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Instrument Type:  
Amend Part 7 of O.Reg. 663/98 (Areas South of the French and Mattawa Rivers where Sunday Gun Hunting is Permitted) under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act

The purpose of this posting is to provide general notice to the public that the list of where Sunday gun hunting is permitted in Southern Ontario has been amended by Ontario Regulation 329/10 to add five municipalities at their request. These changes take effect on September 1, 2010.
Effective Date:  September 1, 2010

Amendments to the O. Reg. 79/10 under the Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007

Amendment to O. Reg. 79/10 under the Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007 to expand the exemption to the 24/7 nursing requirement to ensure that it applies equitably to small long-term care homes in similar circumstances.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Amendment to O. Reg. 85/96 of the Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act

Amends O. Reg. 85/96 to include technical adjustments and clarification about the type of information that may be disclosed.
Effective Date:  January 21, 2010

Monitors for Non-Governmental Regulatory Authorities under the Ontario Labour Mobility Act, 2009

This regulation designates Ministerial monitors for eleven non-governmental regulatory authorities under the Ontario Labour Mobility Act, 2009.
Effective Date:  December 15, 2010

Amendment to Regulation 734

Establishment of Local Roads Areas – Northeastern and Eastern Region
Effective Date:  December 13, 2010

Amendment to O. Reg. 1012 of the Retail Sales Tax Act

Amendment to Ontario Regulation 1012
Effective Date:  December 1, 2010

Amendment to Regulation 604

Effective Date:  October 17, 2010

Amendment to Regulation 803

Effective Date:  December 17, 2010

Amendment to Regulation 609

Restricted Use of the King's Highway
Effective Date:  December 17, 2010

School Buses

Technical Corrections
Effective Date:  November 1, 2010

Amendment to Regulation 619

Speed Limits
Effective Date:  December 17, 2010

Ontario Regulation 531/10  (source: Environmental Registry)

Ontario Regulation 531/10 is a site specific amendment that revokes certain lands from Ontario Regulation 481/73.
Effective Date:  December 31, 2010

Ontario Regulation 526/10  (source: Environmental Registry)

Ontario Regulation 526/10 is a site specific amendment that revokes certain lands from Ontario Regulation 482/73.
Effective Date:  December 23, 2010

Amendments to Ontario Regulation 260/97 under the Grains Act

As a result of concerns about the actions taken by Agricorp and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) regarding a review of the use of deferred payments, which were not in compliance with the Grains Act, the Minister directed Agricorp to amend Ontario Regulation 260/97 under the Grains Act to legitimize the short-term use of deferred payment agreements.
Effective Date:  December 15, 2010

Regulatory changes under the Registration Regulation 59/01 of the Professional Geoscientist Act - to accommodate labour mobility of Gesocientists.

An amendment was required to make the regulation compliant with the Ontario Labour Mobility Act, 2009.
Effective Date:  December 15, 2010

Proposed Extension of Municipal Contributions Allocation Formula

The Ministry of Transportation is seeking approval to amend Ontario Regulation 446/04 under the Metrolinx Act, 2006.
Effective Date:  December 20, 2010

Proposed Extension of Municipal GO Transit Development Charge By-laws

The Ministry of Transportation is seeking approval to amend Ontario Regulation 528/06 under the Metrolinx Act, 2006.
Effective Date:  December 20, 2010

Amending Regulation 603

Over-Dimensional Farm Vehicles
Effective Date:  December 7, 2010

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario

Amendments to the Professional Misconduct Regulation under the Medicine Act, 1991
Effective Date:  December 3, 2010

Regulatory changes under the General Regulation 167/95 of the Crown Forest Sustainability Act - to accommodate labour mobility of Scaler for crown forest resources.

An amendment was required to make the regulation, which directs the licensing of scalers, compliant with the Ontario Labour Mobility Act, 2009.
Effective Date:  December 7, 2010

Amendment to Regulation 803

Effective Date:  October 8, 2010

Amending Regulation 622

Stopping of Vehicles on Parts of the King's Highway
Effective Date:  December 8, 2010

Amending Regulation 863

Effective Date:  December 7, 2010

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario

New Proposed Amendments to the General Regulation under the Medicine Act, 1991
Effective Date:  December 3, 2010

Amending Regulation 630

Vehicles on Controlled-Access Highways
Effective Date:  December 8, 2010

Amending Regulation 627

Use of Controlled-Access Highways by Pedestrians
Effective Date:  December 8, 2010

Amending Regulation 609

Restricted Use of the King's Highway
Effective Date:  December 8, 2010

Amending Ontario Regulation 316/03

Operation of Off-Road Vehicles on Highways
Effective Date:  December 7, 2010

Speed Limits

Regulaton 619
Effective Date:  December 8, 2010

College of Pharmacists of Ontario

Proposed Regulatory Amendments under the Pharmacy Act, 1991 Concerning Registration
Effective Date:  December 3, 2010

Revoking O.Reg. 32/02 (Fees) made under the Apprenticeship and Certification Act, 1998

Revoking O. Reg. 32/02 (Fees)
Effective Date:  December 10, 2010

Approval of the Assessment Report for the Kettle Creek Source Protection Area  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Clean Water Act, 2006 requires the preparation of an Assessment Report to assess the vulnerability of and identify threats to sources of drinking water.
Effective Date:  November 30, 2010

Approval of the Assessment Report for the Mattagami Region Source Protection Area  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Clean Water Act , 2006 requires the preparation of an Assessment Report to assess the vulnerability of and identify threats to sources of drinking water.
Effective Date:  November 30, 2010

Approval of the Assessment Report for the Catfish Creek Source Protection Area  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Clean Water Act, 2006 requires the preparation of an Assessment Report to assess the vulnerability of and identify threats to sources of drinking water.
Effective Date:  November 30, 2010

Ontario Regulation 439/10 (Hogs – Marketing) under the Farm Products Marketing Act (FPMA)

A new open market approach for the Ontario hog industry and a change in the marketing authorities of the Ontario Pork Producers’ Marketing Board.
Effective Date:  December 4, 2010

Amendment to Regulation 627

Use of Controlled-Access Highways by Pedestrians
Effective Date:  November 5, 2010

Amendiment to Regulation 630

Vehicles on Controlled-Access Highways
Effective Date:  November 5, 2010

Amendment to Regulation 803

Effective Date:  November 5, 2010

Amendment to Regulation 619

Speed Limits
Effective Date:  November 5, 2010

Regulation under the Land Registration Reform Act

Amendments to Regulation 16/99, that provide for mandatory electronic land registration in the jurisdictions of Oxford, Frontenac and Kent.
Effective Date:  October 25, 2010

