Through Bill 71, Building More Mines Act, 2023, the Ministry of Mines is proposing to make amendments to the Mining Act that are intended to ensure Ontario has a modern and competitive regime for mineral exploration and development. The proposed amendments aim to reduce administrative burden, clarify requirements for rehabilitation and create regulatory efficiencies
Effective Date:
May 18, 2023
Through Bill 71, Building More Mines Act, 2023, the Ministry of Mines is proposing to make amendments to the closure plan framework under the Mining Act to improve timelines for preparing closure plans, reduce proponents' up-front expenses for opening or changing a mine, reduce the frequency of notifications and closure plan amendments required, and improve flexibility in closure planning.
Effective Date:
May 18, 2023
Through Bill 71, Building More Mines Act, 2023, the Ministry of Mines is proposing amendments to the Mining Act that would: (1) amend one of the requirements for obtaining a "recovery permit" and (2) provide the Minister with decision-making authorities in respect of exploration and mine rehabilitation.
Effective Date:
May 18, 2023
We have proposed an amendment to the Environmental Assessment Act to provide the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks with authority to waive or alter the 30-day waiting period following completion of a class environmental assessment (EA) process. This will help critical projects to proceed more quickly.
Effective Date:
May 18, 2023
The proposed amendments to the Ministry of Infrastructure Act, 2011 (MOI Act) and nine (9) other Acts would, if passed, establish a framework to remove and/or modify the realty authority of fourteen (14) entities under Phase 1 of the Centralization of Broader Real Estate Authority (CBREA) initiative and to provide the Minister of Infrastructure (the MOI Minister) with the ability to oversee and manage this real estate This would help improve the management of realty property across ministries and entities
Effective Date:
May 18, 2023
The Ministry of Health is proposing legislative amendments to the Medicine Act, 1991; Nursing Act, 1991; Medical Laboratory Technology Act, 1991; and the Respiratory Therapy Act, 1991 to give the Minister regulation-making powers regarding exempting persons from the provisions that place restrictions around the use of professional titles and holding oneself out as being qualified to practice the profession. Additionally, consequential changes to numerous Acts are proposed to ensure there no barriers to providing care.
Effective Date:
May 18, 2023
The Ministry of Health is proposing legislative amendments to section 3 of the Pharmacy Act, 1991 to update the scope of practice statement to include the term assessment.
Effective Date:
May 18, 2023
Proposing amendments to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act to extend its application to external data integrators that are not FIPPA institutions. If passed, such integrators would need to make information available about how the public may make requests for records, publish certain information annually and report annually to the Information and Privacy Commissioner.
Effective Date:
May 18, 2023
The Ministry of Health is proposing to make regulatory amendments to O.Reg. 107/96 made under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, to exempt respiratory therapists from the prohibition on the controlled act of applying soundwaves for diagnostic ultrasound when acting under the order of a physician or nurse practitioner.
Effective Date:
May 15, 2023
OMAFRA and MECP are proposing to update some of the values found in Nutrient Management Tables 1 (Nutrient Unit Livestock Information) & 2 (Manure Databank). Updates to these tables are necessary to ensure that these values remain up-to-date and reflect current industry values.
Effective Date:
May 2, 2023
The College of Naturopaths of Ontario is proposing to amend O. Reg.168/15 made under the Naturopathy Act, 2007.
Effective Date:
May 15, 2023
The College of Chiropodists of Ontario (College) is proposing regulatory amendments to enable a flexible approach to prescribing drugs by replacing its current list of drugs with categories of drugs from which chiropodists and podiatrists can prescribe within their scope of practice. The College is also proposing to expand the list of controlled drugs and substances that members may prescribe and the list of substances that members may administer by injection into the foot.
Effective Date:
May 15, 2023