of housing assistance as an alternative to rent-geared-to-income assistance under that Act.
Effective Date:  September 1, 2017

Permitting Online Health Card Renewal in Regulation 552 under the Health Insurance Act

The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care is seeking approval to amend Regulation 552 under the Health Insurance Act (HIA) to permit the renewal of Ontario health cards online.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2017

Updating Roll Over Protection System (ROPS) safety standards under Regulation 369, as amended.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs is seeking comments on its proposal to amend Regulation 369, under the Farm Implements Act to reflect the harmonization of the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) and International Organization of Standardization (ISO) standards for Roll Over Protection Systems (ROPS) on agricultural machinery.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2017

Amendments to Cap and Trade Program Regulation and Quantification, Reporting and Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Regulation  (source: Environmental Registry)

On May 19, 2016, two regulations that form the backbone of the cap and trade program became law - the Cap and Trade Program Regulation (O. Reg. 144/16) which took effect July 1, 2016 and the Quantification, Reporting and Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Regulation (O. Reg. 143/16) which took effect January 1, 2017.
Effective Date:  July 6, 2017

Amendments to O. Reg. 329/04 Regarding Notices to the Commissioner

Amendments to O. Reg. 329/04 Regarding Notices to the Commissioner on thefts, losses and unauthorized uses and disclosures of personal health information
Effective Date:  October 1, 2017

Proposed amendments to O. Reg. 406/00 under the Vintners Quality Alliance Act, 1999 - Skin Fermented White Wines

The proposed amendments would create a new wine category for Skin Fermented White Wines.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2017

Proposed changes to Regulation 244/97 (under the Aggregate Resources Act) regarding aggregate fees and royalties

The ministry is proposing to amend Regulation 244/97 under the Aggregate Resources Act (ARA) that would increase, equalize and index annual aggregate fees and royalties. The proposal is a first step in a broader review of aggregate fees and royalties.
Effective Date:  July 5, 2017

College of Massage Therapists of Ontario - Quality Assurance

Proposed Quality Assurance Program Regulatory Amendments, Under the Massage Therapy Act, 1991
Effective Date:  October 14, 2017

Homes for Special Care Funding Rate Increase

Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care proposes to increase the per diem rate it pays to Homes for Special Care licensees to operate their homes and provide services to tenants.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2017

College of Opticians of Ontario - Registration Requirements

Recirculated: Proposed Amendments to O. Reg. 869/93 (General) Registration Regulation under the Opticianry Act, 1991
Effective Date:  October 17, 2017

O. Reg. 525/97 (Exemption from Approval (Official Plan Amendments)) - Frontenac County

The Minister of Municipal Affairs (MMA) is proposing to amend Ontario Regulation 525/97 (Exemption from Approval (Official Plan Amendments)) under the Planning Act in order to exempt Frontenac County from the requirement to obtain the Minister's approval of official plan amendments.
Effective Date:  April 28, 2017

Amendments to O. Reg. 516/06 under the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006

Ontario's "cap and trade" regime seeks to limit the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the province. As a result, various emitters of GHG will incur carbon costs to comply with this regime, including natural gas distributors.
Effective Date:  April 24, 2017

College of Optometrists of Ontario - Registration Requirements

Recirculated: Proposed Amendments to Registration Regulation (O. Reg. 837/93) and College By-laws as amended under the Optometry Act, 1991
Effective Date:  August 31, 2017

Proposed Regulations and Regulatory Amendments to enable the implementation of the Patients First Act, 2016.

