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Instrument Type:  
Safer Roads and Communities Act, 2024

The Ministry of Transportation is soliciting public comment on proposed legislative and regulatory changes aimed at enhancing road safety that would, if passed, protect lives, reduce injuries, and improve the quality of life for Ontarians.
Comments Due Date:  June 30, 2024

Special Constables O. Reg. 396/23: (Matters Respecting the Appointment and Functions of Special Constables and the Authorization of Special Constable Employers) under the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019.

O. Reg. 396/23 sets out the eligibility requirements for a special constable employer authorization, including what type of organization the applicant must be. While universities are listed in the Schedule under Item 5, colleges are listed under Item 2 given they are considered a Crown agency under the Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Act, 2002. The policy intent is that provisions regarding special constables employed by colleges should be aligned with those regarding special constables employed by universities, as that would better reflect their existing duties and operations.
Comments Due Date:  June 24, 2024

Protecting Consumers and Strengthening the Mortgage Industry with Modern Practices in Ontario - Legislative review of the Mortgages Brokers, Lenders and Administrators Act, 2006 (MBLAA)

A consultation for the 2023 legislative review of the Mortgages Brokers, Lenders and Administrators Act, 2006 (MBLAA) by the Ministry of Finance.
Comments Due Date:  June 24, 2024

Proposed amendments to a regulation under the Ontario Immigration Act, 2015 in respect of educational requirements for nurses under the Express Entry: Human Capital Priorities and French-Speaking Skilled Worker streams.

The Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD) is proposing amendments to Ontario Regulation 422/17 (General) to amend the educational requirements for nurses applying to the Express Entry: Human Capital Priorities (HCP) or French-Speaking Skilled Worker (FSSW) streams. Under the proposal, applicants that are registered by the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) with either a General, Extended, or Temporary Class registration would not have to demonstrate that they meet the minimum education requirements of the HCP or FSSW stream if they can demonstrate that they are registered with the CNO in one of the respective classes.
Comments Due Date:  June 22, 2024

Ontario Regulation 429/04 Amendments Related to the Treatment of Corporate Power Purchase Agreements  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Ministry of Energy (Ministry) is seeking feedback on proposed regulatory amendments to O. Reg. 429/04, made under the Electricity Act, 1998 that would allow qualifying Class A market participants to offset their facility's demand during each hour of a base period for financial settlement purposes through power purchase agreements (PPAs) with non-emitting generators not connected to the facility behind its meter. These proposed amendments are informed by feedback received from stakeholders during the consultation held in 2023 and aim to support the growth of new clean generation in the province.
Comments Due Date:  June 21, 2024

Regulatory fee increase for use of facilities for post-mortem examinations

The Ministry of the Solicitor General intends to make a minister's regulation amendment to increase the provincial fee paid to a hospital or other place, for use of the facilities for post-mortem examinations. This increase in the fee is intended to cover hospital overheads related to post-mortem examinations.
Comments Due Date:  June 21, 2024

Publication of Findings Reports and Directions under Part VII of the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019

Description of proposed regulation regarding the publication of Findings Reports and Directions under Part VII of the CSPA.
Comments Due Date:  June 21, 2024

Amending Ontario Regulation 682/21 to Prescribe Hazel McCallion Light Rail Transit Line Extensions under the Building Transit Faster Act, 2020

The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is proposing to add the Hazel McCallion Light Rail Transit Line extensions connecting to the downtown area of the City of Mississauga in the area known as Square One and connecting to the downtown area of the City of Brampton along Hurontario Street and Main Street commencing at the intersection of Steeles Avenue and Hurontario Street, as a priority transit project, under Ontario Regulation (O. Reg.) 682/21: Priority Transit Projects, under the Building Transit Faster Act, 2020.
Comments Due Date:  June 20, 2024

Proposed Amendments to Ontario Regulation 701/20 - General, made under the Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, 2020

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs is proposing amendments to O. Reg 701/20 in response to a decision of the Superior Court of Justice in Animal Justice et al. v. The Attorney General of Ontario.
Comments Due Date:  June 17, 2024

Proposed amendments to Regulation 440: Vegetables for Processing - Marketing and Regulation 441: Vegetables for Processing - Plan under the Farm Products Marketing Act Revoking spent regulations pertaining to the processing vegetable sector under the Farm Products Marketing Act

The Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission is proposing amendments to Regulation 440: Vegetables for Processing - Marketing and Regulation 441: Vegetables for Processing - Plan under the Farm Products Marketing Act. The proposed amendments are intended to make targeted improvements to the framework governing: • The production and marketing of vegetables for processing; and • Ontario Processing Vegetable Growers' board director elections and board leadership. The Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission is also proposing to revoke spent regulations pertaining to the processing vegetable sector under the Farm Products Marketing Act as they are no longer applicable.
Comments Due Date:  June 17, 2024

Proposed amendments to development permit exemptions under R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 828 for lands in the Niagara Escarpment Planning Area that is under the area of development control.  (source: Environmental Registry)

We are proposing amendments to R.R.O. 1990 Regulation 828, under the Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Act, to clarify, amend and expand existing exemptions for development that do not require a development permit under the Act and exempt additional activities that are unlikely to have a significant environmental impact.
Comments Due Date:  June 17, 2024

Consultation on Leveraging the Role of Resident Support Personnel in Long-Term Care Homes

