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Instrument Type:  
New Ontario Regulation 170/22

Highway Traffic Act
Effective Date:  March 10, 2022

Amendments to O. Reg 137/15

Amendments to Ontario Regulation 137/15 under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 (CCEYA) were made on November 17, 2022, to permit the operation of camps on instructional days during a strike or lockout of school board employees if no in-person instruction is provided for students on those days.
Effective Date:  November 17, 2022

Amendments to O. Reg 137/15 and O. Reg 138/15 under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014

In 2022, amendments to regulations under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 (CCEYA) were made to support continued implementation of the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) system in Ontario. These amending regulations operationalized the second phase of CWELCC's implementation, including requiring another child care fee reduction and setting out the framework for CWELCC enrolment in 2023.
Effective Date:  August 17, 2022

Amendments to the General Regulation (O. Reg. 37/09) of the Taxation Act, 2007 regarding the Ontario Film and Television Tax Credit and the Ontario Production Services Tax Credit

Amendments to O. Reg. 37/09 expand eligibility of Ontario's film and television tax credits to include film and television productions distributed online and introduce a requirement that eligible productions provide on-screen acknowledgement of Ontario tax credit support.
Effective Date:  November 1, 2022

2022-2023 Grants for Student Needs and Calculation of Fees for Pupils and Amendments to Related Regulations

The Grants for Student Needs Regulation (GSN) is a collection of grants which determines the funding allocation for publicly-funded school boards (72 district school boards and 10 school authorities) in Ontario. The Calculation of Fees for Pupils Regulation specifies the tuition fee amounts that may be charged by publicly-funded school boards for the school year.
Effective Date:  April 19, 2022

Administrative amendments to regulations under the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993  (source: Environmental Registry)

We have made administrative amendments to regulations 73/94 and 681/94 under the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993 (EBR) to ensure the continued application of the EBR.
Effective Date:  November 7, 2022

Update to Annual Practice Emergency Exercise Requirement Under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act

An amendment to Minister's Regulation 380/04 under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act to provide criteria for when a ministry or municipality is not required to conduct an annual practice emergency exercise.
Effective Date:  December 22, 2022

Amendments to O. Reg 137/15 and O. Reg 138/15 under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014

Amendments to regulations under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 (CCEYA) were made on March 28, 2022, to support implementation of the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) system in Ontario. These regulations implement a strong cost control framework, support parent fee reductions, ensure consistent implementation of the program across the province, and create an enforcement framework to deal with any contraventions or misuse of funding.
Effective Date:  March 28, 2022

Amended regulations under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014

Ontario Regulation 137/15 under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 was amended to revoke requirements related to COVID-19 health and safety measure in licensed child care settings to align with the advice from the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health (OCMOH).
Effective Date:  March 21, 2022

Amendments to O. Reg 746/21 (Licensing) under the Liquor Licence and Control Act, 2019 - Caterer's Endorsements Attached to Manufacturer's Licences

The Ministry of the Attorney General made amendments to O. Reg 746/21 under the Liquor Licence and Control Act, 2019 (LLCA) to permit licensed manufacturers to request a Caterer's Endorsement if they hold a By-the-Glass (BTG) endorsement. The Caterer's Endorsement permits the licensee to sell and serve alcohol at an event that is held by a third party in an unlicensed area. The amendments create more revenue-generating opportunities for manufacturers with a BTG endorsement, while removing the cost and burden associated with obtaining a Liquor Sales Licence for a tied house (previously the only option for a manufacturer to obtain a Caterer's Endorsement) or obtaining special occasion permits.
Effective Date:  May 2, 2022

Amendment to Regulation 619

Speed limits
Effective Date:  April 21, 2022


These regulatory amendments extend the "temporary suspension period" during which temporary legislative provisions under the Business Corporations Act, Corporations Act, Not-For-Profit Corporations Act, 2010, Co-operative Corporations Act and Condominium Act, 1998 to enable corporations governed under one of these statutes to call and hold virtual meetings, notwithstanding certain restrictions or requirements in statute or a corporation's governing documents, are effective until September 30, 2023.
Effective Date:  August 25, 2022

New Ontario Regulation

Street Car Cameras
Effective Date:  April 19, 2022

Amendment to Regulation 277/99

Effective Date:  April 13, 2022

Amendments to Ontario Regulation 230/08 (Species at Risk in Ontario List) in response to COSSARO's 2019-2020 Annual Report  (source: Environmental Registry)

On January 26, 2022, we amended the Species at Risk in Ontario (SARO) List to reflect new species at risk classifications set out in the 2019-2020 Annual Report of the Committee on the Status of Species at Risk in Ontario (COSSARO). This is required by the Endangered Species Act, 2007.
Effective Date:  January 26, 2022

Amendments to the Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021

Bill 7: More Beds, Better Care Act, 2022, includes statutory amendments to the Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021 (FLTCA).
Effective Date:  August 31, 2022

New Ontario Regulation

Pilot Project - Large Quadricycles
Effective Date:  April 21, 2022

Amendments to Ontario Regulation 246/22

Amendments to Ontario Regulation 246/22 came into effect on September 21, 2022. These changes operationalize the statutory amendments to the Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021 (FLTCA), that also came into force on September 21, 2022, by way of Bill 7: More Beds, Better Care Act, 2022, which received Royal Assent on August 31, 2022. New amendments to Ontario Regulation 246/22 are operationalizing the changes to FLTCA and supporting a continuous conversation with eligible ALC patients in public hospitals who need long-term care services.
Effective Date:  September 21, 2022

Supporting Residential Roof-Top Solar and other renewable resources by clarifying eligibility of third-party leasing and financing net metering arrangements  (source: Environmental Registry)

Ontario is supporting adoption of rooftop solar and other renewable energy resources by making it easier for customers to participate in net metering. Reducing barriers to net metering cuts red tape by giving customers more options and tools they can use to manage their electricity costs and achieve their sustainability goals.
Effective Date:  April 14, 2022

Reg. 194 under the Courts of Justice Act (Rules of Civil Procedure)

Amendments to Reg. 194 under the Courts of Justice Act (Rules of Civil Procedure) to simplify processes relating to estate administration bond and tax requirements and to make other administrative changes
Effective Date:  July 1, 2022

Exemption for Certain Road Improvements in the Region of Peel from subsection 15.1.1(5) of the Environmental Assessment Act.  (source: Environmental Registry)

A regulation as been made under the Environmental Assessment Act to exempt a person carrying out certain road improvements in the Region of Peel (the project) from ss. 15.1.1 (5) of the Act.
Effective Date:  August 28, 2022

Amending Regulation 381/02

Highway Traffic Act
Effective Date:  March 10, 2022

Amending Regulation 419/15

Highway Traffic Act
Effective Date:  March 10, 2022

Amendment to Reg. 194 under the Courts of Justice Act (Rules of Civil Procedure)

Amendments to Reg. 194 under the Courts of Justice Act (Rules of Civil Procedure) regarding the service of experts' reports, the scheduling of pre-trial conferences, and the test for leave to admit evidence.
Effective Date:  March 31, 2022

Amendment to Regulation 735

Local Roads Boards Act
Effective Date:  February 8, 2022

New Ontario Regulation

Effective Date:  April 21, 2022

Amendments to R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 761: Milk and Milk Products under the Milk Act.

The Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission has amended R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 761: Milk and Milk Products under the Milk Act to extend plant milk grader certificates by twelve months past their renewal deadline.
Effective Date:  March 11, 2022

Revoke Regulation 601

Highway Traffic Act
Effective Date:  March 10, 2022

Amendment to Regulation 619

Speed limits
Effective Date:  April 21, 2022

Amendments to O. Reg. 193/10 (Restricted Purpose Revenues)

Amendments were made to the Restricted Purpose Revenues Regulation to ensure alignment with the 2022-23 Grants for Student Needs (GSN) Regulation.
Effective Date:  April 19, 2022

Amending Regulation 628

Highway Traffic Act
Effective Date:  March 10, 2022

Amendment to Regulation 628

Amendment to Vehicle Permits
Effective Date:  February 25, 2022

Amending Regulation 950

Provincial Offences Act
Effective Date:  March 10, 2022

Amending Regulation 28/16

Highway Traffic Act
Effective Date:  March 10, 2022

Amending Regulation 316/03

Highway Traffic Act
Effective Date:  March 10, 2022

Amending Regulation 215/17

Highway Traffic Act
Effective Date:  March 10, 2022

Amending Regulation 376/02

Highway Traffic Act
Effective Date:  March 10, 2022

Amendment to Regulation 619

Speed Limits
Effective Date:  April 21, 2022

New Ontario Regulation

Effective Date:  April 19, 2022

Amendment to Regulation 612

school buses
Effective Date:  April 1, 2022

Amending Regulation 950

Provincial Offences Act
Effective Date:  March 11, 2022

Amending Regulation 628

Highway Traffic Act
Effective Date:  March 11, 2022

Amendment to Reg. 194 under the Courts of Justice Act (Rules of Civil Procedure)

Amendments to Reg. 194 under the Courts of Justice Act (Rules of Civil Procedure) regarding the deadlines for parties to submit their confirmation of motion and confirmation of application forms (Forms 37B and 38B), as well as the deadline to upload materials to CaseLines.
Effective Date:  April 23, 2022

Amendment to Regulation 950

Effective Date:  April 1, 2022

New Ontario Regulation 185/22

Highway Traffic Act
Effective Date:  March 11, 2022

New Ontario Regulation 169/22

Highway Traffic Act
Effective Date:  March 10, 2022

Amendments to O. Reg. 101/97 and O. Reg. 304/13 under the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 and prescribed forms for municipal elections

Amendments to O. Reg. 101/97 and O. Reg. 304/13 under the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 and prescribed forms for municipal elections
Effective Date:  April 1, 2022

New Ontario Regulation 174/22

Highway Traffic Act
Effective Date:  March 10, 2022

Comprehensive Electricity Plan (CEP) Biomass

Amendments (i.e. Ontario Regulation 29/22) to Ontario Regulation 735/20 made under the Electricity Act, 1998 came into effect as of January 27, 2022. These recent amendments enable the government to provide funding for certain amounts payable to an entity under a procurement contract respecting one or more generation facilities that generate any electricity using biomass, where the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) was required to enter into the contract by ministerial directive or direction under the Electricity Act, 1998.
Effective Date:  January 27, 2022

Regulatory amendments to O. Reg. 1094 under the Vital Statistics Act

The Ministry of Government and Consumer Services amended Regulation 1094 of the Vital Statistics Act to support the implementation of a pilot for an Electronic Death Registration system (EDR) in Ontario, scheduled to be launched by ServiceOntario in spring 2022.
Effective Date:  April 29, 2022

Reg. 194 under the Courts of Justice Act (Rules of Civil Procedure)

Amendments to Reg. 194 under the Courts of Justice Act (Rules of Civil Procedure) to simplify the Rule 74 probate process, align the application forms with legislative amendments and make administrative amendments
Effective Date:  January 1, 2022

Removal of Highways 412 and 418 as Toll Highways (Highway 407 East Act, 2012)

The Ministry of Transportation has made a legislative change to permanently remove tolls from Highways 412 and 418 effective June 1, 2023. Consequential to the legislative change, the Ministry has passed a regulation that will set tolls to zero effective April 5, 2022 until May 31, 2023.
Effective Date:  February 18, 2022

Amendment to Ontario Regulation 370 11 under the Housing Services Act, 2011 (HSA)

Ontario Regulation 370 11 under the Housing Services Act, 2011 was amended to update the HILs and HNILs based on the most recent information determined by CMHC.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2022

Amendment to Regulation 619

Speed Limits
Effective Date:  April 21, 2022

Amendment to Regulation 734

Local Roads Boards Act
Effective Date:  February 8, 2022

Grants for Student Needs and Other Related Regulations' Amendments

Amendments to existing regulations that govern the funding of school boards along with the associated compliance reporting
Effective Date:  March 11, 2022

Amendment to Regulation 950

Effective Date:  April 1, 2022

Amendment to Regulation 287/08

Conduct Review Programs
Effective Date:  April 1, 2022

Amendments to the blue box regulation

We amended the Blue Box Regulation to clarify the process and ensure a smooth transition to producer responsibility.
Effective Date:  April 14, 2022

Amendment to Regulation 619

Speed limits
Effective Date:  February 25, 2022

New Ontario Regulation

Toll Free Period
Effective Date:  February 18, 2022

Amendment to Regulation 147/97

Toll Devices
Effective Date:  May 4, 2022

Amendments to Ontario Regulation 209/99: By-Laws for Marketing Boards under the Milk Act

The Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission amended O. Reg. 209/99: By-Laws for Marketing Boards which sets out governance requirements for marketing boards under the Milk Act.
Effective Date:  September 1, 2022

Proclamation of the Better Municipal Governance, 2022

On December 8, 2022, the Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022 received Royal Assent and came into force on December 20, 2022.
Effective Date:  December 20, 2022

Proclamation of the Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, 2022

On September 8, 2022, the Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, 2022 received Royal Assent and came into force on November 23, 2022.
Effective Date:  November 23, 2022

Amendment to Regulation 619

Speed limits
Effective Date:  April 21, 2022

Proposed regulations to prescribe provincial priorities related to the Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, 2022 and the proposed Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing is proposing LGIC regulations under the Municipal Act, 2001 and City of Toronto Act, 2006 to support implementation of strong mayor powers related to provincial priorities set out in the Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act and proposed in the Better Municipal Governance Act.
Effective Date:  December 20, 2022

Proposed Amendments to O. Reg. 529/22 and O. Reg. 530/22 to set out additional details on the proposed strong mayor power introduced in the Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022.

