Approved Regulatory Proposals

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Instrument Type:  
Amendments to R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 430: Sheep - Plan under the Farm Products Marketing Act.

The Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission (Commission) amended Reg. 403 Sheep Plan to correct an unintended error to the amendment which was filed in June 2023.
Effective Date:  September 29, 2023

Interim Direction of Proceeds from Clean Energy Credit Sales

Ontario Regulation 39/23 has been amended to direct the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) and Ontario Power Generation (OPG) to hold net proceeds from the sale of clean energy credits (CECs) and is required for these organizations to meet their accounting requirements for the 2023 calendar year. This is an interim measure until the Future Clean Electricity Fund (FCEF) is established.
Effective Date:  December 27, 2023

Proposed Amendments to O. Reg. 530/22 to expand strong mayor powers and duties to additional municipalities and set out additional details related to two-tier municipalities.

Proposed content for the regulation was posted on Ontario's Regulatory Registry on June 16, 2023. The Ministry received 2 submissions during this period from members of the public who were critical of the strong mayor framework and expansion to additional municipalities.
Effective Date:  October 31, 2023

2023-2024 Grants for Student Needs and Calculation of Fees for Pupils and Amendments to Related Regulations

The Grants for Student Needs Regulation (GSN) is a collection of grants which determines the funding allocation for publicly-funded school boards (72 district school boards and 10 school authorities) in Ontario. The Calculation of Fees for Pupils Regulation specifies the tuition fee amounts that may be charged by publicly-funded school boards for the school year. These regulations are made annually in accordance with the Education Act. The new regulations and amendments to related regulations are required to flow funding to school boards for the 2023-24 school year and establish accountability requirements. Amendments were also made to previous years' GSN and Fees regulations in order to u
Effective Date:  August 18, 2023

Updating the Income Eligibility Thresholds for the Ontario Electricity Support Program

The Ministry of Energy amended Schedule 1 of O. Reg. 14/18 (Ontario Electricity Support Program) under the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 to update the income eligibility thresholds for the Ontario Electricity Support Program from the 2010 Low Income Measures to the 2020 Low Income Measures. The amendment aligns program income requirements with current Statistics Canada data and better reflects recent economic conditions. The Ministry of Energy was exempted from posting to the Regulatory Registry.
Effective Date:  November 27, 2023

Amendments to O. Reg. 222/07: Environmental Penalties  (source: Environmental Registry)

We have made amendments to Ontario Regulation 222/07 under the Environmental Protection Act. As discussed in the update to our proposal notice, posted under ERO 019-4108, amendments to this regulation include the ability to issue environmental penalties at specific landfilling sites (e.g., with an approved capacity of 40,000 cubic metres or more).
Effective Date:  November 9, 2023

Amendments to Killbear Provincial Park boundary - Crown Land Use Amendment 2014-001

We have made two changes to the boundary of Killbear Provincial Park. A large parcel of land was added to protect a variety of wetlands and Massassauga rattlesnake habitat, and a small area was removed to resolve an encroachment by the Township of Carling's landfill site.
Effective Date:  July 27, 2023

Amendment to O. Reg. 258/98 under the Courts of Justice Act (Rules of the Small Claims Court)

Amendments to O. Reg. 258/98 under the Courts of Justice Act (Rules of the Small Claims Court) to introduce a new lawyer or paralegal's certificate of service for proof of service.
Effective Date:  January 30, 2023

Designation of Public Service Agencies: O. Reg. 551/22 amending O. Reg. 398/93

Designation of four new agencies and amendments to the designation of 19 existing designated agencies
Effective Date:  January 1, 2023

Reg. 194 under the Courts of Justice Act (Rules of Civil Procedure)

The regulation amends the Rules of Civil Procedure (RCP) to amend 3 probate application forms (Forms 74A, 74.1A and 74J) and create a new transition rule to permit service and filing of the old forms and new forms for a specified period.
Effective Date:  July 6, 2023

Proposed amendment to Reg. 965, s.31 under the Public Hospitals Act, 1990 to remove the regulatory requirement to conduct laboratory examinations of tissues removed during joint replacement surgeries

The Ministry of Health has amended O. Reg 965: Hospital Management under the Public Hospitals Act to eliminate the regulatory requirement to perform a laboratory examination of tissues removed during reconstructive joint surgery for a degenerative condition, by adding those tissues to the list of exclusions in s. 31 (2). Operating surgeons retain the authority to submit specimens for examination at their discretion. Effective date: July 1, 2023
Effective Date:  July 1, 2023

Technical Amendments to Regulations to the Gasoline Tax Act and Fuel Tax Act

The proposal would: • Amend the interest rate calculation that applies to interjurisdictional carriers under Ontario's fuel and gasoline tax regulations to align with Ontario's obligations under the International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA); and • Remove a reference in the gasoline tax regulations to a document defining natural gas that was never published by the Canadian General Standards Board.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2023

Extension of O. Reg. 144/20

The regulation extends measures (in O. Reg. 144/20) that exempt temporary health or residential facilities from compliance with certain requirements of the Fire Code until March 31, 2024. The extension is aligned with changes made to the Ontario Building Code through O. Reg. 31/23. Together, these measures will facilitate continued flexibility in Ontario's health and shelter systems in support of COVID-19 pandemic recovery efforts.
Effective Date:  February 28, 2023


The Ministry of Energy made technical amendments to O. Reg. 24/19 ("the regulation") to change the amount of rate protection for a specific qualifying investment as a result of a scope change and reduction in project costs. Updated information was received by one of the proponents in December 2022 that one of the projects, Hamilton Airport Regional Expansion Project, will now be less than originally estimated and as a result, requires a lower program funding amount.
Effective Date:  March 10, 2023

In-Year Amendments to the Grants for Student Needs (GSN) and Related Regulations

The Grants for Student Needs (GSN) is a major cyclical activity released annually and in-year for amendments required by the Education Act for education funding that is set out in regulation to provide more clarity and accountability on how funding is determined for each school board. In alignment with the Provincial budget, the GSN (a large portion of the Budget) is a financial regulation, with the overall funding for the GSN dictated and controlled through the Budget process. Amendments to the GSN are based on policy and decisions made in the context of the government's overall budgetary decisions.
Effective Date:  February 6, 2023

Amendment to Ontario Regulation 370/11 under the Housing Services Act, 2011 (HSA)

Ontario Regulation 370/11 under the Housing Services Act, 2011 was amended to update the Household Income Limits (HILs) and High Need Income Limits (HNILs). The updated HILs and HNILs are based on information provided by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) as required under the Social Housing Agreement, 1999. The new limits come into effect on January 1, 2023.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2023

Amendment to Reg. 194 under the Courts of Justice Act (Rules of Civil Procedure)

Amendments to Reg. 194 under the Courts of Justice Act (Rules of Civil Procedure) to introduce a new lawyer's certificate of service for proof of service.
Effective Date:  January 30, 2023

Designation of Public Service Agencies: O. Reg. 173/23 amending O. Reg. 398/93

Amendments to the designation of 24 existing designated agencies
Effective Date:  July 1, 2023

Notice of Termination of the Municipal Hazardous or Special Waste Program  (source: Environmental Registry)

This notice is to advise that the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks issued a Notice of Termination to Stewardship Ontario with regard to the MHSW program that previously operated under the Waste Diversion Transition Act (WDTA).
Effective Date:  September 11, 2023

Amendments to O. Reg 746/21 (Licensing) under the Liquor Licence and Control Act, 2019 - Approval of Outdoor Temporary Extensions

Ontario has made amendments to O. Reg 746/21 under the Liquor Licence and Control Act, 2019 (LLCA) to grant municipalities and First Nations band councils, where applicable, authority to approve outdoor temporary extensions of Liquor Sales Licences (LSL). This authority could be used, for example, to allow an LSL to temporarily create a new outdoor patio or expand an existing outdoor patio.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2023

Amendments to R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 753 (Grades, Standards, Designations, Classes, Packing and Marking), under the Milk Act.

The Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission has amended R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 753 (Grades, Standards, Designations, Classes, Packing and Marking), under the Milk Act.
Effective Date:  December 20, 2023

Amendments to Ontario Regulation 468/18 under the Cannabis Licence Act, 2018 regarding cannabis retail ownership restrictions.

Ontario Regulation 468/18 under the Cannabis Licence Act, 2018 has been amended to increase the limit of Retail Store Authorizations (RSAs) per licensed retail operator and their affiliates and clarify that the RSA limit is an ongoing condition of a Retail Operator Licence.
Effective Date:  November 30, 2023

Amendments to O. Reg. 193/10 (Restricted Purpose Revenues)

Amendments were made to the Restricted Purpose Revenues Regulation to ensure alignment with the 2023-24 Grants for Student Needs (GSN) Regulation.
Effective Date:  August 18, 2023

Proposed amendments to the Securities Act, Commodity Futures Act, and the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario Act, 2016, that would reduce the minimum consultation period for proposed rules made by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) and the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) from 90 days to 60 days.

As part of the Less Red Tape, More Common Sense Act, 2023, introduced on October 19, 2023 and led by the Ministry of Red Tape Reduction, the Ministry of Finance has proposed legislative amendments to subsection 143.2(4) of the Securities Act, subsection 67(4) of the Commodity Futures Act and subsection 22(4) of the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario Act, 2016 to reduce the statutory minimum consultation period for which the two agencies need to consult on their proposed rules from 90 days to 60 days.
Effective Date:  December 4, 2023

Proposal to amend Retirement Homes Act, 2010 (RHA) to remove requirement related to publishing notice of proposed initial regulations

Proposal to amend the Retirement Homes Act, 2010 to remove the requirement for the Minister for Seniors and Accessibility to publish a notice of proposed initial regulations under the RHA for public comment on the website of the Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility. Policy intent is to support a one-window approach for posting and consultation on proposed regulations on the provincial Regulatory Registry.
Effective Date:  December 4, 2023

Proposed changes to the Ontario Heritage Act and O.Reg. 385/21 General with respect to certain alteration requests  (source: Environmental Registry)

A proposal to make amendments to the Ontario Heritage Act (OHA) and O.Reg. 385/21 (General) which would allow religious organizations and Indigenous communities or organizations to move forward with their proposed alterations where the requirements of the provision are met.
Effective Date:  December 4, 2023

Proposed Amendments to the Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Act  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Act has been updated to remove the requirement to publish notices of proposed amendments to the Niagara Escarpment Plan and associated hearings in newspapers, enable broader exemptions for low-risk activities, and broaden the range of compliance tools for the Niagara Escarpment Commission.
Effective Date:  December 4, 2023

New Act regarding the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve easements and covenants.  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 that includes Schedule 1 - the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve Act ,2023 (DRAPA, 2023), came into effect on December 6, 2023. DRAPA, 2023 reinstates the legal protections of the easements and covenants applicable to the lands within the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve.
Effective Date:  December 6, 2023

Proposed Legislative Amendments to the Agricultural and Horticultural Organizations Act

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs is proposing amendments to the Agricultural and Horticultural Organizations Act (AHOA) regarding: • payments to directors, officers and members for services performed in capacities other than their official duties, and • the requirement to submit annual audited financial statements.
Effective Date:  December 4, 2023

Revocation of Un-proclaimed Sections of the Farm Registration and Farm Organizations Funding Act, 1993 (FRFOFA)

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs is proposing to revoke sections 5 and 7 of the Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act, 2019 (ROCA). The effect of these revocations will be to remove the un-proclaimed and obsolete sections 2, 3 and 21 of the FRFOFA given that these sections have already been replaced with newer provisions.
Effective Date:  December 4, 2023

Convenient Care at Home Act, 2023

The Ministry of Health (MOH) is proposing amendments to the Connecting Care Act, 2019 (CCA) to consolidate the fourteen Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) - known to the public as Home and Community Care Support Services organizations - into a single new service organization named Ontario Health atHome in English and Santé à domicile Ontario in French. The new organization would provide home and community care services, long-term care home and other placement management services, and information and referrals, and in time it would provide home care-related operational supports to health service providers (HSPs) and Ontario Health Teams (OHTs) across Ontario.
Effective Date:  December 4, 2023

Amendments to the St. Thomas - Central Elgin Boundary Adjustment Act, 2023 to Authorize the City of St. Thomas to Provide Assistance as part of the PowerCo. SE Project

The Ontario Legislature has amended the St. Thomas - Central Elgin Boundary Adjustment Act, 2023 to exempt St. Thomas from certain sections of provincial statutes that prohibit it from providing certain direct or indirect financial assistance as part of the PowerCo. SE project. PowerCo. SE is Volkswagen's subsidiary battery company.
Effective Date:  December 4, 2023

Changes to the Definition of an "Affordable Residential Unit" in the Development Charges Act, 1997 for the Purpose of Municipal Development-Related Charge Discounts and Exemptions

Bill 134, the Affordable Homes and Good Jobs Act, 2023, received Third Reading on November 29, 2023. The Act amends the definition of "affordable residential units" in the Development Charges Act to lower the cost of building, purchasing, and renting these units.
Effective Date:  December 4, 2023

Proposed GO Transit Station Funding Act, 2023

The proposed GO Transit Station Funding Act, 2023, if passed, would create a new optional funding tool to allow municipalities to fund the design and construction of new GO stations and recoup the costs through a charge on new development within specified areas surrounding those new stations.
Effective Date:  December 4, 2023

Promoting Transit and Keeping Penalties off Rates

The Government of Ontario is committed to keeping energy rates low and predictable. The Ministry of Energy (ENERGY) is proposing a Minister's Regulation to reintroduce a prohibition on payments and charges specific to the Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 (BTFA) payable by electricity and gas distributors and transmitters from being recovered through rates.
Effective Date:  June 8, 2023

Technical bulletin - Flooding Hazards: data survey and mapping specifications  (source: Environmental Registry)

We are posting finalized data survey and mapping technical guidance to support flood hazard identification and mapping by municipalities and conservation authorities in Ontario.
Effective Date:  December 4, 2023

Proposed Amendment to Ontario Regulation 909 under the Pension Benefits Act - Extend for One Year the Temporary Exemption from the Solvency Concerns Test for Certain Jointly Sponsored Pension Plans for Filing Annual Valuation Reports

The Ministry of Finance is proposing an amendment to Regulation 909 under the Pension Benefits Act to extend for one year the temporary exemption from the solvency concerns test for the listed Jointly Sponsored Pension Plans for filing annual valuation reports.
Effective Date:  October 3, 2023

Supporting Critical Transmission Infrastructure in Northeast and Eastern Ontario  (source: Environmental Registry)

We are proposing actions that, subject to approvals, would facilitate the development of critical electricity transmission projects to support economic growth and electrification is in Northeast and Eastern Ontario, while advancing a shared goal of reconciliation by providing economic and partnership opportunities for Indigenous communities.
Effective Date:  October 18, 2023

Proposed Amendments to Ontario Regulation 45/22 (General) under the Laboratory and Specimen Collection Centre Licensing Act to restrict which laboratories can perform Influenza and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Testing as Part of the Provincial Respiratory Virus Testing Program

The Ministry of Health (ministry) is proposing regulatory amendments to O. Reg. 45/22 (General) under the Laboratory and Specimen Collection Centre Licensing Act (LSCCLA), to restrict which laboratories can perform publicly-funded influenza and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) testing as part of the Provincial Respiratory Virus Testing Program ("Program") for individuals that meet the Program's eligibility criteria.
Effective Date:  August 28, 2023