French Versions of Regulations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act

Amendments have been made to four regulations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) to add French versions to existing English-only regulations.
Effective Date:  November 5, 2010

Ontario Regulation 432/10  (source: Environmental Registry)

Ontario Regulation 432/10 revokes the following Ontario Regulations in unincorporated areas within the District of Thunder Bay: 256/99 (Township of Aimes) and 405/90 (Township of Upsala); and within the District of Kenora: 377/86 (lands on Ptarmigan Bay, Lake of the Woods) and 450/85 (Lands on Dufresne Island, Winnipeg River).
Effective Date:  November 25, 2010

Ontario Regulation 433/10  (source: Environmental Registry)

Ontario Regulation 433/10 is a site specific amendment that revokes certain lands from Ontario Regulation 482/73.
Effective Date:  November 25, 2010

Consequential Amendments to O. Reg 67/93 Health Care and Reasidential Facilities

Consequential amendments to O. Reg. 67/93 to reflect amendments to Regulation 833 and O. Reg 490/09 effective July 1, 2010.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Consequential Amendments to Regulation 854 Mines and Mining Plants

Consequential amendments to Regulation 854 to reflect amendments to Regulation 833 and O. Reg. 490/09 effective July 1, 2010.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Consequential Amendments to O. Reg. 632/05 Confined Spaces

Consequential amendments to O. Reg. 632/05 to reflect amendments to Regulation 833 and O. Reg. 490/09 effective July 1, 2010.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Consequential Amendments to O. Reg. 278/05 Designated Substance – Asbestos on Construction Projects and in Buildings and Repair Operations.

Consequential amendments to O. Reg. 278/05 to reflect amendments to Regulation 833 and O. Reg. 490/09 effective July 1, 2010.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Consequential Amendments to Regulation 851 Industrial Establishments

Consequential amendments to Regulation 851 to reflect amendments to Regulation 833 and O. Reg. 490/09 effective July 1, 2010.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Health Insurance Act - General

Evidence based funding changes to Physician schedule of Benefits
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Regulation changes under the Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007

Reg 79/10 LTCHA was approved and is effective July 1, 2010. It governs long-term care home resident care, services, admissions, operations, funding, licensing, compliance and administration. This posting deals with the revocation of O. Reg. 20/03 (prescribed Payment per Bed - Clause 6(a) of the Act), 54/07 Homes for the aged and Rest Homes Act, 832, Nursing Homes Act
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Ontario Regulation 620/05

High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes
Effective Date:  November 26, 2010

Consequential Amendments to Three MNR Regulations

Amendments to three MNR regulations to reflect the change in terminology of the disabled person parking permit made through the Good Government Act, 2009.
Effective Date:  May 14, 2010

2010 Long-term care home and chronic care co-payment rate increase and 2010 comfort allowance increase

The co-payment rate for residents of long-term care homes and chronic care patients in hospitals will increase by 0.3% (the 2009 CPI) effective July 1, 2010. Effective November 1, 2010 the comfort allowance will increase from $128.00/month to $130.00/month.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Co-Payment and Comfort Allowance amounts

Update regulations which set out co-payment and comfort allowance amounts required to be paid by chronic care patients.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Ontario Regulation 362/10  (source: Environmental Registry)

Ontario Regulation 362/10 revokes 11 Ontario Regulations in unincorporated areas within the Districts of Thunder Bay, Rainy River and Kenora.
Effective Date:  September 14, 2010

Ontario Regulation made under the Land Transfer Tax Act: Exemption – Charity Reorganization

The regulation made under the Land Transfer Tax Act implements the 2010 Ontario Budget proposal to exempt from land transfer tax certain transfers of land by registered charities after March 25, 2010 resulting solely from an internal reorganization.
Effective Date:  March 26, 2010

Regulation 623

Stop Signs at Intersections
Effective Date:  August 12, 2010

Extension of Deadlines for the Filing of Valuation Reports for Wilfred Laurier and Lakehead Universities

Effective Date:  September 16, 2010

Introduction of Legislative Framework to Implement Proposed Agreement Respecting Multi-Jurisdictional Pension Plans

Effective Date:  October 1, 2010

Amendment to Ontario Regulation 231/08

O.Reg. 231/08 contains outdated references to long-term care facilities, which required amending this regulation to support changes to the Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Hospital Management - Public Hospitals Act

Support objectives of quality improvement and transparency by clarifying and strengthening reporting of critical incidents in hospitals and changes to board composition and decision-making.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Health Insurance Act - General

Evidence based funding changes to Physician schedule of Benefits
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Personal Health Information Protection - Disclosure by and to hospital investigators

Personal Health Information Protection - Disclosure by and to hospital investigators
Effective Date:  April 28, 2010

Drug Interchangeability and Dispensing Fee Act - General

Drug Interchangeability and Dispensing Fee changes
Effective Date:  June 7, 2010

Ontario Drug Benefit Act - General

Ontario Drug Benefit Act - General
Effective Date:  June 7, 2010

Funding of Vitamin D Testing Based on Clinical Evidence

A proposed regulation amendment under the Health Insurance Act (HIA) to implement evidence based payments to community laboratories for Vitamin D testing.
Effective Date:  December 1, 2010

Local Health System Integration Act, 2006, Engagement with the Francophone Community under Section 16 of the Act

The regulation outlines how the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care will name French language health planning entities to advise the 14 Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) on matters related to Francophone health service issues.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2010

Revoking Obsolete Regulations

Revoking four obsolete regulations made under the Income Tax Act
Effective Date:  October 1, 2010

Regulations under the Apprenticeship and Certification Act, 1998

Four regulations have been translated into French.
Effective Date:  September 18, 2010

Regulations under the Trades Qualification and Apprenticeship Act

Eleven regulations have been translated into French. In addition, graphics were removed from Regulation 1055 (General).
Effective Date:  September 18, 2010

College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Ontario

Professional Misconduct Regulation under the Medical Laboratory Technology Act, 1991
Effective Date:  September 17, 2010

Regulation 257/00 under the Ambulance Act

Amend Subsections 23(2) and (7) and Subsections 24(2) and (6) of Regulation 257/00 under the Ambulance Act, to extend the dates by two years for which (a) land ambulance and land ambulance dispatch response time performance plans are required to be established and (b) response time reports are subsequently required to be submitted to the Emergency Health Services Branch, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.
Effective Date:  September 15, 2010

Ontario Regulation 79/10 made under the Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007