If passed, the Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022 would introduce a new power for the heads of council (HOC) of Toronto and Ottawa to further shared provincial-municipal priorities.
Effective Date:  December 20, 2022

Proposed Changes to the Ontario Heritage Act and its regulations: the Proposed More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022  (source: Environmental Registry)

A proposal to make legislative and regulatory amendments to the Ontario Heritage Act to help remove barriers to housing development by updating how heritage properties are identified and conserved by municipalities and the Province of Ontario.
Effective Date:  November 28, 2022

Proposed legislative amendments to the Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012 under the More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022

Proposed legislative amendments have been introduced that would enhance governance requirements related to Ontario One Call, which would also align with certain powers the Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery has with respect to the administrative authorities the ministry has oversight of.
Effective Date:  November 28, 2022

Proposed Planning Act and Development Charges Act Changes: Providing Greater Cost Certainty for Municipal Development-related Charges  (source: Environmental Registry)

To reduce the cost of building homes, the government is proposing changes to the Planning Act and the Development Charges Act through Bill 23 "More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022" introduced in support of Ontario's More Homes Built Faster: Ontario's Housing Supply Action Plan: 2022-2023.
Effective Date:  December 19, 2022

Seeking Input on Rent-to-Own Arrangements

The government is committed to building 1.5 million homes over ten years through Annual Housing Supply Action plans to help make life more affordable and housing more attainable for Ontarians.
Effective Date:  December 19, 2022

Proposed Planning Act and City of Toronto Act Changes (Schedules 9 and 1 of Bill 23 - the proposed More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022)  (source: Environmental Registry)

The government is proposing changes to the Planning Act and the City of Toronto Act, 2006 to make it easier and faster to build new homes for Ontarians as part of its commitment to build 1.5 million homes over the next ten years.
Effective Date:  December 19, 2022

Proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Area boundary regulation  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing is seeking feedback on proposed changes to the Greenbelt Area boundary regulation (O. Reg 59/05).
Effective Date:  December 21, 2022

Proposed Amendments to the Greenbelt Plan  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing is seeking feedback on proposed changes to the Greenbelt Plan that would remove or redesignate 15 areas of land and add lands in the Paris Galt Moraine area.
Effective Date:  December 21, 2022

Proposed redesignation of land under the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing is seeking feedback on proposed changes to the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (O. Reg 140/02) that would redesignate lands in the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan area.
Effective Date:  December 21, 2022

Proposed date changes by which certain health records in the provincial Electronic Health Record become available for individual access by digital means through Ontario Health

The Ministry of Health is posting a notice of a proposed regulation under PHIPA. The public is invited to provide comments between September 24, 2022 and November 22, 2022. The proposed regulation would change the dates when Ontario Health would be required to act as if it were a health information custodian under s. 51(5) of PHIPA, once in force, and enable individual access through digital means to certain health records in the provincial Electronic Health Record (EHR): the Ontario Laboratories Information System, Digital Health Drug Repository, the Diagnostic Imaging-Common Service; and the Acute and Community Clinical Data Repository.
Effective Date:  December 1, 2022

Updates to the Registration Guidance Manual for Generators of Liquid Industrial and Hazardous Waste  (source: Environmental Registry)

We are proposing updates to the Registration Guidance Manual for Generators of Liquid Industrial and Hazardous Waste, to support the regulated community in complying with hazardous waste management rules and requirements. Updates being proposed are focused to align with regulatory changes that take effect January 1, 2023.
Effective Date:  December 21, 2022

Enabling Air Ambulance Mixed-Crew Configuration under O.Reg. 257/00 of the Ambulance Act, 1990

O. Reg. 257/00 prescribes qualifications for air & land ambulance service delivery, including standards for equipment, patient care, & composition of crews that respond to calls. Currently only persons who meet qualifications of flight paramedic may provide patient care on an air ambulance. A flight paramedic shall have the qualifications of a paramedic. Ministry proposes to amend regulation to allow air ambulance crews to include nurses, physicians, & respiratory therapists along with paramedics. Air ambulance service operators would have staffing flexibility required to perform increasing interfacility transfers while meeting growing demand for urgent air ambulance resources.
Effective Date:  November 4, 2022

Proposed regulations to prescribe provincial priorities related to the Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, 2022

If proclaimed, the Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, 2022 would provide a LGIC regulation making authority to prescribe provincial priorities. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing is proposing LGIC regulations under the Municipal Act, 2001 and City of Toronto Act, 2006 to support implementation. If proclaimed, the Act and the proposed regulations would give the mayors of Toronto and Ottawa more authority to move forward on shared provincial-municipal priorities.
Effective Date:  December 20, 2022

Proposed Minister's Regulations to help bring the Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, 2022 into effect.

If proclaimed, the Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act, 2022 would provide new Minister's regulation making authorities. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing is proposing regulations under the Municipal Act (MA) and City of Toronto Act (COTA). The Act and proposed regulations would give the head of council (HOC) of Toronto and Ottawa more authority to move forward on shared provincial-municipal priorities.
Effective Date:  November 23, 2022

Proposed Extension of Municipal Contributions Allocation Formula

Ontario Regulation 446/04 apportions the municipal share of Metrolinx's GO Transit's growth capital costs in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) amongst the Regional Municipalities of Durham, Halton, Peel and York, and the Cities of Toronto and Hamilton. The apportionment formula in Ontario Regulation 446/04 is set to expire on December 31, 2022. Accordingly, an amendment to this Regulation is proposed to extend the expiry date of the formula for another three years, until December 31, 2025 Annual municipal contributions towards GO rail and bus capital costs resulting from population growth support investments across GO's regional transit network and ensure continued service excellence.
Effective Date:  November 25, 2022

Proposed Extension of Municipal GO Transit Development Charge By-Laws

The proposed Regulatory amendment, if approved, would extend the expiry date that enables the municipalities of Toronto, Hamilton and the Regions of Durham, Halton, Peel and York to impose development charge by-laws towards Metrolinx's GO Transit's growth capital costs to December 31, 2025. Since 2001 the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) municipalities of Hamilton and the Regions of Durham, Halton, Peel and York have had development charge by-laws to support annual contributions towards GO rail and bus capital costs resulting from population growth. Funds collected under this regulation are remitted directly to Metrolinx.
Effective Date:  November 25, 2022

Proposal for Amendments to R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 565: Public Pools

The Ministry of Health is proposing amendments to R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 565: Public Pools ("Regulation") under the Health Protection and Promotion Act to exempt public spas that are operated in conjunction with an individual dwelling unit or suite of a hotel for the exclusive use of its occupants, if caution signage is posted indicating to use at your own risk and that the spa is not subject to the Regulation.
Effective Date:  October 28, 2022

Development of a Clean Energy Credit Registry

The Ministry of Energy is seeking public input on a proposal to introduce a clean energy credit (CEC) registry and associated processes to support the creation, recognition, tracking and retirement of voluntarily purchased CECs within the province.
Effective Date:  December 8, 2022

Regulations Under the Planning Act Regarding Municipal Empowerment

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) is proposing regulations under the Planning Act to empower the Municipality of Oliver Paipoonge with approval authority for plan of subdivision/condominium applications.
Effective Date:  December 1, 2022

Proposed amendments to wine standards rules contained in regulation under the Vintners Quality Alliance Act, 1999.