Proposed changes to the Aggregate Resources Act Ontario Regulation 244/97 and new policy regarding amendments to existing approvals  (source: Environmental Registry)

The ministry is proposing regulatory changes to Ontario Regulation 244/97 under the Aggregate Resources Act to expand the list of changes that can be made to site plans without ministry approval (subject to conditions) and proposing a policy that would provide direction for changes to licences, permits and site plans where ministry approval is required.
Effective Date:  August 18, 2023

The Education Act as amended by The Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023 - Supporting Regulations: Professional Activity Day Transparency

The Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023 (the Act) received Royal Assent on June 8, 2023 and amends the Education Act and other key acts governing the education sector. A key element of the Act is to provide greater transparency for parents and families. To support this intent, the Ministry of Education is consulting on regulatory amendments to require school boards to enhance existing public reporting on Professional Activity (PA) days by providing more detail on PA Day topics, content, organizer/facilitator, activities and format in a manner prescribed by the Minister, in addition to clarifying administrative requirements of school boards.
Effective Date:  July 28, 2023

The Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023 - Consequential Regulation Amendment: Transitional Certificate

The Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023, which received Royal Assent on June 8, 2023, amends the Education Act and other key acts governing the education sector. A key element of the Act is modernizing teacher education. As such, the ministry is consulting on regulatory amendments to Ontario Regulation 298 to ensure teacher candidates remain eligible to work as teachers while finishing their Initial Teacher Education program through a new certification.
Effective Date:  August 30, 2023

The Education Act as amended by The Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023 - Supporting Regulation: Provincial Priorities - Student Achievement

The Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023 (the Act) received Royal Assent on June 8, 2023, and amends the Education Act and other key acts governing the education sector. A key element of the Act is to ensure a uniform focus on student achievement across all school boards. To support this intent, the Ministry of Education is consulting on a proposed new supporting regulation that would outline provincial priorities for student achievement, which school boards would be required to adopt in their multi-year plans to drive performance outcomes.
Effective Date:  July 28, 2023

Proposed amendments to Reg 418: Greenhouse Vegetables - Plan under the Farm Products Marketing Act.

Following a request of the Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers (OGVG), the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission (Commission) is proposing amendments to Reg 418: Greenhouse Vegetables - Plan which would provide the board with authority to appoint a non-voting chair, who is not required to be a producer of greenhouse vegetables.
Effective Date:  August 2, 2023

Proposed regulations under the Integrated Community Health Services Centres Act, 2023

If proclaimed into force, Bill 60 would repeal the Independent Health Facilities Act (IHFA) and replace it with new legislation, the Integrated Community Health Services Centres Act, 2023 (ICHSCA). A proposed regulation would carry over the regulatory requirements that currently exist under the IHFA (O.Reg 353/13, O.Reg 57/92, R.R.O. 1990, Reg 650 and R.R.O, 1990, Reg 649), with additional requirements as described in this posting.
Effective Date:  September 25, 2023

Proposed regulation to designate ICES as an extra-ministerial data integration unit under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

Proposed regulation to amend O. Reg. 366/19 (Data Integration) under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act to designate the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES) as an extra-ministerial data integration unit for the purposes of Part III.1 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).
Effective Date:  July 24, 2023

Proposed Regulatory Amendments to Allow Out-Of-Province Regulated Health Professionals to Temporarily Practice in Ontario Without Registration with an Ontario Regulatory College

The legislative amendments in Schedule 2 of Bill 60: Your Health Act, 2023 are enabling in nature and require regulations to be operationalized. The proposed regulations would enable select out-of-province (OOP) regulated health professionals to practice while initiating the registration process with the corresponding Ontario health regulatory College.
Effective Date:  August 21, 2023

Proposed Amendments to O. Reg. 530/22 to expand strong mayor powers and duties to additional municipalities and set out additional details related to two-tier municipalities.

Proposed Amendments to O. Reg. 530/22 to expand strong mayor powers and duties to additional municipalities and set out additional details related to two-tier municipalities.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2023

Proposed amendment to wine standards rules contained in regulation (Ontario Regulation 406/00) under the Vintners Quality Alliance Act, 1999.

The ministry is seeking input on adding "Rotburger" as an authorized synonym for the grape variety Zweigelt.
Effective Date:  August 1, 2023

Amendments to the blue box regulation to expand deductions for producers  (source: Environmental Registry)

We are proposing minor amendments to the blue box regulation (O. Reg. 391/21) to provide clarity to producers on their blue box obligations and support a smooth transition to a full producer responsibility framework.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2023

Related Amendments to the Controlled Acts as a result of the College of Respiratory Therapists of Ontario's Creation of Emergency Class Certificate of Registration

The Ministry of Health is proposing amendments to O.Reg. 107/96: Controlled Acts made under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, to support the College in creating the new emergency class certificate of registration.
Effective Date:  August 21, 2023

Coroners Act Amendment to Amend Regulation-Making Authority Regarding Collection, Retention and Disposal of Tissue Samples

The Ministry of the Solicitor General proposes an amendment to the Coroners Act, which is the legislation that establishes the framework for conducting death investigations in Ontario. The proposed amendment would enable the creation of regulations that would govern the collection, retention, storage and disposal of tissue samples from a body that is subject to a post mortem examination or other exams or analyses as part of a coroner's investigation under that Act, and which may provide for the collection, retention, storage and disposal of such samples for the purpose of enabling genetic analysis.
Effective Date:  July 8, 2023

Proposed Amendments to the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997

The Ministry of the Solicitor General is seeking input on proposed amendments to the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 (FPPA) in order to: Address gaps in cost recovery provisions related to immediate Authorizations to Close; and Allow the appointment of more than one Deputy Fire Marshal. The Ministry of the Attorney General is also seeking input on amendments to Part X of the FPPA, to support the Fire Safety Commission's (FSC) efficient operations by: Providing the commission with the authority to extend the time to appeal an order beyond the current 30-day period due to exceptional circumstances; and eliminate the three-member quorum requirement so that appeals before the commission can be heard by a single member.
Effective Date:  June 8, 2023

Proposed Amendments to the Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, 2019

The Ministry of the Solicitor General is seeking input on potential amendments to the Provincial Animal Welfare Services (PAWS) Act, 2019 to improve animal welfare, strengthen compliance and enforcement and improve operational efficiency and effectiveness. The proposed amendments relate to improving cost recovery, clarifying and updating Animal Care Review Board (ACRB) processes, and enhancing and clarifying inspector powers, which lead to strengthening welfare protections for animals. It is anticipated that these changes will lead to improvements in enforcement, compliance, and animal welfare.
Effective Date:  June 8, 2023

Seeking Feedback on Future Regulations To Create A Balanced Framework Around Municipal Rental Replacement By-Laws

The government is proposing to enact a Minister's regulation-making authority to enable the Minister to set minimum requirements which municipalities must impose on landowners, if they have rental replacement by-laws. This would increase consistency across and between municipalities that establish by-laws.
Effective Date:  June 8, 2023

Seeking Feedback on Timeframe for Occupancy for Landlord's Own Use Evictions

The government is seeking feedback on proposed changes to the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 (RTA) intended to deter and protect tenants from bad faith evictions, where a landlord has falsely indicated they require the rental unit for their own use.
Effective Date:  June 8, 2023

Seeking Feedback on Proposed Changes to Help Protect Tenants from Bad Faith Renovation Evictions

The government is seeking feedback on proposed changes to the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 (RTA) intended to protect tenants from bad faith evictions due to renovations/repairs.
Effective Date:  June 8, 2023

Modernizing the governance framework of the Art Gallery of Ontario through red tape reduction amendments to the Art Gallery of Ontario Act