This Regulation would govern the requirements relating to long-term care home resident care, services, admissions, operations, funding, licensing, compliance and administrative matters in all long-term care homes in Ontario. The Regulation will come into effect on the date that the LTCHA comes into force (July 1, 2010).
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Technical and Transitional Amendments to Ontario Regulation 79/10 under the Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007

Regulation provides minor technical and transitional amendments to Ontario Regulation 79/10 under the Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007. These amendments will ensure appropriate implementation of the new Act and support the Ministry’s overall long-term care homes transformation initiatives.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Order to declare that the Environmental Assessment Act (EAA) does not apply to the establishment of a new University of Waterloo campus in the City of Stratford, Ontario.  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Declaration Order would allow the university to meet the requirements of the EAA for the planning and construction of a new digital media research and education campus in the City of Stratford, without preparing an individual environmental assessment (EA).
Effective Date:  November 17, 2010

Ontario Regulation 1012, Definitions, Exemptions and Rebates

Ontario Regulation 316/10 has been filed and amends Ontario Regulation 1012, Definitions, Exemptions and Rebates, made under the Retail Sales Tax Act, in respect of the continuation of the Retail Sales Tax (RST) on private sales of used vehicles after June 2010, as announced in the 2009 Budget.
Effective Date:  August 13, 2010

Small Business Transition Support

Ontario regulation 318/10, made under the Retail Sales Tax Act, has been filed in respect of the Small Business Transition Support program, as announced in the 2009 Budget.
Effective Date:  August 13, 2010

Ontario Regulation 1012, Definitions, Exemptions and Rebates

Ontario regulation 319/10 has been filed and amends Ontario Regulation 1012, Definitions, Exemptions and Rebates, made under the Retail Sales Tax Act in respect of the application of retail sales tax (RST) on private sales of used vehicles to Status Indians.
Effective Date:  August 13, 2010

Point of Sale Rebates

Effective Date:  June 28, 2010

Rebates for First Nations in Ontario

The new Rebates for First Nations in Ontario regulation under the Retail Sales Tax Act implements a point-of-sale rebate for Ontario’s First Nations on qualifying property or services purchased off-reserve on or after September 1, 2010 for the purposes of the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST).
Effective Date:  August 13, 2010

Regulation 735

Establishment of Local Roads Area - Northwestern Region
Effective Date:  March 12, 2010

Regulation 624

Stop Signs in Territories without Municipal Organization
Effective Date:  July 28, 2010

Regulation 734

Establishment of Local Roads Areas - Northern and Eastern Regions
Effective Date:  March 8, 2010

Ontario Regulation 343/94- Provincially Approved Screening Devices (HTA) – Revoked

Under Bill 126, the Road Safety Act, 2009, the contents of Regulation 343/94 were moved into the Highway Traffic Act (HTA) to coincide with the appropriate sections on breath testing of alcohol for novice, accompanying, and young drivers (sections 48.1 and 48.2). As a result, Regulation 343/94 became redundant.
Effective Date:  August 1, 2010

Regulation 619

Speed Limits
Effective Date:  September 2, 2010

Amendments to Demerit Point Table

Amendments to the Demerit Point Table to reflect increased penalites for improper driver behaviour upon the approach of or following certain emergency vehicles, as well as consistency in the application of demerit points for child car seat offences
Effective Date:  January 1, 2010

Designation of Geographic Areas and Delivery Agents Regulation (O. Reg. 137/99) under the Day Nurseries Act

Designation of Geographic Areas and Delivery Agents Regulation is being amended to reflect a name change of one of the designated delivery agents
Effective Date:  July 12, 2010

College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario

Proposed Regulation Amendments – Notice of Meetings and Hearings
Effective Date:  July 31, 2010

College of Nurses of Ontario

Amending Part IV (Quality Assurance) of O. Reg. 275/94, under the Nursing Act, 1991
Effective Date:  August 11, 2010

Addition of Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) to the list of noxious weeds under the Weed Control Act.  (source: Environmental Registry)

Addition of Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) to the list of noxious weeds under the Weed Control Act.
Effective Date:  August 25, 2010

Amendment to Regulation 581 of the Highway Traffic Act

The Ministry of Transportation is proposing amending Regulation 581 (Accessible Parking For Persons With Disabilities) of the Highway Traffic Act
Effective Date:  August 11, 2010

Assessment Review Board Act

Revoking of O. Reg. 290/07 under the Assessment Review Board Act
Effective Date:  March 2, 2010

Regulations under the Land Registration Reform Act

New Minister’s regulations under the Land Registration Reform Act, LRRA are required for the continued rollout of electronic land registration in Ontario in 2010.
Effective Date:  July 19, 2010

Housekeeping Amendments to the Demerit Point System - Regulation 339/94 of the Highway Traffic Act (HTA)

Amendments to Regulation 339/94 will take effect on Aug 1, 2010, that will remove obsolete sections of the regulation and clarify the language about the application of demerit points.
Effective Date:  August 1, 2010

Daytime Running Lights

The Ministry of Transportation is proposing to amend Ontario Regulation 587 to create a new requirement that drivers use their vehicles’ daytime running lights.
Effective Date:  August 31, 2010

Amendments to regulations pertaining to bridges – Regulation 104/97

Streamline regulatory requirements for bridge inspection and design
Effective Date:  December 6, 2010

Order to declare that the Environmental Assessment Act (EAA) does not apply to the planning and construction the Port of Prescott Expansion, Rehabilitation and Future Development Area.  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Declaration Order would allow the Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal to meet the requirements of the Environmental Assessment Act (EAA) for the planning and construction of the Port of Prescott Expansion, Rehabilitation and Future Development Area, without preparing an individual EA.
Effective Date:  October 20, 2010

Ontario Regulation 254/10  (source: Environmental Registry)

Ontario Regulation 254/10 is a site specific amendment that revokes certain lands from Ontario Regulation 481/73.
Effective Date:  July 15, 2010

Proposed Lieutenant Governor in Council (LGIC) regulation made under the Planning Act to prescribe an undertaking that relates to energy.  (source: Environmental Registry)

The purpose of this regulation is to facilitate the development of a natural gas-fired simple cycle peaking electricity generating power facility in the Township of King.
Effective Date:  July 29, 2010

Ontario Regulation 271/10  (source: Environmental Registry)

Ontario Regulation 271/10 revokes O.Regs. 486/71, 271/74, 493/78, 153/80, 467/80, 1109, 1110/80, 537/82, 538/82, 579/87, 755, 21/92, 3/96, 47/96, 257/99, 621/99 and 3/01.
Effective Date:  June 28, 2010