The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (ministry) is proposing a number of regulatory changes to enable implementation of the Patients First Act, 2016, including strengthening health system quality and maintaining continuity of client care through the expected transition of Community Care Access Centres (CCACs) to the Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs).
Effective Date:  April 19, 2017

Regulations establishing the Berry Growers of Ontario as a marketing board for producers of blueberries, raspberries and strawberries under the Farm Products Marketing Act (FPMA)

Berry producers have expressed support for the establishment of a marketing board for blueberries, raspberries and strawberries and have asked the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission (Commission) to recommend to the Minister that a board be established. The establishment of a board requires the creation of two regulations under the FPMA - a plan regulation to create the board and a marketing regulation to give the board its powers.
Effective Date:  November 1, 2017

Proposed Amendment to O.REG.329/04 under the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004

To enable implementation of changes in the Patients First Act, 2016 and maintain continuity of client care and the highest standard of privacy protection through the expected transition of Community Care Access Centres (CCACs) to the Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs), the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care is proposing an amendment under the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 that would designate LHINs as health information custodians as CCACs are currently.
Effective Date:  April 19, 2017

Courts of Justice Act: Proposed Regulation amending O. Reg. 53/01 (Bilingual Proceedings)

Proposed amendments to Ontario Regulation 53/01 (Bilingual Proceedings) made under the Courts of Justice Act
Effective Date:  April 21, 2017

A regulation establishing a new water bottling charge.  (source: Environmental Registry)

The proposed regulation would establish a new regulatory charge that would apply to water bottling facilities that take groundwater pursuant to a permit to take water issued under the Ontario Water Resources Act. The proposed charge would help finance programs that the Ontario government is establishing to more effectively manage groundwater takings by water bottlers.
Effective Date:  June 8, 2017

Amendment to R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 433 (Tender Fruit - Marketing) under the Farm Products Marketing Act

The Commission, with the support of the industry is proposing to make amendments to Regulation 433 (Tender Fruit - Marketing), which would exempt small processors from the regulation other than clauses 6 (a), (b) and (c). For the purposes of this regulation a small processor is anyone that purchases less than one ton (907.2 kilograms) of tender fruit annually.
Effective Date:  May 29, 2017

Proposed Amendments to the Greenbelt Plan - Greenbelt Area Mapping (Greenbelt Site Specific Review Environmental Registry Posting)  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Minister of Municipal Affairs is proposing minor changes to the Greenbelt Plan under the Greenbelt Act, 2005.
Effective Date:  May 18, 2017

Proposed Amendments to the Greenbelt Area boundary regulation (Greenbelt Site Specific Review Environmental Registry Posting)  (source: Environmental Registry)

The proposed regulation would make minor changes to the area of land designated as Greenbelt Area in O. Reg. 59/05.
Effective Date:  May 19, 2017

College of Midwives of Ontario - Professional Misconduct

Proposed Professional Misconduct Regulation Amendments Under the Midwifery Act, 1991
Effective Date:  July 24, 2017

Proposed Transitional Operating Agreement between the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change and the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016  (source: Environmental Registry)

On November 30, 2016 the Ontario Government proclaimed the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016 (RRCEA) and the Waste Diversion Transition Act, 2016 (WDTA), enacted by the Waste-Free Ontario Act, 2016 (WFOA). Under the RRCEA, a key oversight measure is the requirement for the Minister and the Authority's initial board to enter into a transitional operating agreement within 120 days of proclamation.
Effective Date:  March 27, 2017

College of Nurses of Ontario

Nurse Practitioner Prescribing of Controlled Substances: Proposed Amendments to Part III of the Controlled Acts Regulation of Ontario Regulation 275/94 (General) under the Nursing Act, 1991
Effective Date:  April 1, 2017

College of Massage Therapists of Ontario - Sexual Misconduct

Proposed Regulation for Funding for Therapy and Counselling for Clients Sexually Abused by a Member, Under the Massage Therapy Act, 1991
Effective Date:  July 10, 2017

The Local Services Board of Nolalu Request for Boundary Alterations

The Local Services Board of Nolalu wishes to alter its boundary to include the unincorporated Township of Lismore.
Effective Date:  April 13, 2017

Proposed Strategy for a Waste-Free Ontario: Building the Circular Economy  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016 requires the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change to develop and maintain a Strategy for a Waste-Free Ontario: Building a Circular Economy to support the provincial interest regarding resource recovery and waste reduction. The province has revised the draft strategy based on the public comments and now releases a proposed strategy to seek further comments prior to finalizing it.
Effective Date:  February 28, 2017