The ministry is looking for input to make the following changes to the current wine standards rules by adding the Pecorino grape variety to the list of authorized grapes used for wine produced in Ontario and eligible for approval by Vintners Quality Alliance Ontario, Ontario's Wine Appellation Authority and listing the Sémillon grape variety in the table of requirements in Appendix A under Ontario Regulation 406/00 and lower the minimum brix required from 18.0 º Brix to 17.0 º Brix.
Effective Date:  November 1, 2022

Regulatory Fee Increase to Pay for Coroner Related Body Transport Services

The Ministry of the Solicitor General intends to make a minister's regulation amendment to temporarily increase provincial rates paid to service providers for the transportation of deceased persons as part of a coroner's investigation. This temporary increase in rates is to offset increased body transportation costs incurred by licensed funeral establishments and transfer service operators.
Effective Date:  August 25, 2022

Proposed Development Charges Act changes (the proposed More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022)

Proposed Development Charges Act changes (the proposed More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022)
Effective Date:  April 14, 2022

Proposed Planning Act changes (the proposed More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022)

Proposed Planning Act changes (the proposed More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022)
Effective Date:  April 14, 2022

Proposed Amendment to the Greenbelt Area boundary regulation - Growing the size of the Greenbelt  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing is seeking feedback on changes to the boundary of the Greenbelt Area through a proposed amendment to O. Reg. 59/05.
Effective Date:  December 21, 2022

Proposed legislative amendments to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Act, included in Bill 106, Pandemic and Emergency Preparedness Act, 2022.

OMAFRA is proposing amendments to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Act to help ensure Ontarians can access a stable supply of the safe, high-quality and nutritious food. The proposed legislation would build on other actions that have supported the province's crucial food supply throughout the pandemic.
Effective Date:  April 14, 2022

Proposed legislative update to the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 (PHIPA) - Ontario Health Teams (OHTs) - Enhancing Data Sharing to be included in the Pandemic and Emergency Preparedness Act, 2022

OHTs bring together health service providers to deliver comprehensive, coordinated care to a defined population and have contributed significantly to the province's pandemic response. The proposed amendments to PHIPA would improve the sharing of personal health information within OHTs. This would assist OHTs in responding to evolving pandemic needs, better understanding the patients and communities they serve, and designing and delivering integrated, coordinated care.
Effective Date:  April 14, 2022

Proposed legislative amendment to the Personal Health Information and Protection Act, 2004 (PHIPA) - Prescribed Electronic Formats, included in the Pandemic and Emergency Preparedness Act, 2022

The Ministry of Health is posting a notice of a proposed legislative update to PHIPA as part of the Pandemic and Emergency Preparedness Act, 2022 to grant Ontario Health the authority to set the electronic format of access to personal health information (PHI). Through this proposed legislation, patients and health information custodians, including those in Ontario Health Teams, will also have clear expectations on how they can receive or provide PHI in an electronic format in an access request.
Effective Date:  April 14, 2022

Proposed legislative amendments to the Ontario Food Terminal Act, included in Bill 106, Pandemic and Emergency Preparedness Act, 2022.

OMAFRA is proposing amendments to the Ontario Food Terminal Act to help ensure Ontarians can access a stable supply of the safe, high-quality and nutritious food. The proposed legislation would build on other actions that have supported the province's crucial food supply throughout the pandemic
Effective Date:  April 14, 2022

Proposed legislative update to the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA) - Registration Barriers for Regulated Health Professionals to be included in the Pandemic and Emergency Preparedness Act, 2022

The proposed legislation would amend the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 to reduce barriers to registration with Ontario's health regulatory colleges by: 1. Prohibiting requiring Canadian work experience, subject to exemptions. 2. Streamlining language proficiency testing requirements 3. Enabling the Minister of Health to prescribe time limits for registration decisions. 4. Requiring health regulatory colleges to have an emergency class of certificates of registration.
Effective Date:  April 14, 2022

Proposed regulatory amendments to R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 417: Greenhouse Vegetables - Marketing

The Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission (Commission) is proposing an amendment to Regulation 417: Greenhouse Vegetables - Marketing under the Farm Products Marketing Act to delegate authority to issue classes of licences and authorize the board to include different terms and conditions on each class of licence.
Effective Date:  April 29, 2022

Implementation Pause of Excess Soil Requirements in Effect January 1, 2022  (source: Environmental Registry)

Ontario is proposing to temporarily pause the implementation of provisions in the Excess Soil Regulation that came into effect January 1, 2022 until January 1, 2023. The proposed pause would provide more time for gradual implementation and better understanding of the regulation.
Effective Date:  April 20, 2022

Proposed legislative amendments to the Building Broadband Faster Act, 2021 included in the Getting Ontario Connected Act, 2022

The Getting Ontario Connected Act, 2022, if passed, would amend the Building Broadband Faster Act, 2021 (BBFA). The proposed legislative amendments to the BBFA include new and additional requirements related to designated broadband projects and consequential amendments to align the BBFA with other legislation and regulations. Proposed amendments to the Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012 included in the Getting Ontario Connected Act, 2022 are being posted on the regulatory registry separately.
Effective Date:  April 14, 2022

Proposed legislative amendments to the Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012 under the Getting Ontario Connected Act, 2022

The Getting Ontario Connected Act, 2022, if passed, would amend the Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012 ("the Act"). The proposed legislative amendments to the Act would, among other things, help improve the processes and requirements related to determining the location of underground infrastructure, enabling construction activities in the province to be completed faster and more efficiently, without compromising safety. Proposed amendments to the Building Broadband Faster Act, 2021 under the Getting Ontario Connected Act, 2022 are being posted on the regulatory registry separately.
Effective Date:  April 14, 2022

Proposed amendments to O. Reg. 82/98 under the Development Charges Act, 1997 in support of the proposed More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022

Proposed amendments to O. Reg. 82/98 under the Development Charges Act, 1997 in support of the proposed More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022
Effective Date:  April 27, 2022

Extension of Temporary Regulation which establishes subsections 18(11) and (12) of O. Reg. 329/04 (General) under the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 (PHIPA)

MOH is posting a notice of a proposed extension to temporary regulation amending O.Reg. 329/04 set to expire July 30, 22 per s.74(10) of Personal Health Information Protection Act for 60-day public consultation from Feb 5/22 to April 6/22. This would continue to require Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences and Ontario Health to disclose personal health information to MOH at request of the Minister of Health.
Effective Date:  April 22, 2022

Proposed amendments to O. Reg. 509/20 under the Planning Act in support of the proposed More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022

Amendments to O. Reg. 509/20 under the Planning Act in support of the proposed More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022
Effective Date:  April 27, 2022

Proposed Regulations to enable individual access to personal health information held in the provincial Electronic Health Record (EHR) through Ontario Health (OH)

The Ministry of Health is posting a notice of proposed amending regulations under the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 and the Connecting Care Act, 2019 for public consultation. The proposed regulations aim to generally require OH to process individual access requests the EHR, delineate Ontario Health's responsibilities when responding to access requests to EHR data, and require data contributions by public hospitals to the EHR as specified by OH. The public is invited to provide comments over a 45-day period, from February 5, 2022 to March 22, 2022.
Effective Date:  April 20, 2022

