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Instrument Type:  
Proposed amendments to Ontario Regulation 422/17 (General), a minister's regulation made under the Ontario Immigration Act, 2015, pertaining to the Employer Job Offer: In-Demand Skills stream

The Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD) is proposing amendments to Ontario Regulation 422/17 (General) to expand the list of occupations eligible under the Employer Job Offer: In-Demand Skills stream to support Ontario's labour market need for workers in low and intermediate-skilled (TEERs 4 and 5) occupations.
Comments Due Date:  May 31, 2024

Proposed amendments to O. Reg. 347/18 (Exemptions) made under the Police Record Checks Reform Act, 2015 pertaining to the child and youth services sector.

Proposed amendments to O. Reg 347/18 (Exemptions) made under the Police Record Checks Reform Act, 2015 (PRCRA) to enable a standard approach to police record searches for individuals involved in the provision of services governed by the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 (CYFSA) and the Intercountry Adoption Act, 1998 (IAA).
Comments Due Date:  May 31, 2024

College of Nurses of Ontario: General Regulation 275/94 made under the Nursing Act, 1991

Under the RHPA and the Nursing Act, 1991, the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) is responsible for governing the profession of nursing in Ontario. Under these Acts, the CNO has the authority to make regulations on a variety of subject matters, including standards and qualifications for certificates of registration.
Comments Due Date:  May 30, 2024

Proposed Amendments to Ontario Regulation 45/22 (General) under the Laboratory and Specimen Collection Centre Licensing Act to expand midwives' authority to order additional laboratory tests and allow midwives to perform certain point-of-care tests.

Proposed regulatory amendments to update the list of specific laboratory tests that midwives can requisition, and enable midwives to now perform point-of-care tests through a licensing exemption. The ministry is also proposing amendments to bring outdated provisions into alignment with the current provincial and prenatal screening and newborn screening programs, and other technical updates to make test names consistent in the regulation.
Comments Due Date:  May 25, 2024

Modernizing the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act: Proposals to Reduce Burden, Improve Regulatory Efficiency, and Enhance Consumer Protection

The Motor Vehicle Dealers Act, 2002 (MVDA) regulates motor vehicle dealers and salespersons in Ontario and provides protections for consumers. The MVDA and its regulations are administered and enforced by the Ontario Motor Vehicle Industry Council (OMVIC). The Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery (ministry) is consulting on potential changes to the MVDA and its regulations that, if implemented, would reduce regulatory burden, improve OMVIC's regulatory efficiency, enhance consumer protection, and update or remove outdated provisions. The ministry is seeking feedback on the proposals and the questions posed in the attached consultation paper. Your comments are important.
Comments Due Date:  May 21, 2024

Proposed Regulations Under the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 to Support Building Homes and Transit Faster by Prescribing Conditions for Fast-Tracking Approval of Certain Small Energy Infrastructure Projects  (source: Environmental Registry)

In 2023, the Ministry of Energy posted a proposal for amendments to the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 to allow government to prescribe conditions in regulation to fast-track Ontario Energy Board approval of small natural gas pipeline projects. This posting seeks feedback on proposed regulations that would set out conditions if duty to consult is met.
Comments Due Date:  May 17, 2024

Proposed changes to the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 and the Social Work and Social Service Work Act, 1998 to improve information sharing practices for professional colleges and agencies

The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services is proposing changes to the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 (CYFSA) and the Social Work and Social Service Work Act, 1998 (SWSSWA) to increase consistency of rules that govern information sharing for professional colleges and agencies to improve the safety of children, youth and other vulnerable persons.
Comments Due Date:  May 17, 2024

Proposed changes to the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 to allow adults with a history of child protection involvement to publicly identify themselves

The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services is proposing changes to the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 (CYFSA) to clarify circumstances where individuals with lived experience in child protection would be free to speak of their own lived experiences and can publish or allow the publishing of information about their own experiences in certain circumstances. This proposal is intended to help clarify the rules on publishing this information and provide individuals with more control and ownership over their own stories and experiences.
Comments Due Date:  May 17, 2024