Minor Amendments to Ontario Regulation 153/04, Brownfields Records of Site Condition

The purpose of this posting is to inform the public and stakeholders about minor regulatory amendments to the Brownfields regulation, Ontario Regulation 153/04 and Ontario Regulation 511/09
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Ontario Regulation 158/10

Ontario Heritage Act - revoked regulations
Effective Date:  May 3, 2010

Ontario Regulation 157/10 Public Bodies – Part III.1 of the Act

The “List of Public Bodies that will be Subject to Standards and Guidelines for Conservation of Provincial Heritage Properties” provides direction on the identification, protection, maintenance, use, and disposal of heritage properties owned or occupied by the Crown in Ontario.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

LHSIA O. Reg 73/10 - Amendment to LHSIA O. Reg. 279/07 "Exemptions"

An amendment to Ontario regulation 279/07 under the Local Health System Integration Act, 2006 (LHSIA) has been made to extend the exemption date for the Local Health System Integration Networks (LHINs) and the Long-Term Care Homes (LTCHs).
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Ontario Regulations 269/10 and 270/10  (source: Environmental Registry)

Ontario Regulations (O.Reg.) 269/10 and 270/10 amend O.Reg. 465/09 and 466/09 respectively by changing the effective date of the Minister's Zoning Orders from July 1, 2010 to July 1, 2011
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Regulations under the Retail Sales Tax Act

Amendments to Ontario Regulation 1012, Definitions, Exemptions and Rebates, made under the Retail Sales Tax Act, are proposed in respect of the wind-down of the Retail Sales Tax (RST) and the transition to the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) effective July 1, 2010.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Amendment to O. Regulation 123/04 (Apples – Plan) to ensure adequate producer representation in each of five districts under the governance structure of the Ontario Apple Growers

The Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission approved and recommended to the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs that the proposed amendment to O. Regulation 123/04 (Apples – Plan) under the Farm Products Marketing Act be approved to ensure that in any apple growing district in which there are less than 60 district group members, that such a district would be represented by three delegates on the District Apple Producers’ Committee.
Effective Date:  June 18, 2010

Regulation under the Business Regulation Reform Act, 1994

Naming of additional statute to the Business Regulation Reform Act
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Definition of road service vehicle. Amended Regulation 625

MTO proclaimed into force amendments to the Highway Traffic Act that moved the definition of “road service vehicle” to the general definition Part of the Act. As a result, a consequential amendment was made to the reference to road service vehicles in Regulation 625 (Tire Standards and Specifications) to reflect the relocation of the definition in the Act.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Private Security: Transition re licence renewals under the Private Security and Investigative Services Act, 2005

Amends the "Training and Testing" Regulation to allow licensees to renew their licenses one time without completing the ministry test
Effective Date:  June 9, 2010

Private Security: Expiry date extension for business registrations under the Private Security and Investigative Services Act, 2005

Amends the "REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS FOR BUSINESS ENTITIES" Regulation to extend the expiry date for a period of 30 days
Effective Date:  June 9, 2010

Private Security: Expiry date extension for individual licences under the Private Security and Investigative Services Act, 2005

Amends the "TERM OF LICENCES" Regulation to extend the expiry date for a period of 30 days
Effective Date:  June 9, 2010

HOV lane access for electric vehicles

Amendment required to the HOV regulation to allow single-occupant, eligible electric vehicles access to the HOV lanes.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Courts of Justice - Small Claims Court Appeal Limit

O. Reg. 626/00 Small Claims Court Jurisdiction under the Courts of Justice Act would be amended to include a Small Claims Court appeal limit of $2500. Only claims for amounts of $2500 or more would be permitted to be appealed to the Divisional Court.
Effective Date:  June 17, 2010

Public Accountancy Act

Revoking O. Reg. 489/01 of the Public Accountancy Act
Effective Date:  June 8, 2010

Farm Implements Act

Amendments to a regulation under the Farm Implements Act have been proposed to reduce the paperwork for equipment dealers and distributors as well as remove requirements on the specific type of safety decals that must be used on farm implements.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Proposed Amendment to Ontario Regulation 48/06 under the Smoke-Free Ontario Act

The Legislature is currently considering proposed amendments to the Smoke-Free Ontario Act that, if passed, would remove the definition of cigarillo from the Act and give statutory authority to define cigarillo through regulation. MHP is undertaking consultation on potential amendments to Regulation 48/06 in the event that the proposed statutory amendments are passed and receive Royal Assent.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

New regulation under the Alcohol and Gaming Regulation and Public Protection Act, 1996

The new regulation would set out the responsibilities of tax collectors relating to the collection and remittance of tax, the keeping of records and the filing of returns.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Individual Variable Insurance Contracts Consumer Protection

Amendments to Regulation 132/97 - Variable Insurance Contacts
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Regulations under the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006

Regulations under the Residential Tenancies Act Concerning Applications for Rent Increase Above Guideline
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Rules of VQA Ontario relating to terms, descriptions and designations for VQA wine

Proposed amendments to VQA wine standards
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Extending Time Periods in Ontario Regulation 340/94

Revoking Regulation 318/09 Extending Driver's Licence Expiry Dates
Effective Date:  September 1, 2010

Milk Act: Amendments to Regulation 761, Milk and Milk Products and Ontario Regulation 143/98, Fees — Administration and Enforcement of Delegated Legislation.

The Farm Products Marketing Commission amended Regulation 761 and Ontario Regulation 143/98 of the Milk Act. These amendments, made in part to be responsive to key issues of dairy stakeholders, allow industry more oversight for certain aspects of raw cow milk quality testing that will provide more information for farm-management decisions and authority over testing for producer-processor payment purposes. The amendments do not impact the safety and quality of milk and milk products in Ontario.
Effective Date:  June 1, 2010

Milk Act: Amendments to Ontario Regulation 121/98, Administration and Enforcement of Regulations in Respect of the Raw Milk and Cream Quality under the Milk Act.

The Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs made amendments to Ontario Regulation 121/98, Administration and Enforcement of Regulations in Respect of the Raw Milk and Cream Quality under the Milk Act. These amendments correct a previous error in the regulation as well as correct errors in cross-references created due to recent amendments to Regulation 761.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Revoking Flue-Cured Tobacco Grade Standards and Grading Requirements under the Farm Products Grades and Sales Act

Proposal to revoke Regulation 374 – (Flue-Cured Tobacco) under the Farm Products Grades and Sales Act effective January 1, 2011
Effective Date:  January 1, 2010

Amendment to O. Reg. 666/98 (Possession, Buying and Selling of Wildlife) under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997 to prohibit importation of live captive white-tailed deer, elk, moose, caribou, and/or their hybrids into Ontario, unless done so under an authorization issued under the Act, to help minimize the risk of entry of Chronic Wasting Disease into Ontario

To ensure that appropriate measures are taken to minimize the risk of entry of CWD into Ontario by amending O. Reg. 666/98 (Possession, Buying and Selling of Wildlife) under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997 to prohibit importation of live captive white-tailed deer, elk, moose, caribou, and/or their hybrids into Ontario, unless done so under an authorization issued under the Act.
Effective Date:  August 17, 2010

Automobile Certificate of Insurance

Regulation 278/95 is repealed to provide for the certificate of insurance to be in a form approved by the Superintendent of Financial Services
Effective Date:  September 1, 2010

Automobile Insurance Reporting

This is a new regulation to facilitate Ontario Ministry of Transportation implementation of online verification of automobile insurance coverage at the time of vehicle permit renewal.
Effective Date:  September 1, 2010

Automobile manufacturers/distributors (industry) registration exemptions for business use vehicles

The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is proposing to amend Ontario Regulation 628, Vehicle Permits and 601/93, Used Vehicle Information Package, so industry qualifies for exemptions when transferring business use vehicles within the company
Effective Date:  June 26, 2010

Farm Products Payments Act – Obsolete Regulations for Revocation

Proposed revocations of O.Reg 610/99 (Dissolution of the Fund for Egg Producers) and O.Reg 672/92 (Disposition of the Fund for Producers of Vegetables for Processing) under the Farm Products Payments Act
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Amendments to Ontario Regulations 433 and 434 under the Farm Products Marketing Act

Adding Fresh Nectarines to the Tender Fruit Marketing Regime
Effective Date:  May 17, 2010

College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Ontario

Quality Assurance Regulation under the Medical Laboratory Technology Act, 1991
Effective Date:  April 22, 2010

Legislative Framework for Modernizing Environmental Approvals  (source: Environmental Registry)

To proceed with the introduction of a proposed Open for Business Act, 2010, Schedule 7(Modernization of Approvals. Schedule 7 includes the changes made as a result of public consultation on the proposed Legislative Framework for Modernizing Environmental Approvals.
Effective Date:  April 26, 2010

Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) Alternative Impoundment Program

The Ministry of Transportation is proposing the creation of a new regulation under the Highway Traffic Act (HTA) that would provide an alternative to the new 7-day vehicle impoundment for commercial vehicles.
Effective Date:  December 1, 2010

Bill 203 - Reduced Suspension with Ignition Interlock Conduct Review Program

The Ministry of Transportation is proposing to amend Ontario Regulation 287/08 to create a new conduct review program for convicted drinking drivers.
Effective Date:  August 3, 2010

Proposals to Introduce Customer Service Standards for Common Elements Warranty Claims and to Introduce a Liability Cap for Larger Condominium Projects

New customer service standards for freehold homes and condominium dwelling units were introduced by Tarion Warranty Corporation (“Tarion”) in 2003. Tarion’s subsequent experience and input from condominium corporations and the building industry suggested there was a need for a standard process for common elements warranty claims as well. Also, a need has been identified to create a maximum aggregate liability cap of $50,000,000 for all warranty coverage in a condo project.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Revocation of Mixed Records section of O. Reg. 329/04 under the Personal Health Information Protection Act

Revocation of s. 4 (mixed records) of O. Reg. 329/04 under the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Metrolinx Administrative Fees Regulation – Summary of Proposal

The purpose of the regulation is to provide an alternative to GO Transit's present system for handling vehicle- and fare-related infractions. The regulation will make it easier for GO customers to resolve ticket disputes without being charged under the Provincial Offences Act, promote orderly flow of traffic in GO parking areas, ensure that customers pay their fares and parking fees and avoid the court, administrative, personal and financial costs that are incurred when a dispute goes to court.
Effective Date:  July 12, 2010

Ontario Regulation 629, Vehicles for the Transportation of Physically Disabled Passengers

The Ministry of Transportation is proposing to amend the regulation for physically-disabled-passenger vehicles to remove an outdated requirement for axe or claw bar.
Effective Date:  November 1, 2010

Feasibility Study for Water Quality Trading in the Lake Simcoe Watershed.  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Lake Simcoe Protection Plan commits the province to complete a Water Quality Trading Feasibility Study for the Lake Simcoe Watershed within one year of the release of the Plan, pursuant to the Ontario Water Resources Act.
Effective Date:  July 7, 2010

Amend Part 7 of O.Reg. 663/98 (Areas South of the French and Mattawa Rivers where Sunday Gun Hunting is Permitted) under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act  (source: Environmental Registry)

The purpose of this notice is to inform the public that, at the request of the municipalities, the Ministry of Natural Resources has revised the list of areas in southern Ontario where Sunday gun hunting can occur by adding three municipalities to the list.
Effective Date:  April 1, 2010

Public Libraries Act Regulatory Amendment

The regulatory amendment updates Reg. 976 of R.R.O. 1990: Grants for Public Libraries under the Public Libraries Act to reflect recent changes to the Act made as part of the Good Government Act, 2009.
Effective Date:  April 1, 2010

Audit Committees

This regulation requires the establishment of audit committees for the district school boards in Ontario
Effective Date:  September 9, 2010

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario

New Proposed Inspection of Premises and Equipment Regulation
Effective Date:  April 6, 2010

Technical Amendments to the Liquor Control Act, Regulation 717 (General)

The introduction of the harmonized sales tax on July 1, 2010 necessitates technical amendments to Regulation 717 (General) made under the Liquor Control Act.
Effective Date:  March 29, 2010

Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario

New Quality Assurance Regulation under the Dentisry Act, 1991
Effective Date:  February 26, 2010

Regulation made under the Liquor Control Act governing the minimum prices of beverage alcohol

Proposed regulation to index the minimum prices of beverage alcohol
Effective Date:  April 12, 2010

Amendments to R.R.O 1990, Regulation 415 (Grapes For Processing – Plan) under the Farm Products Marketing Act regarding governance of the Grape Growers of Ontario.