Geologic Carbon Storage in Ontario  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry is seeking feedback on a discussion paper exploring possible legislative changes to remove barriers to the storage of carbon dioxide, which would enable the creation of a regulatory framework to govern this and other new technologies.
Effective Date:  November 23, 2022

Proposed regulatory changes under the Crown Forest Sustainability Act for the harvest of Crown forest resources for personal use  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Ministry is proposing a new approach that will make the approval process easier for individuals to harvest Crown forest resources for certain personal (non-commercial) use (e.g. collection of firewood, Christmas trees, tree branches for decorative uses).
Effective Date:  April 19, 2022

Updates to Standards of Care for Outdoor Dogs under the Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, 2019

Proposed updates to Ontario Regulation 444/19 - Standards of Care and Administrative Requirements under the Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, 2019
Effective Date:  July 1, 2022

Supporting Critical Transmission Infrastructure in Southwestern Ontario  (source: Environmental Registry)

We are proposing actions that would facilitate the timely development of key electricity transmission projects in Southwestern Ontario to ensure critical infrastructure is built on time to support Ontario's economic recovery.
Effective Date:  March 31, 2022

Proposed Regulatory Amendments under the Mandatory Blood Testing Act (MBTA) and the Laboratory and Specimen Collection Centre Licensing Act (LSCCLA)

Legislative amendments to the MBTA were introduced in 2019 as part of Bill 68, Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 but are not yet in force. The Ministry of Health intends to proclaim these changes into force effective July 1, 2022. To support these legislative amendments, the Ministry is proposing amendments to Ontario Regulation 449 07 (General) under MBTA and complementary regulatory amendments under the Laboratory and Specimen Collection Centre Licensing Act.
Effective Date:  November 25, 2022

Firefighter Certification

There is no minimum standard of training required under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997. The proposed regulation would introduce mandatory minimum certification standards for firefighters, who would be required to obtain certification to align with fire protection services performed. This would ensure firefighters have baseline training according to the level of service set by municipal council or territory without municipal organization, supporting firefighter and public safety.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2022

Removal of Highways 412 and 418 as Toll Highways (Highway 407 East Act, 2012)

The Ministry of Transportation is soliciting public comment on proposed legislative changes to the Highway 407 East Act, 2012 that would, if passed, permanently remove tolls on Highways 412 and 418.
Effective Date:  March 3, 2022

Amendments to The Laurentian University of Sudbury Act, 1960

The Ministry of Colleges and Universities is proposing amendments to The Laurentian University of Sudbury Act, 1960
Effective Date:  March 3, 2022

Environmental assessment requirements for advanced recycling facilities under the Environmental Assessment Act (EAA)  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) is seeking input on proposed amendments to environmental assessment requirements for advanced recycling facilities under the Environmental Assessment Act (EAA).
Effective Date:  July 1, 2022

Indigenous-Specific Amendments to the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017

Proposed changes to the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 to create a framework that: increases access to customary care for First Nations, Inuit and Métis children; implements circles of supportive persons for First Nations, Inuit and Métis children and their families; and defines the role of prevention-focused Indigenous service providers within Ontario's child and family services system.
Effective Date:  March 3, 2022

Proposed new Legislation: At Your Service Act, 2022

The Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade (MEDJCT), is proposing legislation that will create an enabling framework and the necessary conditions to make processes more transparent, reduce approval times, and improve the overall business experience when seeking government approvals for applications, permits, and licences.
Effective Date:  March 3, 2022

Regulatory and policy proposals (Phase 2) under the Conservation Authorities Act  (source: Environmental Registry)

Ontario is making regulatory and policy proposals under the Conservation Authorities Act to improve conservation authority (CA) governance, oversight, and accountability. The proposals include regulations about municipal levies, the CA budget process and a list of classes of programs and services for which CAs can charge a fee.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2022

Proposed regulatory changes for the beneficial reuse of excess soil at pits and quarries in Ontario  (source: Environmental Registry)

The ministry of Northern Development, Mining, Natural Resources and Forestry is proposing regulatory changes and policy direction for importing soil to facilitate rehabilitation at authorized pits and quarries under the Aggregate Resources Act.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2022

Tying the Distribution Rate Protection Cap to Inflation

This proposed regulatory amendment would amend Ontario Regulation 198 17 (Distribution Rate-Protected Residential Consumers) to tie the DRP cap to inflation.
Effective Date:  April 5, 2022

Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021; Phase 1 Regulations

The Providing More Care, Protecting Seniors, and Building More Beds Act, 2021, received Royal Assent on December 9, 2021. Upon proclamation, the Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021 will go into effect to govern the long-term care sector and the Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007 will be repealed. The new legislation includes measures in three key areas: improving staffing and care, protecting residents through better accountability, enforcement and transparency, and building modern, safe, comfortable ho
Effective Date:  April 11, 2022

Proposal to update reference to Engineers in Regulations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA)

On December 2, 2021 the Bill 13, Supporting People and Businesses Act, 2021 amended the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) to introduce a new definition for "engineer" that will take effect upon a date to be proclaimed. The Ministry is proposing to update all references to "professional engineer" in the regulations made under OHSA and replace them with "engineer" to reflect the new definition in OHSA.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2022

Amendments to Ontario Regulation 271/91 (Gasoline Volatility) to simplify reporting requirements  (source: Environmental Registry)

Ontario is reducing unnecessary administrative requirements on the petroleum industry by proposing changes that would simplify the Gasoline Volatility regulation while aligning our gasoline volatility reporting requirements with national timelines for switching from winter-grade gasoline to summer-grade gasoline.
Effective Date:  November 25, 2022

Enabling the enforceability of the Building Broadband Faster Act Guideline

The Government of Ontario is committed to expediting the delivery of broadband projects to ensure every household and business in the province has access to high-speed internet by the end of 2025. The Ministry of Energy is proposing a regulatory framework to help ensure that electricity system assets can be used to achieve this goal.
Effective Date:  April 17, 2022

Proposed Regulatory Amendments to O. Reg. 166/11 (General) under the Retirement Homes Act, 2010 and O. Reg. 75/08

The Retirement Homes Act, 2010 (the "Act") sets out the standards and requirements for licensed retirement homes. The Act contains a fundamental principle that states, "a retirement home is to be operated so that it is a place where residents live with dignity, respect, privacy and autonomy, in security, safety and comfort and can make informed choices about their care options."
Effective Date:  March 16, 2022

Proposed amendments to the producer responsibility regulations for tires, batteries and electrical and electronic equipment made under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016  (source: Environmental Registry)

We are proposing to amend three producer responsibility regulations made under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016. These changes would reduce and/or remove burden, correct market issues, increase transparency, align administrative and technical provisions between the regulations and remove outdated provisions.
Effective Date:  December 9, 2022

Proposal to simplify and align provincial white-tailed deer hunting seasons  (source: Environmental Registry)

We are proposing amendments to regulations under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997 to increase consistency in white-tailed deer hunting season duration and type to simplify and align deer hunting seasons in some parts of the province.
Effective Date:  March 15, 2022

Reducing sulphur dioxide emissions from Ontario's petroleum facilities  (source: Environmental Registry)