Proposed changes to the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 to enhance Privacy Protection for Children and Youth with former child welfare involvement

Proposed changes to create restrictions on a society or service provider's access to and disclosure of records of children and youth that are held by the service provider.
Comments Due Date:  May 17, 2024

Proposed changes to the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 to improve the access for children and youth in care to information about the Office of the Ombudsman

The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services is proposing changes to the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 to clarify circumstances when children and youth in care must be informed of the Office of the Ombudsman. The changes aim to strengthen the ability of children and youth in care to exercise their rights, improve the quality of services they receive, as well as enhance children's aid societies and out-of-home care licensees' awareness of their obligations.
Comments Due Date:  May 17, 2024

Proposed amendments to Ontario Regulation 123/04: Apples - Plan and Ontario Regulation 125/04: Apples Marketing under the Farm Products Marketing Act.

The Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission is proposing amendments to O. Reg. 123/04 and O. Reg. 125/04. The proposed amendments are intended to make targeted improvements to the framework governing: • Participation in the Ontario Apple Growers (OAG) including eligibility for board member elections and board leadership. • The structure of the Industry Advisory Committees for Apples.
Comments Due Date:  May 13, 2024

Proposed New Regulations and Amendments to Regulations under the Connecting Care Act, 2019 and other Acts.

The Ontario government is proposing to make and amend regulations to facilitate the amalgamation of Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs; operating as Home and Community Care Support Services) into Ontario Health atHome (OHaH), and to facilitate transitions over time of accountability for home care to health service providers (HSPs) within Ontario Health Teams (OHTs). Proposed regulations would define certain OHaH governance details, clarify that OHT members will be accountable for the provision of home and community care services when funded through the OHT, make consequential amendments to regulations that now refer to LHINs, and exempt OHaH from certain provisions applicable to HSPs.
Comments Due Date:  May 12, 2024

Proposed Amendments to the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 and associated regulations to modernize leave-to-construct approvals for pipeline relocation or reconstruction projects to build transit and housing faster.  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Ministry of Energy is proposing to amend the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 to authorize regulations to streamline and modernize leave-to-construct approvals for certain pipeline relocation or reconstruction projects to help facilitate key government commitments to build transit and housing faster.
Comments Due Date:  May 11, 2024

Consultation on proposed amendments to the Université de Hearst Act, 2021

The Ministry of Colleges and Universities is proposing to amend the Université de Hearst Act, 2021, to alter the requirements for the size and composition of the Université de Hearst Board of Governors by reducing the board size from 24 to 15 members and outlining the individuals and constituent groups who would fulfill those positions.
Comments Due Date:  May 10, 2024

Proposed Changes to Regulations under the Planning Act and Development Charges Act, 1997 Relating to the Bill 185, Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024 (Bill 185): Newspaper Notice Requirements and Consequential Housekeeping Changes

Regulatory changes are proposed that would modernize public notice requirements under the Planning Act and Development Charges Act, 1997 regarding newspaper notice and make other amendments to support implementation of legislative changes.
Comments Due Date:  May 10, 2024

Proposed Amendments to the Hazel McCallion Act (Peel Dissolution), 2023 to end the dissolution of the Region of Peel and revise the mandate of the Peel Region Transition Board

Proposed Amendments to the Hazel McCallion Act (Peel Dissolution), 2023 to end the dissolution of the Region of Peel and revise the mandate of the Peel Region Transition Board
Comments Due Date:  May 10, 2024

Proposal to amend the Niagara Parks Act to reduce red tape and regulatory burden by removing the requirement for municipal representatives on the Niagara Parks Commission Board to be appointed annually.