Proposed Amendments to Ontario Regulation 524/98  (source: Environmental Registry)

The ministry is seeking comments on proposed amendments to O.Reg. 524/98 (Environmental Compliance Approvals- Exemptions from section 9 of the Act).
Effective Date:  February 3, 2017

Regulations under the Planning Act Regarding Municipal Empowerment - Northern

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs is proposing to regulations under the Planning Act to empower certain municipalities in relation to three areas of land use planning authority
Effective Date:  February 2, 2017

Offsets Credits Regulatory Proposal  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Ministry is posting a regulatory proposal that provides an overview of the criteria, process and administrative requirements for the registration of greenhouse gas offset initiatives and the creation and issuance of offset credits that can be used to meet a compliance obligation.
Effective Date:  October 4, 2017

Ontario Regulation 332/12 (Building Code)

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs (MMA) is proposing amendments to Ontario Regulation 332/12 (Building Code) under the Building Code Act, 1992 in a two-phased consultation.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2017

Consultation on role of Ontario Municipal Board in Ontario's land use planning system  (source: Environmental Registry)

Through this review, the government seeks ways to build on past improvements and to ensure the OMB can contribute within the land use planning system to its best effect.
Effective Date:  December 13, 2017

Regulation Under the Municipal Act

The proposed regulation would authorize The Regional Municipality of Peel to exercise its power under the Municipal Act, 2001 to pass a by-law to change the composition of regional council.
Effective Date:  February 16, 2017

Proposed Amendments to Cap and Trade Program Regulations  (source: Environmental Registry)

On May 19, 2016, two regulations that form the backbone of the cap and trade program became law - the Cap and Trade Program Regulation (O. Reg. 144/16) which took effect July 1, 2016 and the Quantification, Reporting and Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Regulation (O. Reg. 143/16) which takes effect January 1, 2017. The ministry is now proposing amendments to clarify policy, technical and administrative requirements of the program.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2017

Proposed regulations to Quality of Care Information Protection Act, 2016

The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care is proposing two new regulations under the revised Quality of Care Information Protection Act (QCIPA, 2016). QCIPA allows health professionals to have shielded discussions about incidents or matters involving patient care within quality of care committees established by authorized health facilities to improve patient care. These proposed regulations support the implementation of QCIPA 2016 and are similar to the regulations under QCIPA 2004.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2017

Proposed Extension of Municipal GO Transit Development Charge By-Laws

The proposed Regulatory amendment, if approved, would extend the expiry date of the current municipal development charge by-laws for GO Transit's growth and expansion capital costs to December 31, 2019.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2017

Proposed Extension of Municipal Contributions Allocation Formula

Ontario Regulation 446/04 apportions the municipal share of GO Transit's growth and expansion capital costs in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) amongst the Regional Municipalities of Durham, Halton, Peel and York, and the Cities of Toronto and Hamilton. O. Reg. 446/04 is set to expire on December 31, 2016. Accordingly, an amendment to this Regulation is proposed to extend the expiry date of the formula at the current rate for another three years, until December 31, 2019.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2017

Amendments to Ontario Regulation 665/98 (Hunting) and Ontario Regulation 670/98 (Open Seasons) made under Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act to enhance and modernize Ontario's wild turkey hunting program.  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, Ontario Regulation 665/98 (Hunting), and Ontario Regulation 670/98 (Open Seasons) specify the rules and seasons associated with hunting wild turkey across the province. Hunters are currently required to complete a mandatory wild turkey hunting training course if they wish to buy a wild turkey licence and hunt wild turkeys in Ontario.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2017

Proposed amendment to the Greenbelt Area boundary regulation (part of the Co-ordinated Land Use Planning Review).  (source: Environmental Registry)