The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport ("Ministry") is seeking approval to amend the legislation of one of its transfer payment entities, the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO), in order to modernize, strengthen and clarify its governance and oversight framework, and to attract and retain public appointees to serve on its board.
Effective Date:  June 8, 2023

Recognizing Ontario's Career Colleges

The Ministry of Colleges and Universities is proposing amendments to the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005 to: 1. change the name of the Act to the Ontario Career Colleges Act, 2005; 2. provide for formal legislated reviews of the Act every five years; and 3. establish the necessary authority for the ministry to refer outstanding administrative monetary penalties levied against illegal (unregistered) and non-compliant private career colleges to the Ministry of Finance for collection.
Effective Date:  June 8, 2023

Overtaking a Working Snow Plow

The Ministry of Transportation is proposing to amend the Highway Traffic Act to create an offence to prohibit the overtaking of snow plows in echelon formation on higher-speed, multi-lane highways unless a full lane is available to complete the manoeuver safely.
Effective Date:  June 8, 2023

Advancing Innovation in Ontario's Energy Sector

The Government of Ontario is developing a safe, reliable, and affordable energy supply across the province. This includes fostering innovation to create opportunities to more efficiently generate, store, deliver and use electricity.
Effective Date:  June 8, 2023

Keeping Penalties off Rates

The Government of Ontario is keeping energy rates low and predictable. The Ministry of Energy (ENERGY) is proposing a legislative amendment to the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 (OEBA) that would, if passed, prohibit penalties or fines imposed under an Act and payable by an electricity or gas transmitter or distributor, as well as any other amounts that may be prescribed by regulation, from being recovered through their electricity or gas rates.
Effective Date:  June 8, 2023

Proposed changes to the OGSRA to regulate projects to test or demonstrate new or innovative activities, such as geologic carbon storage, and to safeguard people and the environment  (source: Environmental Registry)

Amendments are proposed to the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act to create an authorization process for special projects to test or demonstrate new activities, such as carbon storage. Changes would also enhance measures to safeguard people and the environment. If approved, changes would support related technological innovation in Ontario.
Effective Date:  August 6, 2023

A Proposal to add Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, and Powassan Virus to Ontario Regulation 569 (Reports)

The Ministry of Health is proposing to amend Ontario Regulation 135/18 ("Designation of Diseases") under the Health Protection and Promotion Act (HPPA) to designate anaplasmosis, babesiosis, and Powassan virus as diseases of public health significance. The Ministry also proposes to make a corresponding amendment to Ontario Regulation 569 ("Reports") under the HPPA to specify reporting requirements for these diseases to Medical Officers of Health.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2023

Ontario Regulation 429/04 Amendments

The Ministry of Energy (ENERGY) is proposing amendments to O. Reg. 429/04, Adjustments Under Section 25.33 of the Act, made under the Electricity Act, 1998 (the Regulation), the regulation that allocates Global Adjustment (GA) costs to electricity customers and sets out the rules for the Industrial Conservation Initiative (ICI). The proposed amendments are aimed at ensuring the Regulation fully reflects the policy intent and addresses the concerns of stakeholders identified by ENERGY.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2023

Proposed Amendments to Ontario Regulation 316/08: Designation - Flowers Canada (Ontario) Inc. under the Farm Products Marketing Act.

Following a request from Flowers Canada (Ontario) Inc. (FCO), the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs is proposing amendments to Regulation 316/08: Designation - Flowers Canada (Ontario) Inc. that would increase the licence fees payable by greenhouse floriculture producers. Over a two-year period, the fee would be adjusted from 2.5 cents to 4 cents per square foot of greenhouse floriculture plants grown to a new yearly producer maximum amount of $34,000 instead of the current maximum of $16,500.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2023

Ontario College of Pharmacists: Amendment of Emergency Class Certificate of Registration

The Ontario College of Pharmacists is proposing amendments to O.Reg. 202/94 made under the Pharmacy Act, 1991, to amend this certificate of registration.
Effective Date:  August 21, 2023

College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario: Creation of Emergency Class Certificate of Registration

The College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario is proposing amendments to O.Reg. 27/13 made under the Traditional Chinese Medicine Act, 2006, to create this new certificate of registration.
Effective Date:  August 21, 2023

Proposed regulatory amendments to Regulation 761: Milk and Milk Products under the Milk Act.

As part of the Ontario government's Red Tape Reduction Plan, the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission (Commission) is proposing amendments to Regulation 761: Milk and Milk Products under the Milk Act to help reduce burden and costs for dairy processors and producer and processor associations and to stimulate economic growth in the sector while maintaining Ontario's high food safety and quality standards.
Effective Date:  June 23, 2023

Proposed regulatory amendments to O. Reg. 403/10: Hogs - Plan

The Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission (Commission) is proposing amendments to O. Reg. 403/10 (Hogs - Plan) under the Farm Products Marketing Act.
Effective Date:  September 29, 2023

Proposed Amendments to Require a Standard Form of Rent Repayment Agreement when the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) makes an Order under Section 206 of the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA)

The government is proposing to amend the RTA to make the use of a form approved by the LTB mandatory for repayment agreements made under S.206 of the Act.
Effective Date:  June 8, 2023

Proposed Amendments to Clarify and Enhance Rental Rules Related to Air Conditioning

The government is seeking feedback on proposed changes to the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 (RTA) which would clarify and enhance rules related to the installation of air conditioning (A/C) units and enhance tenant access.
Effective Date:  June 8, 2023

Proposed Amendments to Increase Maximum Fines for Offences Under the Residential Tenancies Act

The government proposing changes to the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 to double maximum fines for offences from $50,000 to $100,000 for individuals and from $250,000 to $500,000 for corporations.
Effective Date:  June 8, 2023

College of Nurses of Ontario: Creation of Emergency Class Certificate of Registration

College of Nurses of Ontario is proposing amendments to O.Reg. 275/94 made under the Nursing Act, 1991, to create this new certificate of registration.
Effective Date:  August 21, 2023

Proposed amendments to Regulation 414: Grapes for Processing - Marketing under the Farm Products Marketing Act

The Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission is proposing amendments to Regulation 414: Grapes for Processing - Marketing under the Farm Products Marketing Act to allow negotiating agencies established under the regulation to negotiate multi-year agreements.
Effective Date:  June 9, 2023

Proposal for Amendments to R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 565: Public Pools

The Ministry of Health is proposing amendments to R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 565: Public Pools ("Regulation") under the Health Protection and Promotion Act to lower the legal age requirement for lifeguards, assistant lifeguards and aquatic instructors/coaches to fifteen (15) years of age.
Effective Date:  June 2, 2023

College of Chiropractors of Ontario: Creation of Emergency Class Certificate of Registration

College of Chiropractors of Ontario is proposing amendments to O.Reg. 137/11 made under the Chiropractic Act, 1991, to create this new certificate of registration.
Effective Date:  August 21, 2023

College of Optometrists of Ontario: Creation of Emergency Class Certificate of Registration

College of Optometrists of Ontario is proposing amendments to O.Reg. 837/93 made under the Optometry Act, 1991, to create this new certificate of registration among other changes.
Effective Date:  August 21, 2023

College of Psychologists of Ontario: Creation of Emergency Class Certificate of Registration

The College of Psychologists of Ontario is proposing amendments to O.Reg. 74/15 made under the Psychology Act, 1991, to create this new certificate of registration.
Effective Date:  August 21, 2023

College of Dental Technologists of Ontario: Creation of Emergency Class Certificate of Registration

College of Dental Technologists of Ontario is proposing amendments to O. Reg. 874/93 made under the Dental Technology Act, 1991, to create this new certificate of registration amongst other proposed amendments.
Effective Date:  August 21, 2023

Proposed Amendments to R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 430: Sheep - Plan and R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 429: Sheep - Marketing under the Farm Products Marketing Act.