The Ministry of Long-Term Care ("the ministry") is continuing to fix the long-term care system so every resident experiences an optimal quality of life, supported by safe, quality care. This work is built on four pillars: staffing and care, quality and enforcement, building modern, safe and comfortable homes, and supporting the broader continuum of services for seniors. Building on these strategic priorities, and focused on the staffing and care pillar, the ministry is seeking to validate its approach on leveraging the resident support personnel role in long-term care homes.
Comments Due Date:  June 15, 2024

Eligibility for Commissions under the Great Seal ("King's Commissions") under the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019

The Ministry of the Solicitor General (SOLGEN) is proposing to prescribe the rank at which police officers and First Nation Officers are eligible to receive a Commission under the Great Seal ("King's Commissions").
Comments Due Date:  June 13, 2024

Consultation on proposed legislation: Strengthening Cyber Security and Building Trust in the Public Sector Act, 2024

The proposed bill, Strengthening Cyber Security and Building Trust in the Public Sector Act, 2024 includes two schedules. The first introduces a new statute entitled Enhancing Digital Security and Trust Act, 2024 and the second proposes amendments to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). This proposal addresses gaps in data and privacy protection laws and seeks to safeguard personal data and improve customer service. The proposal also includes a foundation to establish requirements to strengthen cyber security to better protect important services like health care and set strong foundations in artificial intelligence system governance.
Comments Due Date:  June 11, 2024

Proposed Amendments to the Ontario Heritage Act, Schedule 2 of the Proposed Homeowner Protection Act, 2024  (source: Environmental Registry)

A proposal to make legislative amendments to the Ontario Heritage Act to address matters related to non-designated or "listed" properties included on municipal registers.
Comments Due Date:  June 10, 2024

Proposal for Amendments to R.R.O. 1990, Reg 569: Reports and O. Reg 135/18: Designation of Diseases under the Health Protection and Promotion Act (HPPA)

The Ministry of Health is proposing amendments to Reg 569:Reports and O. Reg. 135/18:Designation of Diseases under the HPPA to: •Remove COVID19 from the list of diseases identified as being caused by a novel coronavirus, while maintaining it as a Disease of Public Health Significance. This will limit the data required to be reported in connection with COVID19. •Exempt medical officers of health (MOHs) from having to forward a copy of COVID19 data (other than death data and outbreaks in specified institutions) to the Ministry and PHO •Remove requirement for every person who performs COVID19 point of care testing, unless otherwise required, to report every positive result to MOHs
Comments Due Date:  June 10, 2024

Bill 190, the Working for Workers Five Act, 2024 - Occupational Health and Safety Act

Bill 190 would amend the Occupational Health and Safety Act to: • amend the definition of harassment to include protection against virtual harassment to reflect modern workplaces. • allow for the use of electronic copies of the Act, policies, etc. to meet 'posting' requirements under the OHSA. • allow for joint health and safety committee meetings to be held virtually. • require washroom facilities that are provided to workers to be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. • add new requirements for specific workplace parties to keep, maintain, and make available records of cleaning of workplace washroom facilities as prescribed in regulation (regulatory amendments to follow).
Comments Due Date:  June 10, 2024

Proposed amendments to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA), if Bill 190, the Working for Workers Five Act, 2024, passes

Bill 190 would amend the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) to: require employers to disclose whether a publicly advertised job posting is for an existing vacancy or not; require employers to respond to job applicants they interviewed; prohibit an employer from requiring an employee to provide a sick note from a qualified health practitioner to show evidence of entitlement to the ESA's sick leave; and increase the maximum legislated conviction fine amounts for individuals. Also, regulatory amendments were made to increase specific administrative monetary penalty amounts (AMPs) in O. Reg. 289/01, under the ESA.
Comments Due Date:  June 10, 2024

Proposed Amendments to the Personal Property Security Act, the New Home Construction Licensing Act, 2017, and the Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act.

The government is proposing various changes to the Personal Property Security Act, the New Home Construction Licensing Act, 2017, and the Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act to address consumer harms related to Notices of Security Interest (NOSIs) and to help build consumer confidence when buying a new freehold home.
Comments Due Date:  June 5, 2024

Proposed Policy Directive Updates to Clarify Data Collection and Reporting Requirements for Children's Aid Societies Respecting the New Youth Leaving Care Policy and Ready, Set, Go Program

The Minister of Children, Community and Social Services is proposing to amend Policy Directive CW 003-23 - Preparing Youth for Successful Transition from the Care of Children's Aid Societies under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 (CYFSA). The proposed amendments aim to clarify data collection and reporting requirements for children's aid societies (societies) with respect to children and youth receiving services under the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services' youth leaving care policy and Ready, Set Go (RSG) program. Further, a technical amendment to Ontario Regulation 156/18 under the CYFSA is also proposed to update the effective date of the policy directive should it be amended.
Comments Due Date:  June 3, 2024

Enhance Oversight and Support for Children in Care in Adoption Placement Settings

The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS; ministry) is proposing amendments to Ontario Regulation 156/18 under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 (CYFSA) that would require children's aid societies (societies) to conduct safety assessments and create safety plans where needed, and develop a plan of care, for children in care in adoption placement settings. The ministry is also proposing to make related amendments to update Policy Directive CW 003-20 so that it reflects the new regulatory requirements. All proposed changes would come into effect on January 1, 2025.
Comments Due Date:  June 3, 2024