The proposed regulation would make the following amendments to the area of land designated as Greenbelt Area in O. Reg. 59/05. O. Reg. 59/05 was made on Feb. 25, 2005 and established the boundary of the Greenbelt Area pursuant to the Greenbelt Act, 2005. The regulation was amended by O. Reg. 6/13 in January 2013 to add an area (Glenorchy) in Oakville.
Effective Date:  May 19, 2017

Proposed Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (2016), (part of the Co-ordinated Land Use Planning Review)  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Government of Ontario is seeking input on the proposed Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (2016).
Effective Date:  July 1, 2017

VQA Sparkling Wines

Proposed amendments to O. Reg. 406/00 under the Vintners Quality Alliance Act, 1999 - VQA Sparkling Wines
Effective Date:  March 8, 2017

Regulatory proposal to require eligible activities with air and/or noise emissions to register on the Environmental Activity and Sector Registry (EASR).  (source: Environmental Registry)

The ministry is seeking input on a proposed new EASR regulation for activities with air and noise emissions.
Effective Date:  January 31, 2017

Drive Clean Program - Repair Cost Limit/Conditional Pass, Drive Clean Inspectors and Repair Technicians, Resale Vehicle Test Requirements, and Islands without Access to Year Round Ferry Service (Remote Islands)  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) is proposing a number of improvements to Ontario's Drive Clean program that require regulatory changes. MOECC is proposing that Ontario Regulation 361/98 (Motor Vehicles), made under the Environmental Protection Act (O. Reg. 361/98) be amended, and that the Ministry of Transportation bring forward proposed amendments to Regulation 628 (Vehicle Permits), made under the Highway Traffic Act (Regulation 628).
Effective Date:  April 1, 2017

Updates to Ontario's Drinking Water Quality Standards and other regulations of the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002, related to: lead in schools and day nurseries; drinking water systems; drinking water testing services; and drinking water operator certification  (source: Environmental Registry)

Ontario has established a comprehensive safety net for drinking water with a source to tap focus. This multi-barrier approach includes a strong legislative and regulatory framework, health-based standards for drinking water, regular and reliable testing, swift strong action on adverse water quality incidents, mandatory licensing, operator certification and training requirements, a multi-faceted compliance improvement toolkit, and partnership, transparency and public engagement.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2017

Amendment of Ontario Regulation 541/05: Net Metering, made under the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Ontario Ministry of Energy is proposing amendments to the 2005 Net Metering Regulation (O. Reg. 541/05). The Regulation established a consistent net metering program in the province by requiring electricity distributors to offer net metering to their customers upon request, subject to the terms of the Regulation.
Effective Date:  March 9, 2017

Amending Regulation 1094 (General) made under the Vital Statistics Act

Regulation Proposal: Amending Regulation 1094 (General) made under the Vital Statistics Act
Effective Date:  January 1, 2017

Amendments to Ontario Regulation 79/10 under the Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007

Regulatory amendments to Ontario Regulation 79/10 under the Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2017

Amendment to Regulation 50/16 under the Healthy Menu Choices Act, 2015

Amendments to clarify the scope and intent of the menu labelling regulation.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2017

Private Career College Regulatory Modernization

The Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities is seeking comment on proposed amendments to be made to the two regulations under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2017

Mandatory Entry-Level Training for Commercial Truck Drivers

The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is proposing to amend regulations under the Highway Traffic Act to introduce mandatory entry-level training for all new commercial Class A truck drivers.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2017

Proposed Amendment to Ontario Regulation 442/01 (Rural or Remote Electricity Rate Protection)  (source: Environmental Registry)

Amendments are proposed to Ontario Regulation 442/01 (Rural or Remote Electricity Rate Protection) under the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998. These changes would enable partial funding of a key priority of the Ontario Government's 2013 Long Term Energy Plan: the connection of remote First Nation communities to the provincial transmission grid.
Effective Date:  March 8, 2017

Charleston Lake Provincial Park Management Plan Amendment  (source: Environmental Registry)

