The Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission has amended R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 753 (Grades, Standards, Designations, Classes, Packing and Marking), under the Milk Act.
Effective Date:
December 20, 2023
Ontario Regulation 39/23 has been amended to direct the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) and Ontario Power Generation (OPG) to hold net proceeds from the sale of clean energy credits (CECs) and is required for these organizations to meet their accounting requirements for the 2023 calendar year. This is an interim measure until the Future Clean Electricity Fund (FCEF) is established.
Effective Date:
December 27, 2023
As part of the Less Red Tape, More Common Sense Act, 2023, introduced on October 19, 2023 and led by the Ministry of Red Tape Reduction, the Ministry of Finance has proposed legislative amendments to subsection 143.2(4) of the Securities Act, subsection 67(4) of the Commodity Futures Act and subsection 22(4) of the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario Act, 2016 to reduce the statutory minimum consultation period for which the two agencies need to consult on their proposed rules from 90 days to 60 days.
Effective Date:
December 4, 2023
Proposal to amend the Retirement Homes Act, 2010 to remove the requirement for the Minister for Seniors and Accessibility to publish a notice of proposed initial regulations under the RHA for public comment on the website of the Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility. Policy intent is to support a one-window approach for posting and consultation on proposed regulations on the provincial Regulatory Registry.
Effective Date:
December 4, 2023
A proposal to make amendments to the Ontario Heritage Act (OHA) and O.Reg. 385/21 (General) which would allow religious organizations and Indigenous communities or organizations to move forward with their proposed alterations where the requirements of the provision are met.
Effective Date:
December 4, 2023
The Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Act has been updated to remove the requirement to publish notices of proposed amendments to the Niagara Escarpment Plan and associated hearings in newspapers, enable broader exemptions for low-risk activities, and broaden the range of compliance tools for the Niagara Escarpment Commission.
Effective Date:
December 4, 2023
The Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 that includes Schedule 1 - the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve Act ,2023 (DRAPA, 2023), came into effect on December 6, 2023. DRAPA, 2023 reinstates the legal protections of the easements and covenants applicable to the lands within the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve.
Effective Date:
December 6, 2023
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs is proposing amendments to the Agricultural and Horticultural Organizations Act (AHOA) regarding:
• payments to directors, officers and members for services performed in capacities other than their official duties, and
• the requirement to submit annual audited financial statements.
Effective Date:
December 4, 2023
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs is proposing to revoke sections 5 and 7 of the Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act, 2019 (ROCA). The effect of these revocations will be to remove the un-proclaimed and obsolete sections 2, 3 and 21 of the FRFOFA given that these sections have already been replaced with newer provisions.
Effective Date:
December 4, 2023
The Ministry of Health (MOH) is proposing amendments to the Connecting Care Act, 2019 (CCA) to consolidate the fourteen Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) - known to the public as Home and Community Care Support Services organizations - into a single new service organization named Ontario Health atHome in English and Santé à domicile Ontario in French. The new organization would provide home and community care services, long-term care home and other placement management services, and information and referrals, and in time it would provide home care-related operational supports to health service providers (HSPs) and Ontario Health Teams (OHTs) across Ontario.
Effective Date:
December 4, 2023
The Ontario Legislature has amended the St. Thomas - Central Elgin Boundary Adjustment Act, 2023 to exempt St. Thomas from certain sections of provincial statutes that prohibit it from providing certain direct or indirect financial assistance as part of the PowerCo. SE project. PowerCo. SE is Volkswagen's subsidiary battery company.
Effective Date:
December 4, 2023
Bill 134, the Affordable Homes and Good Jobs Act, 2023, received Third Reading on November 29, 2023. The Act amends the definition of "affordable residential units" in the Development Charges Act to lower the cost of building, purchasing, and renting these units.
Effective Date:
December 4, 2023
The proposed GO Transit Station Funding Act, 2023, if passed, would create a new optional funding tool to allow municipalities to fund the design and construction of new GO stations and recoup the costs through a charge on new development within specified areas surrounding those new stations.
Effective Date:
December 4, 2023
We are posting finalized data survey and mapping technical guidance to support flood hazard identification and mapping by municipalities and conservation authorities in Ontario.
Effective Date:
December 4, 2023
The ministry is re-engaging with stakeholders through a consultation paper that sets out proposals for reform to the Consumer Protection Act, 2002 grouped in two categories broad consumer protection and empowerment, and sector-specific protections. This paper builds on the consultation that occurred in 2020-21 and includes many of the proposals that were in the 2020 consultation paper. Some of the proposals from 2020 have been updated to reflect feedback from respondents to the previous consultation and new proposals are also included. The ministry is seeking feedback on whether these proposals are supported by consumers and businesses.
Effective Date:
December 6, 2023
Consultation paper with proposals under consideration that are intended to improve and clarify the Consumer Reporting Act.
Effective Date:
December 6, 2023