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Instrument Type:  
Open for Business: Regulatory Amendments to Support Burden Reduction And the Streamlining of the Highway Traffic Act (HTA)

Open For Business is a key government commitment and these minor regulatory amendments support one of its three key areas of focus - Modern Government by contributing to a faster, smarter and more streamlined and focused regulatory environment that delivers results for business, while protecting public interest.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Amendments to Regulation 347/04

Amendments to comply with labour mobility requirements of the Agreement on Internal Trade
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Administrative Amendments to the Transit Projects and Greater Toronto Transportation Authority Undertakings Regulation (O. Reg. 231/08) under the Environmental Assessment Act.

Regulation 231/08 under the Environmental Assessment Act has been administratively amended to correct minor errors and increase clarity.
Effective Date:  July 22, 2011

Courts of Justice Act

A drafting clarification was required in O. Reg. 626/00 Small Claims Court Jurisdiction and Appeal Limit to avoid confusion for stakeholders. The Small Claims Court appeal limit set out in the regulation has now been clarified, but the appeal limit amount of $2,500 has not been changed.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Land Registration Reform Act

Amendments to Ontario Regulation 19/99 under the Land Registration Reform Act and to the electronic land registration system (Teraview) are necessary due to amendments made to the Construction Lien Act made under the Open for Business Act, 2010
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Housekeeping Changes Related to the One Investment Program

O.Reg 438/97 (Eligible Investments and Related Financial Agreements) O.Reg 610/06 (Financial Activities)
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Designation of Public Service Agencies: Ontario Regulation 285/11 amending Ontario Regulation 398/93

Designation of three new public service agencies and amendment of eleven existing designations.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Consequential Amendments to O.Reg 67/93 - Health Care and Residential Facilities

Amendments have been approved to the Regulation respecting Health Care and Residential Facilities, under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, to reflect changes made to other ministries' statutes referenced in the regulation
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Changes to enable the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, as opposed to the Lieutenant Governor in Council, to set the check-off fees which dealers and producers must pay to the Livestock and Grain Financial Protection Boards

The Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs has been authorized to set the rules around payment of fees by dealers or producers to the Grain and Livestock Financial Protection Boards instead of the Lieutenant Governor in Council (LGIC). Approval was sought and received under the Open for Business Act, 2010.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Exemption from Solvency Funding Requirements for the Toronto Transit Commission Pension Fund Society

Addition of the Toronto Transit Commission Pension Fund Society to the list of JSPPs receiving a solvency funding exemption.
Effective Date:  July 21, 2011

Agreement Respecting Multi-Jurisdictional Pension Plans

The Agreement Respecting Multi-Jurisdictional Pension Plans would establish clear rules on how multi-jurisdictional pension plans (MJPPs) are administered in Ontario and Quebec.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Amendments to the Mortgage Broker and Agent Licensing Regulation

O. Reg. 409/07, the regulation prescribing licensing requirements for mortgage brokers and agents under the Mortgage Brokerages, Lenders and Administrators Act, 2006 (MBLAA) was amended to be consistent with the recent changes to the Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT).
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario

Amendments to the Quality Assurance Regulation under the Medicine Act, 1991
Effective Date:  July 22, 2011

Provision of French Language Services on Behalf of Government Agencies: Ontario Regulation 284/11

Ensure that services provided to the public by third parties on behalf of government agencies are available in French in accordance with the French Language Services Act
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Monitors for Non-Governmental Regulatory Authorities under the Ontario Labour Mobility Act, 2009

This regulation designates Ministerial monitors for non-governmental regulatory authorities under the Ontario Labour Mobility Act, 2009.
Effective Date:  July 4, 2011

Regulations under the Business Regulation Reform Act, 1994

The following statute is named to the Business Regulation Reform Act, 1994: Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Revoking Reg. 272 of R.R.O. 1990 (General) made under the Developmental Services Act

Regulation 272 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990, is revoked. This Regulation comes into force on the later of the day section 63 of the Services and Supports to Promote the Social Inclusion of Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act, 2008 comes into force and the day it is filed.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Regulations under the Business Regulation Reform Act, 1994

The following statutes are named to the Business Regulation Reform Act, 1994: Corporations Act Business Corporations Act Extra-Provincial Corporations Act Corporations Information Act Limited Partnerships Act Partnerships Act
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Ontario Regulation 455/07 (Races, Contests and Stunts)

An amendment to Ontario Regulation 455/07 (Races, Contests and Stunts).
Effective Date:  July 26, 2011

Regulation 613 (Seat Belt Assemblies)

An amendment to Regulation 613 (Seat Belt Assemblies).
Effective Date:  July 26, 2011

Ontario Regulation 34/06 (Pre-Empting Traffic Control Signal Devices)

An amendment to Ontario Regulation 34/06 (Pre-Empting Traffic Control Signal Devices).
Effective Date:  July 26, 2011

Revocation of Regulation 261, General, under the Dangerous Goods Transportation Act.