The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport (MTCS) proposes to revise the requirement in the Niagara Parks Act for municipal representatives on the Niagara Parks Commission (NPC) Board to be appointed annually. Instead, appointments would be active for a period determined by the municipal council but for a period that does not exceed the duration of the municipal government term. This would streamline the board appointments process, reduce red tape and support business continuity.
Comments Due Date:  May 10, 2024

Proposed Regulatory Changes under the Planning Act Relating to the Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024 (Bill 185): Removing Barriers for Additional Residential Units

Seeking feedback on zoning by-law barriers to the creation of additional residential units
Comments Due Date:  May 10, 2024

Proposed Planning Act, City of Toronto Act, 2006, and Municipal Act, 2001 Changes (Schedules 4, 9, and 12 of Bill 185 - the proposed Bill 185, Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024)

Proposed changes to the Planning Act, City of Toronto Act, 2006, and Municipal Act, 2001 through Bill185, the proposed Bill 185, Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024
Comments Due Date:  May 10, 2024

Consultation related to proposed amendments to the Redeemer Reformed Christian College Act, 1998

Redeemer University (Redeemer) is a private, religious post-secondary institution in Ontario that was established by a private Act of the legislature. Redeemer has requested amendments to its constituting Act to change the size and composition of its board and certain other related amendments. These amendments are being considered as part of the Less Red Tape, Saving You Time Bill, 2024
Comments Due Date:  May 10, 2024

Amendments to An Act to incorporate the Trinity College School, S.O. 1872, c. 111

The Ministry of Education, on behalf of Trinity College School, is proposing to introduce amendments to An Act to incorporate the Trinity College School, S.O. 1872, c. 111 (the Act) that would, if passed, remove ex officio board members from the governing body of the school to address the current operational realities. The amendments would also clarify that the corporation has the powers of a natural person and eliminate any ambiguity related to the corporation's power to appoint successors.
Comments Due Date:  May 10, 2024

Proposed Amendments to Ontario Regulation 73/23: Municipal Planning Data Reporting

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing is considering amendments to Ontario Regulation 73/23 to: 1. Expand the list of municipalities to which the regulation applies; and 2. Improve the quality, completeness, and utility of the information required to be reported. 3. Require municipalities to make public a summary of the data reported.
Comments Due Date:  May 10, 2024

Proposed regulatory amendments to O. Reg. 468/18 under the Cannabis Licence Act, 2018

The Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG) is proposing regulatory amendments to O. Reg. 468/18 under the Cannabis Licence Act, 2018 to enable the transfer of retail store authorizations and the sale of cannabis inventory between cannabis retail stores in certain circumstances. In addition, the amendments would make changes to tax compliance and store layout rules and make technical changes to the regulation. There would also be consequential amendments to O. Reg. 33/18 under the Ontario Cannabis Retail Corporation Act, 2017.
Comments Due Date:  May 9, 2024

Consultation on Personal Long-Term Illness Leave under the Employment Standards Act, 2000

The Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development is seeking input on a potential new unpaid long-term job protected leave for employees experiencing serious or critical illness.
Comments Due Date:  May 6, 2024

Regulation detailing new Minister's Permit and Review powers under the Conservation Authorities Act  (source: Environmental Registry)

We are proposing a regulation specifying the circumstances under which the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry (Minister) may issue an order to prevent a conservation authority from making a permitting decision and make the permitting decision in the place of a conservation authority or may undertake a review of a conservation authority permitting decision.
Comments Due Date:  May 6, 2024

Amendment to Ontario Regulation 316/07 under the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006 to expand the boundary of Bigwind Lake Provincial Park  (source: Environmental Registry)

We are proposing to expand the boundary of Bigwind Lake Provincial Park, located approximately 20 kilometres east of Bracebridge. Expanding this park would provide long-term protection and enhanced opportunities for recreational activities, such as hiking and backcountry camping.
Comments Due Date:  May 4, 2024

Developing a management plan for Bigwind Lake Provincial Park  (source: Environmental Registry)

Ontario is providing more opportunities to get outside and enjoy more time in nature, including improved access to greenspaces throughout the province. To achieve this, we have proposed the creation of the first new full-service operating provincial park in over 40 years at Bigwind Lake Provincial Park. We are excited to present our preliminary management plan for the proposed operating park.
Comments Due Date:  May 4, 2024

Proposed Amendments to the Electrical Safety Code regulation (O. Reg. 164/99) under Part VIII of the Electricity Act, 1998

Proposal to amend the regulation to adopt the Ontario Electrical Safety Code 2024.
Comments Due Date:  May 3, 2024