Following a request of the Ontario Sheep Marketing Agency (OSMA), the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission (Commission) is proposing amendments to Regulation 430: Sheep - Plan that would introduce a limit to the number of years a sheep producer could serve consecutively as a member on the board before having a break in service as well as change the board's name from OSMA to "Ontario Sheep Farmers". A consequential change to the name of the board in Regulation 429: Sheep - Marketing is also required.
Effective Date:  June 9, 2023

Proposed, Building More Mines Act, 2023  (source: Environmental Registry)

Through Bill 71, Building More Mines Act, 2023, the Ministry of Mines is proposing to make amendments to the Mining Act that are intended to ensure Ontario has a modern and competitive regime for mineral exploration and development. The proposed amendments aim to reduce administrative burden, clarify requirements for rehabilitation and create regulatory efficiencies
Effective Date:  May 18, 2023

Amendments to the Mining Act: Closure Plans and Financial Assurance  (source: Environmental Registry)

Through Bill 71, Building More Mines Act, 2023, the Ministry of Mines is proposing to make amendments to the closure plan framework under the Mining Act to improve timelines for preparing closure plans, reduce proponents' up-front expenses for opening or changing a mine, reduce the frequency of notifications and closure plan amendments required, and improve flexibility in closure planning.
Effective Date:  May 18, 2023

Amendments to the Mining Act: Recovery of Minerals and Decision-making Authorities  (source: Environmental Registry)

Through Bill 71, Building More Mines Act, 2023, the Ministry of Mines is proposing amendments to the Mining Act that would: (1) amend one of the requirements for obtaining a "recovery permit" and (2) provide the Minister with decision-making authorities in respect of exploration and mine rehabilitation.
Effective Date:  May 18, 2023

Proposal to amend Ontario Regulation 161/17 to the Public Lands Act to change the requirements related to floating accommodations  (source: Environmental Registry)

We are proposing to amend Ontario Regulation 161/17 to the Public Lands Act. The key proposed amendments relate to what structures or things may not be placed or used for overnight accommodation on water over Ontario's public lands and are intended to reduce the environmental and social impacts of floating accommodations.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2023

College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario: Creation of Emergency Class Certificate of Registration

College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario is proposing amendments to O.Reg. 226/96 made under the Occupational Therapy Act, 1991, to create this new certificate of registration.
Effective Date:  August 21, 2023

College of Respiratory Therapists of Ontario: Creation of Emergency Class Certificate of Registration

The College of Respiratory Therapists of Ontario is proposing amendments to O.Reg. 596/94 made under the Respiratory Therapy Act, 1991, to create this new certificate of registration.
Effective Date:  August 21, 2023

College of Dental Hygienists of Ontario: Creation of Emergency Class Certificate of Registration

The College of Dental Hygienists of Ontario is proposing amendments to O.Reg. 218/94 made under the Dental Hygiene Act, 1991, to create this new certificate of registration.
Effective Date:  August 21, 2023

College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Ontario: Creation of Emergency Class Certificate of Registration

The College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Ontario (CMLTO) is proposing amendments to O.Reg. 207/94 made under the Medical Laboratory Technology Act, 1991, to create this new certificate of registration.
Effective Date:  August 21, 2023

College of Denturists of Ontario: Creation of Emergency Class Certificate of Registration

College of Denturists of Ontario is proposing amendments to O.Reg. 833/93 made under the Denturism Act, 1991, to create this new certificate of registration.
Effective Date:  August 31, 2023

College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists of Ontario: Creation of Emergency Class Certificate of Registration

College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists of Ontario is proposing amendments to O.Reg. 21/12 made under the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Act, 1991, to create this new certificate of registration.
Effective Date:  August 21, 2023

College of Registered Psychotherapists and Registered Mental Health Therapists of Ontario: Creation of Emergency Class Certificate of Registration

College of Registered Psychotherapists and Registered Mental Health Therapists of Ontario is proposing amendments to O.Reg. 67/15 made under the Psychotherapy Act, 2007, to create this new certificate of registration.
Effective Date:  August 21, 2023

College of Dietitians of Ontario: Creation of Emergency Class Certificate of Registration

College of Dietitians of Ontario is proposing amendments to O.Reg. 593/94 made under the Dietetics Act, 1991, to create this new certificate of registration.
Effective Date:  August 21, 2023

College of Kinesiologists of Ontario: Creation of Emergency Class Certificate of Registration

College of Kinesiologists of Ontario is proposing amendments to O.Reg. 401/12 made under the Kinesiology Act, 2007, to create this new certificate of registration.
Effective Date:  August 21, 2023

College of Physiotherapists of Ontario: Creation of Emergency Class Certificate of Registration

College of Physiotherapists of Ontario is proposing amendments to O.Reg. 532/98 made under the Physiotherapy Act, 1991, to create this new certificate of registration.
Effective Date:  August 21, 2023

College of Chiropodists of Ontario: Creation of Emergency Class Certificate of Registration

The College of Chiropodists of Ontario is proposing amendments to O.Reg. 830/93 made under the Chiropody Act, 1991, to create this new certificate of registration.
Effective Date:  August 21, 2023

College of Massage Therapists of Ontario: Creation of Emergency Class Certificate of Registration

The College of Massage Therapists of Ontario is proposing amendments to O.Reg. 864/93 made under the Massage Therapy Act, 1991, to create a new Emergency Class certificate of registration.
Effective Date:  August 31, 2023

College of Homeopaths of Ontario: Creation of Emergency Class Certificate of Registration

The College of Homeopaths of Ontario is proposing amendments to O.Reg. 18/14 made under the Homeopathy Act, 2007, to create this new certificate of registration.
Effective Date:  August 21, 2023

Pharmacy Reconciliation Adjustment Extension

The Ministry of Health is proposing amendments to Ontario Regulation 201/96 under the Ontario Drug Benefits Act (ODBA), to advance a short-term extension of the reconciliation adjustment to pharmacy payments under the Ontario Drug Benefit Program, for a time-limited basis to ensure the continued financial sustainability of the Program and cooperation on necessary sector innovations and improvements are advanced, including initiatives that consider the challenges of rural and independent pharmacies.
Effective Date:  March 31, 2023

Providing Authority to Waive or Alter the 30-day Waiting Period for Class Environmental Assessment Projects

We have proposed an amendment to the Environmental Assessment Act to provide the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks with authority to waive or alter the 30-day waiting period following completion of a class environmental assessment (EA) process. This will help critical projects to proceed more quickly.
Effective Date:  May 18, 2023

Centralization of Broader Real Estate Authority (CBREA) Proposed Legislative Amendments

The proposed amendments to the Ministry of Infrastructure Act, 2011 (MOI Act) and nine (9) other Acts would, if passed, establish a framework to remove and/or modify the realty authority of fourteen (14) entities under Phase 1 of the Centralization of Broader Real Estate Authority (CBREA) initiative and to provide the Minister of Infrastructure (the MOI Minister) with the ability to oversee and manage this real estate This would help improve the management of realty property across ministries and entities
Effective Date:  May 18, 2023

College of Opticians of Ontario: Creation of Emergency Class Certificate of Registration

The College of Opticians of Ontario is proposing amendments to O.Reg. 869/93 made under the Opticianry Act, 1991, to create this new certificate of registration.
Effective Date:  August 31, 2023

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario: Creation of Emergency Class Certificate of Registration

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario is proposing amendments to O.Reg. 865/93 made under the Medicine Act, 1991, to create this new certificate of registration.
Effective Date:  August 21, 2023

College of Naturopaths of Ontario: Creation of Emergency Class Certificate of Registration

The College of Naturopaths of Ontario is proposing amendments to O.Reg. 84/14 made under the Naturopathy Act, 2007, to create this new certificate of registration.
Effective Date:  August 21, 2023

College of Midwives of Ontario: Creation of Emergency Class Certificate of Registration