The Grape Growers of Ontario (GGO) requested amendments to R.R.O 1990, Regulation 415 (Grapes For Processing – Plan) under the Farm Products Marketing Act. GGO members were consulted on this matter, and agreed to the amendments. The amendments include an increase in size of the GGO Board; the inclusion of two regions of the province as separate districts and three year staggered terms for board members. The Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission fully supported these amendments.
Effective Date:  March 23, 2010

Regulation amending the General Regulation made under the Taxation Act, 2007

The regulation made under the Taxation Act, 2007 implemented the 2009 Ontario Budget and Fall Economic Statement proposals to enhance two refundable corporate tax credits and make other technical corrections.
Effective Date:  March 16, 2010

Outdoor Fires Regulation under the Forest Fires Prevention Act

The regulation was amended to make the language concur with the Forest Fires Prevention Act that was changed in the Good Government Act of December 2009. Additionally, one duplicate word was eliminated.
Effective Date:  April 1, 2010

Extension of the 2007 Canada-Ontario Agreement Respecting the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem (COA)  (source: Environmental Registry)

COA is a framework through which the governments of Canada and Ontario work cooperatively with the support of other partners, to restore, protect and conserve the environmental quality of the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem in order to achieve the vision of a healthy, prosperous and sustainable Basin for present and future generations. COA assists Canada in meeting its obligations under the Canada-United States Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA).
Effective Date:  March 31, 2010

Ontario Regulation 55/10  (source: Environmental Registry)

Ontario Regulation 55/10 is a site specific amendment that allows for a minimum lot frontage of 30 metres on lands located in part of Lot 21, Concession 7, in the Town of Markham.
Effective Date:  March 12, 2010

Law Society Act

Amendments to O. Reg. 167/07, which expands the summary hearings process
Effective Date:  March 15, 2010

Private Security: Clarifying the mandatory clean criminal record requirement for licensees under the Private Security and Investigative Services Act, 2005

Amends the "ELIGIBILITY TO HOLD A LICENCE — CLEAN CRIMINAL RECORD" Regulation to eliminate duplication.
Effective Date:  March 16, 2010

Critical Defects of Commercial Motor Vehicles

This regulation contains precise definitions of “critical defects” for the purposes of identifying vehicles which merit an administrative order of impoundment and that should be deemed unsafe for the purposes of Highway Traffic Act prosecutions.
Effective Date:  April 6, 2010

Drive Clean Regulatory Amendment  (source: Environmental Registry)

The purpose of this posting is to solicit public comment on the proposed amendments to Ontario Regulation 361/98 (Motor Vehicles) made under the Environmental Protection Act.
Effective Date:  June 4, 2010

Regulations under the Capital Investment Plan Act, 1993

French versions of two regulations
Effective Date:  February 26, 2010

Amendments to Ontario Regulations 73/94 and 681/94 under the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Ministry of the Environment (MOE) is proposing to amend Ontario Regulation (O.Reg.) 73/94 and O.Reg. 681/94.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Proposed Egg Regulation under the Food Safety and Quality Act, 2001

The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) proposes to develop an updated egg regulation under the Food Safety and Quality Act, 2001 (FSQA) to replace the current R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 724 - Eggs and R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 726 - Processed Egg under the Livestock and Livestock Products Act (LLPA).
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Amendment of O. Reg. 230/08 (Species at Risk in Ontario List) in response to COSSARO report received December 18, 2010  (source: Environmental Registry)

To provide general notice to the public that amendments will be made to Ontario Regulation 230/08 (Species at Risk in Ontario List) in response to a report received by the Minister of Natural Resources from the Committee on the Status of Species at Risk in Ontario (COSSARO) on December 18, 2009.
Effective Date:  March 18, 2010

Condominium Act, 1998: Reserve fund extension

MCS amended a regulation under the Condominium Act, 1998 to extend the timeframe by which condominium corporations that were registered prior to the Act coming into force must have their reserve funds fully funded.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Minimum Maintence Standards Regulation (MMS)

The Minimum Maintenance Standards (MMS) Regulation came into effect in 2002 and as required by the regulation was reviewed and updated, coming into force in January 2010.
Effective Date:  February 18, 2010

Human Rights Code, Proposed Regulation

Revoking O. Reg. 32/08 ("Transitional Matters") under the Human Rights Code
Effective Date:  March 2, 2010

Time Act, Proposed Regulation

Revoking O. Reg. 111/06 (“Variation of Time in Effect”) under the Time Act
Effective Date:  March 2, 2010

Amendments to Ontario Regulation 253/06 made under the Environmental Assessment Act and Ontario Regulation 254/06 made under the Environmental Protection Act, to extend the application of the two regulations provisions by one year for Plasco Trail Road Inc.'s plasma gasification demonstration project.  (source: Environmental Registry)

This information notice relates to amendments made to Ontario Regulation 253/06 (O. Reg. 253/06) under the Environmental Assessment Act and Ontario Regulation 254/06 (O. Reg. 254/06) under the Environmental Protection Act, for Plasco Trail Road Inc.’s (Plasco) demonstration project. The amendments change the amount of time Plasco’s plasma arc gasification demonstration project is permitted to operate by extending the timeframe by one year from the day the amending regulations come into force.
Effective Date:  January 21, 2010

Amendment to R.R.O. 1990 Regulation 753 (Grades, Standards, Designations Packing and Marking) under the Milk Act to change the classes of milk in Ontario to be consistent with the national classification system.

The amendment to Regulation 753 ensures that milk used in recipes for “flavoured milk” or “flavoured cream” is classified so that it is consistent with the Canadian Harmonized Milk Classification System.
Effective Date:  February 1, 2010

Courts of Justice Act: Regulation 206 Territorial Divisions for the Small Claims Court

O. Reg. 448/09 revoked Regulation 206 under the Courts of Justice Act, which provided for territorial divisions in the Small Claims Court, but which was outdated.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2010

Automobile Insurance Reform

Amendments to Regulations 664 (Automobile Insurance), 34/10 (Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule - Effective September 1, 2010) and 461/96 (Court Proceeding For Automobile Accidents That Occur On Or After November 1, 1996) as part of changes to implement automobile insurance reform
Effective Date:  September 1, 2010

Oneida Nation of the Thames Long-Term Care Home

Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care proposes to exempt Oneida Nation of the Thames from admission provisions regulated under the Nursing Home Act.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Ontario Regulation 138/10  (source: Environmental Registry)

On April 13, 2010, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing filed a Zoning Order, made pursuant to clause 47(1)(a) of the Planning Act, with the Registrar of Regulations as Ontario Regulation 138/10.
Effective Date:  April 13, 2010

Ontario Regulation 135/10  (source: Environmental Registry)

The purpose of this notice is to inform interested parties of the decision regarding Ontario Regulation 135/10, which amends Ontario Regulation 481/73.
Effective Date:  April 17, 2010

