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Instrument Type:  
O.Reg. 316/07: Designation and Classification of Provincial Parks under the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006 (PPCRA) - Amendments to Bronte Creek Provincial Park

The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) approved an administrative amendment to O. Reg. 316/07 (Designation and Classification of Provincial Parks) under the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006 (PPCRA) to remove two parcels totaling 0.115-hectares (ha) (0.28 acres) from Bronte Creek Provincial Park.
Effective Date:  June 12, 2024

Amending Ontario Regulation 162/23 to add clean up fees into the maximum rate schedule for basic towing.

The Ministry of Transportation is soliciting public comment on proposed regulatory changes aimed at adding clean up fees into the maximum rate schedule for basic towing.
Effective Date:  June 14, 2024

Red Tape Reduction - Supporting Municipal Incentives for Economic Growth

Red Tape Reduction - Supporting Municipal Incentives for Economic Growth
Effective Date:  June 6, 2024

Changes to the Development Charges Act, 1997 to Enhance Municipalities' Ability to Invest in Housing-Enabling Infrastructure

The province is proposing to amend the Development Charges Act, 1997 to: repeal the five-year phase-in of development charges (DCs); reinstate studies as an eligible cost for DCs; reduce the timeframe for the DC freeze from two years to 18 months; and streamline the process for municipalities to extend existing DC by-laws.
Effective Date:  June 6, 2024

Proposed Legislative Amendments to the Line Fences Act

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs is proposing amendments to the Line Fences Act (LFA) to reduce some burdens under the LFA, provide clarity by aligning the legislation with the Municipal Act, 2001, and modernize the LFA by aligning it with the government's mandate of Building a Digital Ontario.
Effective Date:  June 6, 2024

Proposed designation under the Environmental Assessment Act of the landfill site and waste transfer and processing expansion, located in the Municipality of Chatham-Kent  (source: Environmental Registry)

We have made York1 Environmental Waste Solutions Ltd.'s proposal to resume landfill operations and expand on-site waste handling, processing and transfer operations at the property, formerly known as the Dresden Tile Yard, in Chatham-Kent, subject to a comprehensive environmental assessment under Part II.3 of the Environmental Assessment Act.
Effective Date:  June 28, 2024

A Proposal to Modernize the Veterinarians Act

The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) is consulting on a proposal for legislative changes to modernize the Veterinarians Act, to allow for legislation and regulations that are flexible, modern, and reflective of the current practice of veterinary medicine, including more current approaches to professional regulation and governance.
Effective Date:  June 6, 2024