The College of Midwives of Ontario is proposing amendments to O.Reg. 168/11 made under the Midwifery Act, 1991, to create this new certificate of registration.
Effective Date:  August 21, 2023

College of Medical Radiation and Imaging Technologists of Ontario (CMRITO): Creation of Emergency Class Certificate of Registration

College of Medical Radiation and Imaging Technologists of Ontario is proposing amendments to O.Reg. 866/93 made under the Medical Radiation and Imaging Technology Act, 2017, to create this new certificate of registration.
Effective Date:  August 31, 2023

Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario (RCDSO): Creation of Emergency Class Certificate of Registration

The Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario is proposing amendments to O.Reg. 205/94 made under the Dentistry Act, 1991, to create this new certificate of registration.
Effective Date:  August 21, 2023

Regulatory fee increase for body transport services required as part of death investigations

The Ministry of the Solicitor General intends to make a minister's regulation amendment to increase provincial rates paid to service providers for the transportation of deceased persons as part of a coroner's investigation. This increase in rates is meant to support the licensed funeral establishments and transfer service operators to manage mounting operational costs.
Effective Date:  April 1, 2023

Proposed Legislative Amendments to Enable Interjurisdictional Mobility for Select Registered Health Professionals

The Ministry of Health is proposing legislative amendments to the Medicine Act, 1991; Nursing Act, 1991; Medical Laboratory Technology Act, 1991; and the Respiratory Therapy Act, 1991 to give the Minister regulation-making powers regarding exempting persons from the provisions that place restrictions around the use of professional titles and holding oneself out as being qualified to practice the profession. Additionally, consequential changes to numerous Acts are proposed to ensure there no barriers to providing care.
Effective Date:  May 18, 2023

A legislative proposal to repeal the Independent Health Facilities Act and the Oversight of Health Facilities and Devices Act and replace with new legislation, the Integrated Community Health Services Centres Act, 2023

The proposed repeal of the Independent Health Facilities Act and replacement with the Integrated Community Health Services Centres Act, 2023.
Effective Date:  September 25, 2023

Proposed Amendments to the Pharmacy Act, 1991

The Ministry of Health is proposing legislative amendments to section 3 of the Pharmacy Act, 1991 to update the scope of practice statement to include the term assessment.
Effective Date:  May 18, 2023

Proposed amendments to extra-ministerial data integration units in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

Proposing amendments to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act to extend its application to external data integrators that are not FIPPA institutions. If passed, such integrators would need to make information available about how the public may make requests for records, publish certain information annually and report annually to the Information and Privacy Commissioner.
Effective Date:  May 18, 2023

Consultation Paper on Modernizing the Consumer Protection Act, 2002

The ministry is re-engaging with stakeholders through a consultation paper that sets out proposals for reform to the Consumer Protection Act, 2002 grouped in two categories broad consumer protection and empowerment, and sector-specific protections. This paper builds on the consultation that occurred in 2020-21 and includes many of the proposals that were in the 2020 consultation paper. Some of the proposals from 2020 have been updated to reflect feedback from respondents to the previous consultation and new proposals are also included. The ministry is seeking feedback on whether these proposals are supported by consumers and businesses.
Effective Date:  December 6, 2023

Proposed Regulatory Amendments to Ontario Regulation 107/96 (Controlled Acts) made under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991.

The Ministry of Health is proposing to make regulatory amendments to O.Reg. 107/96 made under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, to exempt respiratory therapists from the prohibition on the controlled act of applying soundwaves for diagnostic ultrasound when acting under the order of a physician or nurse practitioner.
Effective Date:  May 15, 2023

Municipal Reporting on Planning Matters - Minister's Regulation under the Planning Act

On February 6th, 2023, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (Ministry) posted to the environmental and regulatory registries a proposal to bring forward a new Minister's regulation under the Planning Act. The proposal outlined a framework for a municipal planning data reporting regulation, that would require select municipalities in Ontario to report information on planning matters on a quarterly and annual basis. This notice confirms the Ministry's decision to proceed with the Minister's regulation.
Effective Date:  April 6, 2023

Amending Ontario Regulation 246/22 under the Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021 titled "General" to advance the plan to fix long-term care in the areas of: staffing, medication management and drug administration, and resident experience.

As the one-year anniversary of the coming into force of the Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021 approaches, the Ministry of Long-Term Care remains committed to the ongoing evolution of the regulatory framework that puts the safety and well-being of long-term care residents first. The Ministry is proposing to amend Ontario Regulation 246/22 based on lived experience with the new regulation and emerging needs in long-term care in three key areas: 1) staffing qualifications, 2) medication management and drug administration, 3) resident experience. When seeking approval, the Ministry would propose that regulatory amendments come into effect on April 11, 2023.
Effective Date:  April 11, 2023

Collection, Management and Improved Utilization of Smart Metering Data for Behind-the-Meter Distributed Energy Resources  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Ministry of Energy is seeking input on a proposal that would enable the Independent Electricity System Operator's (IESO) Smart Metering Entity (SME) to collect, process, manage and improve utilization of bi-directional smart metering data through the province's Meter Data Management/Repository (MDM/R).
Effective Date:  June 20, 2023

Ontario Combative Sport Advisory Council

Regulation that would set out details related to the Ontario Combative Sport Advisory Council, which would be established if portions of the Combative Sports Act, 2019 are proclaimed into force.
Effective Date:  March 6, 2023

Proposed changes to Tables 1 & 2 of the Nutrient Management Protocol incorporated by reference into O. Reg 267/03 made under the Nutrient Management Act, 2002  (source: Environmental Registry)

OMAFRA and MECP are proposing to update some of the values found in Nutrient Management Tables 1 (Nutrient Unit Livestock Information) & 2 (Manure Databank). Updates to these tables are necessary to ensure that these values remain up-to-date and reflect current industry values.
Effective Date:  May 2, 2023

Proposed amendments to O. Reg. 275/94 (General) made under the Nursing Act, 1991, to authorize registered practical nurses (RPNs) to initiate certain procedures independently, without the need for an order.

The College of Nurses of Ontario is proposing regulatory amendments to expand the scope of practice for RPNs including: Irrigation, probing, debriding, and packing of a wound below the dermis or below a mucous membrane, venipuncture to start intravenous access using a solution of normal saline, when an individual requires medical attention & delay is likely to be harmful, and certain procedures for the purpose of assessing and/or assisting an individual with health management activities:- putting an instrument, hand, or finger beyond the individual's labia majora - putting an instrument or finger into an artificial opening into the individual's body
Effective Date:  July 1, 2023

Proposed changes to the Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs Act and Innkeepers Act to exempt cattle in the Feeder Cattle Loan Guarantee Program from the custom feeding provisions in the Innkeepers Act.

OMAFRA is proposing is to amend the Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs Act (MAFRAA) and the Innkeepers Act to exempt feeder cattle enrolled under the Feeder Cattle Loan Guarantee Program (FCLGP) from Section 3 of the Innkeepers Act that allows custom feeders to place a lien on cattle and sell them in the event of non-payment. If approved the amendment would allow a program change to the FCLGP to allow for custom feeding. Feeder cattle co-operatives (Co-ops) may have more feeding and herd management options allowing them to expand their operations and increase their resilience in times of reduced feed availability.
Effective Date:  March 22, 2023

Rabies testing and vaccination requirements in the Health Protection and Promotion Act (HPPA).