We are proposing a regulation to reduce sulphur dioxide air emissions from petroleum facilities in southern Ontario. These changes would help align the industry with other jurisdictions.
Effective Date:  February 25, 2022

Proposal to establish new fall wild turkey hunting seasons in Wildlife Management Units 60, 63, 69, 70, 74, 75 and 86  (source: Environmental Registry)

We are proposing to open new fall wild turkey hunting seasons in Wildlife Management Units 60, 63, 69, 70, 74, 75 and 86 beginning in October 2022.
Effective Date:  February 23, 2022

Interruptible Rate Pilot and Administrative Review of Ontario Regulation 429/04

The Ministry of Energy (ENERGY) is proposing regulatory amendments to O. Reg. 429/04, the regulation that sets out the rules for allocating Global Adjustment (GA) costs to electricity customers. The proposed amendments are aimed at facilitating an interruptible rate pilot and ensuring the regulation fully reflects the policy intent, enhancing fairness and reducing regulatory burden for electricity customers.
Effective Date:  May 1, 2022

Proposed Changes to the College of Veterinarians of Ontario (CVO) Accreditation Model in Regulation 1093 under the Veterinarians Act

The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) and the College of Veterinarians of Ontario (the College) are proposing to amend Regulation 1093 under the Veterinarians Act to adopt a new, streamlined, outcome-based model for how veterinary facilities are accredited in the province.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2022

Prescribed electronic format to enable digital access to personal health information

The Ministry of Health is posting a notice of a proposed regulation under PHIPA for public consultation in the period October 16 to December 15, 2021. The regulation will prescribe electronic formats and exemptions to enable digital access to personal health information following an access request by patients and/or caregivers. The public is invited to provide written comments on the proposed regulation over a 60-day period, commencing on October 16, 2021 and ending on December 15, 2021.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2022

Proposed Regulations under the Building Opportunities in the Skilled Trades Act, 2021 (BOSTA): Part 3

The Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development (MLTSD) is seeking input on the development of proposed regulations under BOSTA. Regulations will support the ongoing implementation and delivery of Ontario's skilled trades and apprenticeship system, as well as support the establishment of a Crown agency, Skilled Trades Ontario (STO). This posting represents the third tranche of regulations being proposed under BOSTA. The previous two tranches were posted on October 1 and October 21, 2021
Effective Date:  January 1, 2022

Proposed Regulatory Amendment to Reg. 543 s.3 (2): X-Ray Safety Code for adopting updated requirements for shielding methodology under the Healing Arts and Radiation Protection Act (HARPA)

Amend HARPA Reg 543 section 3 (2) to replace compliance with Health Canada's Safety Code 20A with the most recent Safety Code 35 for shielding methodology.
Effective Date:  February 25, 2022

A proposed amendment to Ontario Regulation 422/17 (General), a Minister's regulation made under the Ontario Immigration Act, 2015 relating to the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP).

Regulatory amendment that would require employers seeking an approval of a NOC 7511 (transport truck drivers) employment position under the Employer Job Offer: In-Demand Skills stream to demonstrate that they are registered with Ontario's Commercial Vehicle Operator's Registration (CVOR) system and have a Carrier Safety Rating (CSR) of Excellent, Satisfactory or Satisfactory-Unaudited in order for their application to be approved.
Effective Date:  February 1, 2022

Regulatory amendments related to retaining proceeds from the sale of samples taken from unpatented mining claims  (source: Environmental Registry)

We want to amend O. Reg. 45/11 to set out the conditions that are required for mining claim holders to sell the end product of a bulk sample and recover associated costs, without first obtaining the minister's permission: a "permit by rule" approach. This will allow previous amendments to the Mining Act to come into force.
Effective Date:  February 1, 2022

Establishing a public registry for mining and exploratory licences of occupation information  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry (NDMNRF) is proposing to amend the Mining Act to establish a public registry for mining and exploratory licences of occupation. The registry would be accessible through the Mining Lands Administrative System (MLAS) allowing for easier access to the information held by the ministry.
Effective Date:  February 1, 2022

2-year Limitation Period for Certain Statutory and Regulatory Entitlements via Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) settlements

The Ministry of Energy is proposing to amend the Electricity Act, 1998, and to make consequential amendments to the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998, the Limitations Act, 2002 and the Ontario Fair Hydro Plan Act, 2017, to establish a two-year limitation period beyond which market participants and other persons could not seek adjustments to payments, amounts or entitlements that are derived from statute or regulation, when such amounts are paid by the IESO through market settlements.
Effective Date:  January 27, 2022

Amendments to the Mine Development and Closure Regulation (O. Reg. 240/00)  (source: Environmental Registry)

We are proposing to amend O. Reg. 240/00 to update two outdated references to third-party guidance documents and correct an inappropriate chemical test for monitoring programs.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2022

A Graduated Approach to Closure Planning - Regulation Name Change  (source: Environmental Registry)

The ministry proposes to change the name of O. Reg. 240/00 (currently Mine Development and Closure Under Part VII of the Act) to include a reference to advanced exploration closure plans and strengthen the graduated approach to advanced exploration and mine production closure planning. 
Effective Date:  January 1, 2022

Proposed regulatory amendments to Regulation 761: Milk and Milk Products and Regulation 753: Grades, Standards, Designations, Classes, Packing and Marking under the Milk Act.

As part of the Ontario government's Open for Business Action Plan, the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission (Commission) is proposing amendments to Regulation 761: Milk and Milk Products and Regulation 753: Grades, Standards, Designations, Classes, Packing and Marking under the Milk Act to help reduce burden and costs for dairy processors and to stimulate economic growth in the sector while maintaining strong health and safety standards.
Effective Date:  February 9, 2022

Minister's Order for temporary suspension of protection upon the listing of Black Ash under the Endangered Species Act.  (source: Environmental Registry)

We are proposing a Minister's regulation to temporarily pause the protections for Black Ash under the Endangered Species Act, for two years from the time it is added to the Species at Risk in Ontario List regulation. This would allow time to develop an approach to support Black Ash protection and recovery that considers social and economic impacts.
Effective Date:  January 25, 2022

Proposed Regulations under the Building Opportunities in the Skilled Trades Act, 2021 (BOSTA): Part 2

The Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development (MLTSD) is seeking input on the development of proposed regulations under BOSTA. Proposed regulations will support the ongoing implementation and delivery of Ontario's skilled trades and apprenticeship system, as well as support the establishment of a Crown agency, Skilled Trades Ontario (STO). This posting represents the second tranche of regulations being proposed under BOSTA. The first tranche was posted on October 1, 2021.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2022

Amendments to Ontario Regulation 242/08 (General Regulation - Endangered Species Act, 2007) relating to upcoming changes to the Species at Risk in Ontario List.  (source: Environmental Registry)

We are proposing changes under the Endangered Species Act that would allow use of existing conditional exemptions for select newly-listed species that are added to the Species at Risk in Ontario List regulation. Conditional exemptions improve business certainty and efficiency, while continuing to maintain protections for species and their habitat.
Effective Date:  May 31, 2022

Replacing Regulation 872: Conduct of Business of the Ontario Food Terminal Act

The Ontario Food Terminal Board is proposing to replace Regulation 872 of the Ontario Food Terminal Act (OFTA) with two new regulations to support improvements in the governance and operations of the Ontario Food Terminal, including allowing the General Manager to create protocols related to health and safety at the Terminal.
Effective Date:  April 1, 2022

Proposed new regulatory provisions to implement proposed amendments the Development Charges Act, 1997 to extend the 10-year planned level of service to 20 years for the Yonge North Subway Extension (YNSE).