Spent Regulations Revoked

Various spent regulations have been revoked
Effective Date:  February 10, 2010

Labour Mobility

To establish a regulation for the purpose of clause 17(3)(b) of the Act
Effective Date:  June 7, 2010

Spent Regulations Revoked

Various spent regulations have been revoked
Effective Date:  September 3, 2010

Amendment O. Reg. 667/98 (Trapping) made under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, consistent with provisions of the Agreement on International Humane Trapping Standards, by adding two addiction traps to schedule for leg-hold restraining traps.  (source: Environmental Registry)

To inform the public that two traps for raccoon have been added to the schedule of humane traps under the trapping regulation.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Education Act Regulation (118/10)

These amendments set the 2010 Education Tax Rates for Ontario Municipalities
Effective Date:  March 30, 2010

Municipal Act, 2001 Regulations (56/10, 57/10)

These amendments continue to allow the municipalities to set transition tax ratios for 2010 based on a prescribed formula, as well as maintain levy increase flexibility
Effective Date:  March 3, 2010

City of Toronto Act Regulation (58/10)

These amendments continue to allow the City of Toronto to set transition tax ratios for 2010 based on a prescribed formula, as well as maintain levy increase flexibility
Effective Date:  March 3, 2010

Labour Mobility

To establish a regulation for the purpose of clause 9(6)(b) of the Act
Effective Date:  June 7, 2010

“Grain (Grain Corn, Soybeans and Wheat) – Plan” (Ontario Regulation 484/09) under the Farm Products Marketing Act

Formation of a single marketing board for grain corn, soybeans and wheat under the Farm Products Marketing Act to replace marketing boards for soybeans and wheat and to replace an association for corn producers.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2010

College of Midwives of Ontario

Proposed Drug Regulation Amendments
Effective Date:  January 22, 2010

Ontario Regulations 464/09, 465/09, and 466/09  (source: Environmental Registry)

Take notice that on December 7, 2009, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing filed three (3) Zoning Orders, made pursuant to clause 47(1)(a) of the Planning Act, with the Registrar of Regulations as Ontario Regulation 464/09, Ontario Regulation 465/09, and Ontario Regulation 466/09. O. Reg. 464/09 came into force the day that it was filed, December 7, 2009. O. Reg. 465/09 and O. Reg. 466/09 come into force on July 1, 2010.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Ontario Regulation O.Reg. 490/09 - Designated Substances

Eleven of 12 stand-alone designated substance regulations are being consolidated into one designated substances regulation.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Proposal to Amend Ontario Regulation 419/05: Air Polution - Local Air Quality Under the Environmental Protection Act to Include An Ontario Air Standard for Acrolein  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE) has identified the need to develop and/or update air quality standards for priority contaminants. The MOE is proposing to amend O.Reg 419/05, made under the Environmental Protection Act, to introduce an updated standard for Acrolein.
Effective Date:  February 1, 2010

Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act

Effective Date:  January 15, 2010

Ontario Regulation 612, School Buses

The Ministry of Transportation is proposing to modernize the standards for school buses in Ontario by repealing out of date requirements and updating the safety features on new buses.
Effective Date:  October 1, 2010

Regulation to Include First Nations’ Drinking Water Systems in the Drinking Water Source Protection Planning Process Pursuant to the Clean Water Act  (source: Environmental Registry)

Amendment to Regulation 287/07 – General, to include the Kettle and Stony Point First Nation and the Six Nations of the Grand River drinking water systems in the applicable source protection planning process pursuant to the Clean Water Act, 2006
Effective Date:  March 8, 2010

Amendment to O. Reg. 666/98 (Possession, Buying and Selling of Wildlife) under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997 to prohibit possession in Ontario of certain parts of moose and caribou killed in other jurisdictions, to help minimize the risk of entry of Chronic Wasting Disease into Ontario  (source: Environmental Registry)

To ensure that appropriate measures are taken to minimize the risk of entry of CWD into Ontario, by amending O. Reg. 666/98 (Possession, Buying and Selling of Wildlife) under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997 to prohibit possession in Ontario of certain parts of moose and caribou killed in other jurisdictions.
Effective Date:  August 17, 2010

General Regulation under the Local Health System Integration Act, 2006

Draft regulation for reconciliation and recovery of funding under the LHSIA
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Courts of Justice Act: Rules of Civil Procedure

O. Reg. 453/09 under the Courts of Justice Act made housekeeping amendments to subrules 31.06 (3) and 34.10 (4) of the Rules of Civil Procedure.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2010

Ontario Regulation 36/10

This Regulation amends Ontario Regulation 664 of R.R.O. 1990 (Automobile Insurance)
Effective Date:  September 1, 2010

Electricity Act, 1998: Gross Revenue Charge on Hydro-Electric Generating Stations

The amending regulation continues the fixed proxy price of $40,000 per gigawatt-hour to calculate gross revenues and includes other administrative amendments.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2010

Courts of Justice Act: Rules of the Small Claims Court

O. Reg. 505/09 under the Courts of Justice Act, made a housekeeping amendment to the Rules of the Small Claims Court by clarifying a minor point on the Affidavit of Service form.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2010

Ontario Regulation 38/10

This Regulation amends Ontario Regulation 283/95 (Disputes Between Insurers)
Effective Date:  September 1, 2010

Ontario Regulation 37/10

This Regulation amends Ontario Regulation 7/00 Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices
Effective Date:  September 1, 2010

Ontario Regulation 34/10 Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule – Effective September 1, 2010

This Regulation provides insurance benefits for individuals who are injured in motor vehicle accidents on or after September 1, 2010.
Effective Date:  September 1, 2010

Ontario Regulation 39/10

This Regulation amends Ontario Regulation 534/06 (Prescribed Information for the Purposes of Section 101.1 of the Act)
Effective Date:  September 1, 2010

Ontario Regulation 35/10

This Regulation amends Ontario Regulation 403/96 (Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule – Accidents on or after November 1, 1996)
Effective Date:  September 1, 2010

Ontario Regulation 40/10

This Regulation amends Ontario Regulation 777/93 (Statutory Conditions – Automobile Insurance)
Effective Date:  September 1, 2010

Amendment to O. Reg. 665/98 (Hunting) under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997 to prohibit possession and use, for the purposes of hunting, of products that contain, or purport to contain, any body part of a member of the deer family, that may contribute to the potential spread of Chronic Wasting Disease, including urine, blood, glands, or other fluids  (source: Environmental Registry)