Regulation 557 establishes the responsibility for rabies cases. There exists no authority for Medical Officers of Health to order testing of deceased animals under observation, unless there are reasonable grounds to suspect that an animal is rabid. Without testing to rule out rabies, bite victims may have to undergo a publicly-funded rabies vaccination as part of the post-exposure protocol. Regulation 567 defines conditions for the administration of the rabies vaccine in certain animals. This regulation allows for vaccination by licenced veterinarians within Ontario, animals vaccinated in other provinces, territories, or countries must be revaccinated to meet the regulation.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2023

Proposed amendment to Reg. 965, s.31 under the Public Hospitals Act, 1990 to remove the regulatory requirement to conduct laboratory examinations of tissues removed during hip and knee replacement surgeries

The Ministry of Health is proposing an amendment to Reg. 965: Hospital Management under the Public Hospitals Act to eliminate the regulatory requirement to perform a laboratory examination of tissues removed during hip and knee replacement surgeries, by adding those tissues to the list of exclusions in s. 31 (2). Operating surgeons would retain the authority to submit any specimens for examination at their discretion.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2023

Proposed amendments to the Animal Health Act, 2009 to enhance animal health preparedness and to make additional updates to the legislation  (source: Environmental Registry)

Amendments are proposed to the Animal Health Act, 2009 to expressly enable a temporary response order when necessary. The proposed amendments also include enhanced consistency in the use of inspection authorities; updates related to the Legislation Act, 2006; and greater flexibility on the appropriate method for publication of notice of an animal health control area order.
Effective Date:  March 22, 2023

Proposed amendments to the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act, to remove the prohibition on carbon sequestration  (source: Environmental Registry)

We are proposing to amend the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act to remove the prohibition on carbon sequestration (i.e., the permanent storage of carbon dioxide in deep underground geologic formations). If approved, these changes would represent a first step towards enabling geologic carbon storage in the province.
Effective Date:  March 22, 2023

Site-Specific Noise Standard for Salit Steel's Niagara Falls Facility  (source: Environmental Registry)

Ontario is proposing to amend Ontario Regulation 1/17 to establish consistent site-specific sound level limits for noise emissions from Salit Steel's Niagara Falls facility.
Effective Date:  February 10, 2023

Proposed updates to the regulation of development for the protection of people and property from natural hazards in Ontario  (source: Environmental Registry)

A decision was made to move ahead with proclaiming provisions of the Conservation Authorities Act and to make associated regulatory changes to support streamlined, timely and consistent conservation authority permitting decisions and ensure permit decisions are focused on natural hazard considerations. These changes come into effect on April 1, 2024. Please read the decision notice 019-2927 - Proposed updates to the regulation of development for the protection of people and property from natural hazards in Ontario on the Environmental Registry for additional information on the changes made.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2023

Proposed regulatory amendments to O. Reg. 403/10: Hogs - Plan

The Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission (Commission) is proposing to amend O. Reg. 403/10: Hogs - Plan under the Farm Products Marketing Act.
Effective Date:  September 29, 2023

Proposed Changes to Ontario Regulation 299/19: Additional Residential Units  (source: Environmental Registry)

Changes are being proposed to Ontario Regulation 299/19: Additional Residential Units. These are consequential amendments resulting from changes to the Planning Act proposed through Bill 23 to make it easier to build new homes for Ontarians as part of the government's commitment to build 1.5 million homes over the next ten years.
Effective Date:  January 6, 2023

Accelerating Broadband Deployment with Electricity System Assets

The Government is committed to expediting the delivery of broadband projects to ensure every household and business in Ontario has access to high-speed internet. The Ministry of Energy is proposing to further strengthen its regulatory framework to help ensure that electricity system assets can be used to achieve this goal.
Effective Date:  March 28, 2023

Amendments to Certain Requirements under the Excess Soil Regulation  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks is proposing to amend the Excess Soil Regulation, Ontario Regulation 406/19, to remove the reuse planning requirements, including registration, sampling and tracking, for excess soil moved from lower risk projects, and to enable larger temporary piles of soil for storage.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2023

Proposed amendments to O.Reg 507/18 ("Broader Public Sector: Energy Reporting and Conservation and Demand Management Plans") under the Electricity Act, 1998  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Ministry of Energy is proposing changes to O.Reg 507/18, Ontario's energy reporting regulation for broader public sector organizations. These changes would streamline reporting and tracking of energy use by moving required energy reporting from the current SharePoint 2013 platform (that has reached the end of its life) to the widely used ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager electronic reporting system. Further changes would: phase in reporting of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions data to the previous calendar year (rather than two calendar years in the past) and update prescriptive elements of the regulation.
Effective Date:  February 23, 2023

Review of Ontario Regulation 783/20 (General) (Regulation), made under the Farm Registration and Farm Organizations Funding Act, 1993, S.O. 1993, c. 21 (FRFOFA), to finalize regulatory improvements aimed at reducing administrative burden and supporting program delivery.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs is proposing to make amendments to the Regulation, which guides the delivery of the Farm Business Registration (FBR) program, as well as sets out the process by which Accredited Farm Organizations (AFOs) are accredited and a francophone organization is determined to be eligible to receive special funding under the FRFOFA. The proposed amendments will: 1) focus on making changes to the eligibility criteria that a francophone organization must meet to be eligible to receive special funding; and 2) examine whether the administrative fee that AgriCorp charges per application to the AFOs to administer the FBR program needs to be changed.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2023

Proposed Updates to the Ontario Wetland Evaluation System  (source: Environmental Registry)

In support of Ontario's Housing Supply Action Plan 3.0 and the government's commitment to support the construction of 1.5 million new housing units over the next ten years, the province is proposing updates the Ontario Wetland Evaluation System that would remove duplicate requirements and streamline the evaluation process.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2023

Establishing a flexible approach to setting the prescribed electronic format to enable electronic access to personal health information

The Ministry of Health is posting a notice of a proposed regulation under PHIPA. The public is invited to provide comments between September 24, 2022 and November 22, 2022. Under the proposed regulation, if patients make an access request for their personal health information in electronic format, Health Information Custodians would be required to provide such access in either (i) an electronic format specified by Ontario Health (OH), subject to prior Minister approval, and posted on OH's website, or (ii) another electronic format that is agreed to by the health information custodian (HIC) and the individual.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2023

Amending Regulation 16 of the Agricultural and Horticultural Organizations Act

A proposed amendment to Regulation 16 of the Agricultural and Horticultural Organizations Act would reduce the minimum number of members needed for Agricultural and Horticultural Societies to qualify for an annual grant from the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2023

Proposed Amendment to O. Reg. 53/05 (Payments under Section 78.1 of the Act), made under the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998

The Ministry of Energy is proposing to amend Ontario Regulation 53/05 to establish a variance account to track the additional revenues and costs associated with operating Pickering Nuclear Generating Station for the additional period, subject to the approval of CNSC. The OEB would conduct a prudency review of the account balance and determine its disposition in a future rate-setting period.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2023

Amendment to Ontario Regulation 316/07 under the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006 to create Alfred Bog Provincial Park  (source: Environmental Registry)

We are proposing to create a new non-operating provincial park east of Ottawa, regulated under the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006. Creating this park will provide greater protection to an ecologically important and sensitive area.
Effective Date:  July 27, 2023

Equipment and Use of Force Regulatory Amendments and Implementation of a Modernized Use of Force Report

O. Reg. 926/90 Equipment and Use of Force under the Police Services Act will be amended to require use of a modernized use of force report by police services in Ontario, and to clarify and enhance reporting requirements in relation to use of force incidents.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2023

Emissions Performance Standards program regulatory amendments for the 2023-2030 period  (source: Environmental Registry)

We are proposing changes to the Emissions Performance Standards (EPS) program for 2023-2030 to meet the benchmark set by the federal government. The EPS program will continue to be a fair, cost-effective program that reduces emissions and is flexible to the unique needs and circumstances of industry in Ontario, while supporting green economic growth.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2023

Proposed regulatory amendments to O. Reg. 485/09: Grain - Marketing

The Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission (Commission) is proposing to amend O. Reg. 485 (Grain - Marketing), to revoke a provision that requires the members of the Grain Industry Advisory Committee (GIAC) to meet at least once per year and clarify the establishment of end dates for negotiated soybean agreements.
Effective Date:  January 24, 2023