Proposal would implement proposed legislative changes that would treat the YNSE separately from other transit services, for the purposes of calculating and collecting DCs. The proposed regulatory amendments would facilitate the extension of the horizon for the planned level of service for the YNSE under the Development Charges Act from 10 to 20 years. Proposed changes would better position York Region to fund its portion of the YNSE costs (continued below)
Effective Date:  January 1, 2022

Proposed Regulations under the Building Opportunities in the Skilled Trades Act, 2021 (BOSTA)

The Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development (MLTSD) is seeking input on the development of proposed regulations under the Building Opportunities in the Skilled Trades Act, 2021 (BOSTA). Proposed regulations will support the ongoing implementation and delivery of Ontario's skilled trades and apprenticeship system, as well as support the establishment of a Crown agency, Skilled Trades Ontario (STO).
Effective Date:  January 1, 2022

Proposed regulation under the Laboratory and Specimen Collection Centre Licensing Act (LSCCLA)

Ministry of Health (ministry) is proposing to modernize Ontario's laboratory (lab) sector by streamlining licensing and updating the regulatory framework. Regulations 682 and 683 under the LSCCLA would be revoked and replaced with a new regulation that: 1. supports the proclamation of amendments to the LSCCLA made by Bill 87, Protecting Patients Act, 2017; 2. modernizes labs licensing systems; 3. reduces regulatory burden for businesses; and 4. aligns with other health system priorities.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2022

Proposed Amendment to Ontario Regulation 53/05 (Payments under Section 78.1 of the Act), to be made under the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998

The Ministry of Energy is proposing to amend Ontario Regulation 53/05 in order to subject Ontario Power Generation's proposed Darlington Small Modular Reactor (SMR) project to rate-regulation and regulatory oversight by the Ontario Energy Board.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2022

Summary of Regulatory Impact of New Home and Community Care Regulations Under the Connecting Care Act, 2019.

In compliance with requirements set out in the Modernizing Ontario for People and Businesses Act, 2020 (MOPBA), which came into force January 1, 2021, the Ministry has performed a preliminary analysis of the regulatory burden of new home and community care regulations under the Connecting Care Act, 2019. The purpose of this posting is to invite feedback on the expected regulatory burden costs and benefits or cost savings to stakeholders of the proposed home & community care regulatory framework.
Effective Date:  March 11, 2022

Changing Ontario Energy Board's Regulated Price Plan (RPP) Rate Setting Frequency

The Ministry of Energy (ENERGY) is proposing regulatory amendments to change the frequency of the Ontario Energy Board's (OEB) Regulated Price Plan (RPP) rate setting from bi-annually to annually.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2022

Amendments to O. Reg. 79/15 to Further Streamline the Use of Alternative Low-Carbon Fuels  (source: Environmental Registry)

We are seeking public input on proposed amendments to O. Reg. 79/15 that will help reduce barriers for energy-intensive facilities to substitute fossil fuels (coal and petroleum coke) with alternative low carbon fuels and lower greenhouse gas emissions.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2022

Updating environmental assessment requirements for transmission lines  (source: Environmental Registry)

We are proposing to update the thresholds that determine the type of environmental assessment process required for establishing a transmission line.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2022

Draft amendments to Ontario Regulation 161/99 (Definitions and Exemptions) under the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 to exempt certain electricity transmission projects from Section 92 (Leave to Construct) approval  (source: Environmental Registry)

We are proposing draft amendments to Ontario Regulation 161/99 that are intended to exempt electricity transmission projects that are not expected to have a ratepayer impact from the requirement to obtain Section 92 (electricity Leave to Construct) approval from the Ontario Energy Board (OEB).
Effective Date:  October 31, 2022

Proposed complementary and consequential changes to Minister's regulations under the Planning Act

Bill 276 - the Supporting Recovery and Competitiveness Act, 2021, was introduced on April 15, 2021 and received Royal Assent on June 3, 2021. Once proclaimed, Schedule 24 to Bill 276 will make policy changes to the Planning Act related to control of the division of land (i.e. subdivision control, plans of subdivision, consents and validations), as well as other housekeeping or consequential changes.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2022

Empowering the Town of Parry Sound to make decisions on certain matters under the Planning Act

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) is proposing to amend regulations under the Planning Act to empower the Town of Parry Sound in relation to two areas of land-use planning authority.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2022

Nutrient Management Act Further Burden Reduction Opportunities  (source: Environmental Registry)

OMAFRA and MECP are proposing to remove the five-year expiry of the Agricultural Operation Planning (AOP) certificate currently required by O. Reg. 267/03 made under the Nutrient Management Act (NMA). The Ministries are also proposing housekeeping amendments to the Regulation and Nutrient Management Protocol to add clarity, simplify rules and streamline processes. These changes will reduce administrative burden, enhance compliance and provide a cost savings for farm businesses.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2022

Adjust the Eligibility for the Ontario Electricity Rebate (OER)

Consultation regarding the definition of an eligible account under the OER.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2022

Financial penalty for failing to submit a mandatory hunter report  (source: Environmental Registry)

The ministry is proposing an alternative tool to promote and improve hunter reporting compliance and improve reporting data.
Effective Date:  March 1, 2022

Electronic Logging Devices (ELD) for Intra-provincial Carriers

The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is proposing the use of Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) for intra-provincial carriers. We are looking for your input in the proposed amendments to Regulation 555/06 Hours of Service (HoS) under the Highway Traffic Act (HTA). MTO is proposing an implementation date no sooner than June 12, 2022.
Effective Date:  June 12, 2022

Health Information Custodian Status for the Ministry of Health Funded First Nation and Urban Indigenous Home and Community Care Service Providers

The purpose of the amendment is to ensure that First Nations and urban Indigenous organizations that are funded directly by the ministry to provide home and community care to Indigenous communities across the province will continue to be Health Information Custodians (HICs) under the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 after the Home Care and Community Services Act, 1994 (HCCSA) is repealed at a date to be determined.
Effective Date:  May 1, 2022

Regulatory Proposals (Phase 1) under the Conservation Authorities Act  (source: Environmental Registry)

New regulations have been finalized to focus conservation authorities on their core mandate by prescribing mandatory programs and services they must provide, give municipalities greater control over what conservation authority programs and services they will fund, and consolidate "Conservation Areas" regulations.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2022

Enabling the Use of Electricity Infrastructure for Ontario's Broadband and Cellular Action Plan

We are soliciting public comment to inform the development of a regulatory framework to support the use of electricity infrastructure for broadband expansion in Ontario.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2022

Regulating 13 invasive species and watercraft as a carrier of invasive species under the Ontario Invasive Species Act, 2015  (source: Environmental Registry)

Refer to the Environmental Registry notice for the proposal description.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2022

Dissolution of the Citizens' Council and the Pharmacy Council under the Ontario Drug Benefit Act

The Ministry of Health (MOH/Ministry) is proposing amendments to the Ontario Drug Benefit Act (ODBA) and Ontario Regulation 201/96 under the ODBA to dissolve two advisory agencies namely the Citizens' Council and the Pharmacy Council. The proposed amendments to the ODBA are conditional on their introduction and passage in the Legislative Assembly. The proposed regulatory amendment is conditional on the passage of the legislative amendments.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2022

Proposed Amendments to the Electrical Safety Code Regulation (O. Reg. 164/99) under Part VIII of the Electricity Act, 1998

Proposal to amend the regulation to adopt the Ontario Electrical Safety Code 2021.
Effective Date:  May 5, 2022

Proposed new regulation under the Insurance Act with respect to Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) exemption orders under section 15.1 of the Act.