To ensure that appropriate measures are taken to minimize the risk of entry of CWD into Ontario by amending O. Reg. 665/98 (Hunting) under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997 to prohibit possession and use of products that contain, or purport to contain, any body part of a member of the deer family, including urine, blood, glands, or other fluids, for the purposes of hunting.
Effective Date:  August 17, 2010

Regulation made under the Toxics Reduction Act, 2009  (source: Environmental Registry)

While the Toxics Reduction Act, 2009 is not yet prescribed under the Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR), the Ministry of the Environment (Ministry) would like to provide general notice to the public that a new regulation has been made under the Toxics Reduction Act, 2009.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2010

Amendment to Ontario Regulation 316/07 under the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006, to remove the provincial park designation from Ipperwash Provincial Park  (source: Environmental Registry)

The purpose of the regulation is to deregulate the entire park, a step that is required for the eventual transfer of the park land to Canada under the Addition to Reserve Policy, for the benefit of the Chippewas of Kettle and Stony Point First Nation.
Effective Date:  March 12, 2010

Ontario Regulation 79/10 made under the Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007

The text and a description of the second set of proposed initial draft regulations
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Modernization of Ontario Regulation 601, Motor Vehicle Inspection Stations and Ontario Regulation 611, Safety Inspections.

The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is proposing to amend Ontario Regulation 601, Motor Vehicle Inspection Stations, and Ontario Regulation 611, Safety Inspections to modernize the requirements by repealing obsolete references to inspection criteria for propane-fuelled vehicles and dump vehicles and to include a new method for testing the brakes on transit vehicles.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2010

Amendments to the Regulation for Construction Projects (O. Reg. 213/91)

Amendments to the Regulation regarding stilts, guardrail systems and other items, to come into effect January 1, 2010.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2010

Proposed amendments to Ontario Regulations 543/06 (Official Plan and Plan Amendments), 544/06 (Plans of Subdivision), 197/96 (Consent Applications), 545/06 (Zoning By-laws, Holding By-laws and Interim Control By-laws) and 200/96 (Minor Variance Applications)  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing is proposing to amend regulations under the Planning Act to require notification to propane facility operators licensed under the Technical Standards and Safety Act of applications for official plans/plan amendments, plans of subdivision/condominium, consents, rezonings and minor variances where the facility’s defined hazard distance extends into the area to which the application relates.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2010

2009 Proposal to Adopt New Occupational Exposure Limits or Listings for 17 Hazardous Chemical Substances

Proposed Update of Occupational Exposure Limits
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010


This is a new regulation that prescribes penalties for contraventions of the Employment Protection for Foreign Nationals Act (Live-in Caregivers and Others), 2009.
Effective Date:  March 22, 2010

Private Security and Investigative Services: Training and Testing

As of April 15, 2010, the new basic Training and Testing Regulation takes effect. This Regulation helps strengthen the professional requirements for security guards and private investigators and enhance public safety. New applicants must undergo a basic training program and pass a test before they can apply for a security guard and/or private investigator licence. Existing licensees do not need to take the basic training course before attempting the ministry test.
Effective Date:  April 15, 2010

Proposed Animal Health Legislation for the Province of Ontario  (source: Environmental Registry)

To help boost the economic competitiveness of the agri-food sector, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) is considering farm animal health and traceability initiatives, including the development of legislation that would provide a broad framework for animal health and traceability initiatives in the province. If introduced and passed, the proposed legislation would better protect the economy, animal health and public health.
Effective Date:  January 21, 2010

Needle Safety Regulation (O.Reg. 474/07) under the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Consultation on extending the application of the Needle Safety Regulation to additional workplaces and services that provide health care to individuals in order to protect more health care workers from needlestick injuries.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Amend Minister’s Regulation 827 under the Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Act to add a property in Grey County to the Niagara Escarpment Planning Area  (source: Environmental Registry)

The purpose of this proposal is to add one 80 ha property to the NE Planning Area. This is a prerequisite required legally by the NEPDA to subsequently allow the initiation of a NE Plan amendment (a separate process under the Act) that would consider the addition of some or all of this property to the NE Plan Area at which time the lands added to the NE Plan Area would become subject to the policies of the NE Plan and development control under the NEPDA.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Removing Local Barriers to Renewable Energy Installations: Proposed Regulation  (source: Environmental Registry)

The proposed regulation would designate specified renewable energy installations that will be exempt from local legal barriers that prevent or restrict their use.
Effective Date:  February 9, 2010

Ontario Regulation 79/10 made under the Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007

First set of proposed initial draft regulations under the LTCHA
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Guideline A-7: Air Pollution Control, Design and Operation Guidelines for Municipal Waste Thermal Treatment Facilities  (source: Environmental Registry)

Guideline A-7 sets out certain air emission limits and operational requirements for municipal waste thermal treatment facilities.
Effective Date:  October 26, 2010

Amendments to the Graduated Licensing System (GLS) - Regulation 340/94 of the Highway Traffic Act (HTA)

The Ministry of Transportation is proposing two amendments to the current GLS program.
Effective Date:  August 1, 2010

Minimum Ontario Grape or Grape Product Requirement

The Ontario Government has amended Regulation 659/00 under the Wine Content and Labelling Act, 2000, that requires a 30% minimum Ontario grape or grape product per bottle of wine. Effective September 1, 2010, Ontario wines made from a blend of domestic and imported grape or grape products must contain on average for a winery’s total annual production of blended wines 40% Ontario grape or grape products with a minimum of 25% per bottle.
Effective Date:  September 1, 2010

Regulatory Amendments pertaining to Practice of Professional Land Surveying

The following regulations have been amended: 1. Reg 1026 entitled: General, under the Surveyors Act amended by O. Reg. 218/10, 2. O. Reg. 525/91 entitled: Monuments, under the Surveyors Act amended by O. Reg. 219/10, 3. O. Reg. 1028 entitled: “Ontario Coordinate System”, under the Surveys Act, is revoked by O. Reg. 217/10. 4. New regulation O. Reg. 216/10 created and titled “Performance Standards for the Practice of Professional Land Surveying”
Effective Date:  June 7, 2010

2008 Proposal to Adopt New Occupational Exposure Limits or Listing for 21 Hazardous Chemical Substances

Proposed Update of Occupational Exposure Limits
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010

Motor Vehicle Dealers Act, 2002 Amendments to the General Regulation

Technical amendments to unproclaimed regulation
Effective Date:  January 1, 2010

Amend Minister’s Regulation 827 under the Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Act to add four areas to the Niagara Escarpment Planning Area  (source: Environmental Registry)

The purpose of this proposal is to add these four areas to the Niagara Escarpment Planning Area.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2010