Regulations under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA) - Registration Barriers for Regulated Health Professionals

Regulations to implement amendments to the RHPA contained in Schedule 6 of Bill 106, Pandemic and Emergency Preparedness Act, 2022, should that Act be passed, by: 1. Defining Canadian work experience for the purpose of the legislation. 2. Prescribing acceptable language proficiency tests 3. Prescribe time limits for registration decisions. 4. Prescribing requirements for emergency class of certificates of registration.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2023

Proposed Regulatory Amendments to Ontario Regulation 202/94 (General) made under the Pharmacy Act, 1991

The Ontario College of Pharmacists is proposing regulatory amendments to allow pharmacists to prescribe drugs to treat certain minor ailments.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2023

Towing and Storage Safety and Enforcement Act (TSSEA) Regulations

The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is proposing regulations to support the implementation of the TSSEA. We are looking for your input on the proposed regulations before the TSSEA comes into effect. If approved, the proposed requirements would be rolled out in three phases beginning January 1, 2023 and be fully implemented by January 2024. The Act is designed to provide provincial oversight of the towing and vehicle storage sectors. TSSEA requires tow truck drivers and tow and storage operators to hold a provincial certificate to operate.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2023

Amendments to O. Reg. 168/15 made under the Naturopathy Act, 2007.

The College of Naturopaths of Ontario is proposing to amend O. Reg.168/15 made under the Naturopathy Act, 2007.
Effective Date:  May 15, 2023

Amendment to Ontario Regulation 315/07 under the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006 to create a conservation reserve along the south shore of Prince Edward County  (source: Environmental Registry)

We are proposing to regulate a conservation reserve along the south shore of Prince Edward County under the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006. Creating this reserve will provide greater protection and ecologically sustainable land uses, including traditional outdoor heritage activities, can continue.
Effective Date:  June 16, 2023

Consultation on an Administrative Monetary Penalties Regime for the Electrical Safety Authority

Consultation Paper on an Administrative Monetary Penalties Regime for the Electrical Safety Authority
Effective Date:  April 1, 2023

Streamlining environmental permissions for microbreweries and nanobreweries through self-registration and exemptions  (source: Environmental Registry)

This proposal is to streamline environmental permissions for microbreweries and nanobreweries where environmental risks are low. This aligns with ministry oversight that is proportional with potential risks to the environment and human health and reduces burden and cost for these small-scale breweries.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2023

Prescribing a significant market disruption within the definition of "hazard" and updating the Appendices listing Immediately and Periodically Notifiable Hazards in O. Reg. 277/12 (Reporting of Hazards and Findings) under the Animal Health Act, 2009.  (source: Environmental Registry)

To support animal health and enhance preparedness, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) is proposing under the Animal Health Act, 2009: (a) a new regulation to prescribe that a provincial surplus of livestock or poultry due to a border-related disruption would be added to clause (c) of the definition of a "hazard"; and (b) amendments to the Appendices containing lists of Immediately Notifiable Hazards and Periodically Notifiable Hazards in O. Reg. 277/12.
Effective Date:  February 1, 2023

Administrative Penalties Regulation made under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016  (source: Environmental Registry)

We are proposing a regulation that would allow the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority to issue administrative penalties for not abiding by the provisions in the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016 and its regulations.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2023

Proposed Regulatory Enhancements to Support Implementation of Ontario's Quality Standards Framework - Lieutenant Governor in Council Regulation

The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) is proposing to amend Ontario Regulation 155/18 under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 (CYFSA) to support implementation of Ontario's Quality Standards Framework (QSF) and improve the everyday experiences of children and young persons both in licensed residential settings and non-residential settings, including mental health, special needs and Indigenous service providers.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2023

Proposed Regulatory Enhancements to Support Implementation of Ontario's Quality Standards Framework - Minister's Regulation

The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) is proposing to amend Ontario Regulation 156/18 under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 (CYFSA) to support implementation of Ontario's Quality Standards Framework (QSF) and improve the everyday experiences of children and young persons in licensed residential settings.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2023

Mining Health and Safety Regulatory Amendment Proposal

The Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development (MLTSD) is proposing to amend various requirements that apply to mines and mining plants under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA).
Effective Date:  September 1, 2023

Proposed changes to combine the Grains Act, the Livestock and Livestock Products Act and the Farm Products Payments Act, which govern Ontario's Financial Protection Programs. The new Act will be updated to make it more flexible, modern and reflective of current industry and board governance best practices.

OMAFRA is proposing changes to the programs which govern the buying and selling of beef cattle and grains and oilseeds in Ontario. The changes, if approved, would strengthen producer protection; improve and clarify rules and requirements for licensing; expand the suite of enforcement tools; update Board governance and powers, make it easier to expand the programs to other sectors; update appeals provisions and provide for greater flexibility in program delivery.
Effective Date:  June 8, 2023

Provincial and Demonstration Schools Lodging Regulation

The Ministry of Education (EDU) is seeking community input on the proposed elements of a new regulation that would update standards for how residences at the English and French Provincial and Demonstration schools should operate. The new regulation would impact Provincial Schools for the Deaf, Blind and Deafblind as well as Demonstration Schools operated by EDU and the Centre Jules-Léger Consortium (CJLC) respectively.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2023

The Consumer Reporting Act - Proposals Under Consideration for Providing Access to Security Freezes, Credit Scores and Reports

Consultation paper with proposals under consideration that are intended to improve and clarify the Consumer Reporting Act.
Effective Date:  December 6, 2023

Amendments to Regulation 415 (Grapes for Processing - Plan) and Regulation 414 (Grapes for Processing - Marketing) under the Farm Products Marketing Act.

The Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission is proposing amendments to Regulation 415 (Grapes for Processing - Plan) and Regulation 414 (Grapes for Processing - Marketing).
Effective Date:  June 9, 2023

Hazardous Waste Fee Exemption Framework  (source: Environmental Registry)

We are proposing to draft a new regulation under RRCEA that would: 1) Maintain the current fee exemptions for certain hazardous waste management activities by moving them from Regulation 347 to a new regulation to be made under the RRCEA 2) Move over and adjust other related sections within Regulation 347 in order to update and clarify language
Effective Date:  January 1, 2023

Hazardous Waste Digital Reporting Service Modernization  (source: Environmental Registry)

As the last step towards transitioning hazardous waste digital reporting services to the Authority, we are now seeking your feedback on the proposed regulatory changes.
Effective Date:  January 1, 2023

Exempting projects related to provincial parks and conservation reserves from the Environmental Assessment Act  (source: Environmental Registry)

See Environmental Registry Proposal Notice (019-1804)
Effective Date:  September 8, 2023

Proposed Regulatory Amendments to Ontario Regulation 884/93 (Designated Drugs) made under the Midwifery Act, 1991

The College of Midwives of Ontario (College) is proposing regulatory amendments to enable a flexible approach to prescribing drugs by replacing its current list of drugs with categories of drugs from which midwives can prescribe. The College is also proposing to specify categories of controlled drugs and substances that midwives may prescribe, categories of drugs that midwives may administer by suppository, and categories of substances that midwives may administer by injection or inhalation.
Effective Date:  October 23, 2023

Proposed Regulatory Amendments to Ontario Regulation 203/94 (General) made under the Chiropody Act, 1991 - Drug Categories

The College of Chiropodists of Ontario (College) is proposing regulatory amendments to enable a flexible approach to prescribing drugs by replacing its current list of drugs with categories of drugs from which chiropodists and podiatrists can prescribe within their scope of practice. The College is also proposing to expand the list of controlled drugs and substances that members may prescribe and the list of substances that members may administer by injection into the foot.
Effective Date:  May 15, 2023