Proposed new regulation under the Insurance Act with respect to Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) exemption orders under section 15.1 of the Act.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2022

Amendments to regulations under the Insurance Act and the Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act regarding the delivery of automobile insurance notices and other automobile insurance documents.

Amendments to regulations under the Insurance Act and the Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act regarding the delivery of automobile insurance notices and other automobile insurance documents, including the delivery by an automobile insurer of a notice of termination of an automobile insurance contract to an insured by electronic means if the insured consents to delivery by electronic means.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2022

Consultation regarding proposed amendment to O. Reg. 131/16 (Sexual Violence at Colleges and Universities)

O. Reg. 131/16 supports the requirements under the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Act, 1990 by setting out further requirements relating to the sexual violence policies of publicly-assisted colleges and universities. The proposed regulatory amendments are intended to enhance institutions' sexual violence policies and to ensure students receive information about sexual violence prevention and are informed about resources and supports.
Effective Date:  March 1, 2022

Consultation regarding proposed amendment to O. Reg. 415/06 (General) under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005 related to sexual violence policies.

O. Reg. 415/06 supports the requirements under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005 by setting out further requirements relating to the sexual violence policies of private career colleges. The proposed regulatory amendments are intended to enhance institution's sexual violence policies and to ensure students receive information about sexual violence prevention and are informed about resources and supports
Effective Date:  March 1, 2022

Pre-Start Health and Review Requirements for Factories

The Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development (MLTSD) is proposing amendments to pre-start health and safety review requirements, also known as pre-start review (PSR) requirements, in section 7 of the Industrial Establishments regulation (Regulation 851) under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA).
Effective Date:  January 1, 2022

Regulation for the nickel smelting and refining industry  (source: Environmental Registry)

We are proposing an industry sector-based regulation to address sulphur dioxide air emissions from the nickel smelting and refining industry in the Sudbury area that will replace certain requirements under the Local Air Quality Regulation.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2022

Proposed amendments to Ontario Regulation 245/97 to regulate compressed air energy storage in porous rock reservoirs and enhance financial security for petroleum, salt and underground geological storage wells.  (source: Environmental Registry)

See the Environmental Registry of Ontario notice for the details of the proposal.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2022

Cemetery Care and Maintenance Funds and Accounts Framework under the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002

The Ministry of Government and Consumer Services is seeking input on proposals to address concerns with the cemetery care and maintenance funds and accounts framework under the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002 (FBCSA). The ministry is proposing changes to regulations under the FBCSA, in addition to proposing non-regulatory actions, to address those concerns. The ministry is also seeking input on a proposal regarding licence display requirements for bereavement service operators.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2022

Electronic Logging Devices (ELD) for Intra-provincial Carriers

The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is proposing the use of ELDs for intra-provincial carriers. We are looking for your input as we review Regulation 555/06 Hours of Service (HoS) under the Highway Traffic Act (HTA).
Effective Date:  June 12, 2022

Updating regulations under the Farm Registration and Farm Organizations Funding Act, 1993 (FRFOFA), which establishes the Farm Business Registration Program (FBR Program), to support electronic delivery of the Farm Business Registration program, reduce administrative burden for farmers, and provide flexibility due to COVID-19.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs is proposing to implement amendments made to the FRFOFA by the Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act, 2019, the Better For People, Smarter For Business Act, 2019, and the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020. The amendments will reduce administrative burden and enable online delivery of the Farm Business Registration Program. Changes also provide temporary relief for farm businesses whose income was negatively impacted by COVID-19.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2022

Proposed amendments to Regulation 543 made under the Healing Arts Radiation and Protection Act and; Regulation 107/96 made under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991.

Regulatory amendments are being proposed to authorize Nurse Practitioners (NPs) to independently order computed tomography (CT) scans and magnetic resonance imaging tests (MRI). Regulatory amendments are also being proposed to authorize Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (OMFS) to independently order MRI tests.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2022

Proposed Amendments to Regulations 682 and 683 made under the Laboratory and Specimen Collection Centre Licensing Act.

The Ministry of Health (ministry) is proposing regulatory amendments to authorize Nurse Practitioners (NP) to independently perform a broad range of point-of-care tests to assist in diagnosis and formulation of treatment plans for their patients. The ministry is also proposing regulatory amendments to authorize pharmacists to perform certain point-of-care tests for chronic disease medication management.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2022

Enhancing Elevator Safety and Availability Under the Technical Standards and Safety Act, 2000.

Proposal by the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services to implement unproclaimed provisions in the Technical Standards and Safety Act, 2000 and put forward regulatory changes in the elevating devices sector.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2022

Modernizing the Legislative Framework for Home and Community Care

The government introduced the Connecting People to Home and Community Care Act, 2020 on February 25. If passed by the Ontario legislature, the ministry is proposing regulations under the Connecting Care Act, 2019 and other statues to support the provision of home and community care services and continue subrogation provisions. Eventually, the Home Care and Community Services Act, 1994 would be repealed and its regulations revoked.
Effective Date:  March 11, 2022

Amendments to Ontario Regulation 386/99 under the Home Care and Community Services Act, 1994 and Ontario Regulation 201/96 under the Ontario Drug Benefit Act to Enable Access to End-of-Life Care for Out-of-Province Patients Moving to Ontario

A proposed amendment to Ontario Regulation 386/99 would extend eligibility for professional services, personal support services, and homemaking services to out-of-province patients, who move to Ontario seeking end-of-life care in the community. A proposed amendment to Ontario Regulation 201/96 would grant these patients access to the Ontario Drug Benefit Program, if they are receiving specified professional services under the Home Care and Community Services Act.
Effective Date:  March 11, 2022

Ontario's Sustainable Bait Management Strategy  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Ministry is proposing to modernize Ontario's bait management approach to protect Ontario's vibrant fisheries and the industries that rely on them while maintaining flexibility for industry and anglers.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2022

Proposed Revocation of the Central Pickering Development Plan  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing is seeking feedback on a proposal to revoke the Central Pickering Development Plan, under the Ontario Planning and Development Act, 1994.
Effective Date:  December 19, 2022