The Red Tape Challenge is an online consultation platform designed to engage businesses, the public, and other stakeholders to help identify and improve Ontario regulations that are unclear, outdated, redundant or unnecessarily costly for business. Help Ontario cut red tape; submit your ideas today!
Comments Due Date:
May 31, 2017
The purpose of this proposal is to provide a summary of the regulation proposal under consideration by the Ministry. Specifically, this notice outlines the proposed classes of structures; associated criteria; proposed circumstances in which the class occupational authority would not apply; and the proposed manner of giving notice to vacate the lands.
Comments Due Date:
May 18, 2017
The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) is proposing amendments to the Highway Traffic Act (HTA) with respect to registration of mobile cranes and concrete pumps and annual inspection requirements.
Comments Due Date:
May 15, 2017
Legislative amendments to OCTAA were enacted in December 2016 setting up the structure for a new administrative penalties framework to be used by the Ontario College of Trades in enforcing the OCTAA. As part of the implementation of these amendments, the Ministry of Labour is consulting on what the penalty amounts should be, and any other relevant details, including publication of notices of contravention.
Comments Due Date:
May 13, 2017
The Ministry of Transportation is proposing to increase the knowledge and road test fees for all commercial classes (class A, B, C, D, E and F) under the Highway Traffic Act (HTA).
Comments Due Date:
May 1, 2017