The purpose of this proposal is to invite comments on the proposed management plan amendment for Charleston Lake Provincial Park.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2017

Amendment to moose hunting regulations under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997 to enhance and streamline the moose hunting season in southern Ontario.  (source: Environmental Registry)

To consult on a proposed amendment to regulations under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act to better align the moose hunting season in southern Ontario with the hunting season for calf moose in northern Ontario.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2017

Proposed Regulation under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005

The Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities is proposing a regulation to amend Ontario Regulation 415/06 made under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005 if Bill 132, the proposed Sexual Violence and Harassment Action Plan Act (Supporting Survivors and Challenging Sexual Violence and Harassment), 2015 is passed by the Legislature and receives Royal Assent.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2017

Proposed amendments to Public Hospitals Act Regulation 965

The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care is proposing amendments to Public Hospitals Act Regulation 965 that are intended to increase accountability and transparency in the health system, by ensuring that hospitals use consistent processes when involving patients and their families in critical incident reviews and disclosing information about a critical incident review.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2017

Proposed amendments to regulations under the Highway Traffic Act related to tow trucks

The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) is proposing amendments to the Highway Traffic Act (HTA) with respect to commercial motor vehicles and tow trucks.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2017

Regulation under the Healthy Menu Choices Act, 2015

Proposed regulation related to the requirement of food service premises with 20 or more locations in Ontario who are selling prepared ready-to-eat food to post calories on menus.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2017

Traffic Control Signal Systems

Highway Traffic Act Regulation 626 (Traffic Control Signal Systems) is being amended in order to enable road authorities to install traffic control signals that are specific to bicyclists.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2017

Smoke-Free Ontario Act

Proposed regulatory amendments related to Smoke-Free Ontario Act O. Reg 48/06
Effective Date:  January 1, 2017

Amendment to Ontario Regulation 347/07 under the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry is considering an amendment to Ontario Regulation 347/07 (Provincial Parks: General Provisions) to enable the extension of private cottage lot tenure in Algonquin Provincial Park beyond 2017.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2017

Amendment to the Silent Lake Provincial Park Management Plan (1986)  (source: Environmental Registry)

The purpose of this proposal is to invite participation in the development of an amendment to the Silent Lake Provincial Park Management Plan (1986).
Effective Date:  July 1, 2017

College of Dental Hygienists of Ontario

Proposed Drug Regulation: Prescribing, Dispensing, and Selling Drugs.
Effective Date:  September 29, 2017

College of Naturopaths of Ontario

Draft Inspection Program made under the Naturopathy Act, 2007
Effective Date:  March 2, 2017

Ontario College of Pharmacists

Proposed Amendments to the Professional Misconduct Regulation made under the Pharmacy Act, 1991
Effective Date:  May 5, 2017

College of Optometrists of Ontario

Proposed Amendments to Schedule 1 of O.Reg 112/11 (Designated Drugs and Standards of Practice) under the Optometry Act, 1991
Effective Date:  February 6, 2017

Land use amendment for the proposed Brockville Long Swamp Fen Provincial Park (Nature Reserve Class) (Amendment # 2011-07)  (source: Environmental Registry)

To seek public comment on a land use amendment in order to establish Brockville Long Swamp Fen as a new nature reserve class provincial park.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2017

Amendment to regulation under the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act - Black Sturgeon River Provincial Park boundary  (source: Environmental Registry)

To advise the public of MNR's proposal to amend Black Sturgeon River Provincial Park Boundary and to seek public comment on this proposal.
Effective Date:  August 10, 2017

New Cottage Leases in Rondeau Provincial Park  (source: Environmental Registry)

To consult on a proposal that would offer existing private cottage leaseholders in Rondeau Provincial Park an opportunity to enter into new leases that would extend their term of occupation beyond December 31, 2017 and that would include conditions such as those that reflect the requirements under the PPCRA and the ESA and other provincial standards.
Effective Date:  October 19, 2017