Ontario Drug Benefit Act - General
Effective Date:
June 7, 2010
Drug Interchangeability and Dispensing Fee changes
Effective Date:
June 7, 2010
Effective Date:
June 28, 2010
Ontario Regulation 271/10 revokes O.Regs. 486/71, 271/74, 493/78, 153/80, 467/80, 1109, 1110/80, 537/82, 538/82, 579/87, 755, 21/92, 3/96, 47/96, 257/99, 621/99 and 3/01.
Effective Date:
June 28, 2010
The Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission approved and recommended to the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs that the proposed amendment to O. Regulation 123/04 (Apples – Plan) under the Farm Products Marketing Act be approved to ensure that in any apple growing district in which there are less than 60 district group members, that such a district would be represented by three delegates on the District Apple Producers’ Committee.
Effective Date:
June 18, 2010
Amends the "Training and Testing" Regulation to allow licensees to renew their licenses one time without completing the ministry test
Effective Date:
June 9, 2010
Amends the "REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS FOR BUSINESS ENTITIES" Regulation to extend the expiry date for a period of 30 days
Effective Date:
June 9, 2010
Amends the "TERM OF LICENCES" Regulation to extend the expiry date for a period of 30 days
Effective Date:
June 9, 2010
O. Reg. 626/00 Small Claims Court Jurisdiction under the Courts of Justice Act would be amended to include a Small Claims Court appeal limit of $2500. Only claims for amounts of $2500 or more would be permitted to be appealed to the Divisional Court.
Effective Date:
June 17, 2010
Revoking O. Reg. 489/01 of the Public Accountancy Act
Effective Date:
June 8, 2010
The Farm Products Marketing Commission amended Regulation 761 and Ontario Regulation 143/98 of the Milk Act. These amendments, made in part to be responsive to key issues of dairy stakeholders, allow industry more oversight for certain aspects of raw cow milk quality testing that will provide more information for farm-management decisions and authority over testing for producer-processor payment purposes. The amendments do not impact the safety and quality of milk and milk products in Ontario.
Effective Date:
June 1, 2010
The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is proposing to amend Ontario Regulation 628, Vehicle Permits and 601/93, Used Vehicle Information Package, so industry qualifies for exemptions when transferring business use vehicles within the company
Effective Date:
June 26, 2010
The purpose of this posting is to solicit public comment on the proposed amendments to Ontario Regulation 361/98 (Motor Vehicles) made under the Environmental Protection Act.
Effective Date:
June 4, 2010
To establish a regulation for the purpose of clause 9(6)(b) of the Act
Effective Date:
June 7, 2010
To establish a regulation for the purpose of clause 17(3)(b) of the Act
Effective Date:
June 7, 2010
The following regulations have been amended: 1. Reg 1026 entitled: General, under the Surveyors Act amended by O. Reg. 218/10, 2. O. Reg. 525/91 entitled: Monuments, under the Surveyors Act amended by O. Reg. 219/10, 3. O. Reg. 1028 entitled: “Ontario Coordinate System”, under the Surveys Act, is revoked by O. Reg. 217/10. 4. New regulation O. Reg. 216/10 created and titled “Performance Standards for the Practice of Professional Land Surveying”
Effective Date:
June 7, 2010