The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is proposing to repeal Regulation 261, General, made under the Dangerous Goods Transportation Act, and undertake an approach whereby all subsequent changes to the federal standards will be automatically adopted into the DGTA without the need for a subsequent amendment to the provincial regulation.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Recreational Vehicle Driver Licensing

The Ministry of Transportation is proposing to amend Ontario Regulation 340/94 Drivers Licences - to allow drivers holding a full-G class licence to tow a recreational vehicle that exceeds 4,600 kg gross weight. The existing limit of 11,000 kg gross weight for the combination of vehicles will be maintained.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

New regulation under the Alcohol and Gaming Regulation and Public Protection Act, 1996

A regulation is proposed to amend O.Reg. 257/10 (Beer and Wine Tax) under the Alcohol and Gaming Regulation and Public Protection Act, 1996.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Public Sector Labour Relations Transition Act (PSLRTA), Public Consultations

The Ministry of Labour is consulting on whether Ontario Regulation 458/97 should be amended to provide that the Public Sector Labour Relations Transition Act applies upon the amalgamation of two or more listed Children's Aid Societies.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Proposed Amendment to O.Reg 289/01 (Enforcement) of the Employment Standards Act, 2000

Designate Québec as a reciprocating state for the purposes of employment standards, under O.Reg. 289/01 of the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA)
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Proposed amendment to Ontario Regulation 34/10 (Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule - Effective September 1, 2010) under the Insurance Act

This proposed amendment would provide that an invoice is not payable by an insurer if upon request of the insurer, the service provider fails to provide information as to the circumstances giving rise to the invoice, including proof of the provider's identity and particulars regarding the goods and services delivered to the claimant and other information required to assist the insurer in determining the insurer's liability for payment.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Amendments to the Altered Standards process for air standards set out in Ontario Regulation 419/05 made under the Environmental Protection Act, 1990.  (source: Environmental Registry)

These amendments are in response to concerns expressed by industry to improve regulatory certainty in Ontario as it relates to the site-specific standards process. Clarification of terms, allowing for a minimum timeframe for an site-specific standard approval, and a simpler renewal of the approval if there are no significant changes reduces complexity and can lead to more regulatory certainty and investment in Ontario.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Rules of VQA Ontario relating to terms, descriptions and designations for VQA wine

Proposed amendments to VQA wine standards
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Construction Lien Act: Proposed Regulation

Amendment to Regulation 175 made under the Construction Lien Act
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Proposed Amendment to Ontario Regulation 201/96 (General) under the Ontario Drug Benefit Act

Proposed regulation to amend Ontario Regulation 201/96 made under the Ontario Drug Benefit Act (ODBA) relating to payment of different dispensing fees under the Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) Program with respect to different classes of pharmacies or operators of pharmacies.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Agriculture-Wildlife Conflict Strategy  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Ontario government is proposing an agriculture-wildlife conflict strategy as part of the implementation of the province's Strategy for Preventing and Managing Human-Wildlife Conflicts in Ontario (2008)
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Proposed Amendments to the Licensing of Electrical Contractors and Master Electricians Regulation (O. Reg. 570/05) under the Electricity Act, 1998

Proposal to amend the regulation to allow Powerline Technicians to qualify for a Master Electrician licence.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Amendments to the General Regulation (Ontario Regulation 242/08) under the Endangered Species Act, 2007 to prescribe the habitat for three species at risk  (source: Environmental Registry)

The purpose of this proposal is to provide the public with an opportunity to review and comment on the proposed regulation to prescribe the habitat of these three species and to seek input on an approach that would phase in the requirements of the Redside Dace habitat protection for existing projects that are currently in construction or in planning approvals.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Computed Tomography (CT) Safety Initiative

A proposed regulation amendment under the Healing Arts Radiation Protection Act (HARP Act) aims to improve patient safety by establishing Computed Tomography (CT), including Dental CT, as a class of X-ray machine with unique safety considerations, and setting out who can order and operate CT and Dental CT scans and scanners to ensure that the appropriate health care professionals are using these devices in the province of Ontario.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Proposal for Amendments to Regulation Under the Ontario Photo Card Act 2008

Proposal for Amendments to Regulation Under the Ontario Photo Card Act 2008
Effective Date:  July 17, 2011

The Future of Segways in Ontario

The Ministry of Transportation is gathering information and opinions on the use of Segways in Ontario prior to the expiry of its current five year pilot project.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Proposed Amendments to Ontario Regulation 629, Vehicles for the Transportation of Physically Disabled Passengers

The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is proposing to amend Ontario Regulation 629, Vehicles for the Transportation of Physically Disabled Passengers (O. Reg. 629) to modernize the technical requirements for highway vehicles (e.g. buses, transit buses, motor coaches, taxis, and school buses) as part of the government’s proposed accessibility standards under the Ministry of Community and Social Services’ Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), 2005.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Minimum Ontario Grape or Grape Product Requirement

Proposed amendment to wine content
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Confined Spaces Consolidation Proposal

Proposal to consolidate into one regulation under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) all regulatory requirements that apply when work is to be done in or in relation to a confined space, which requirements are currently found in five different regulations.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Amendments to Ontario Regulation 455/09  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Ministry is proposing to amend O. Reg. 455/09 to: 1. Extend the requirement for Phase I toxic substance reduction plans and plan summaries. 2. Address the requirements related to “toxic substance reduction planners”. 3. Revise the exemption criteria for dioxins, furans and hexachlorobenzene.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Periodic Commercial Motor Vehicle Inspection Harmonization

Modernize the requirements of the commercial motor vehicle periodic inspection criteria in Ontario and increase harmonization with the Canadian National Safety Code 11B and all other provinces.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

O. Reg 438/97, O.Reg 610/06

Regulations under the Municipal Act, 2001 and City of Toronto Act, 2006
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Amendment to Ontario Regulation 663/98 (Area Descriptions) under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997 to add additional communities to areas where it is prohibited to possess a loaded firearm in or discharge a firearm across a right of way for public vehicular traffic  (source: Environmental Registry)

The proposed regulation change is intended to add municipalities who have indicated a desire to be added to the schedules of areas where possession and discharge of loaded firearm from right of way for the passage of vehicle is prohibited.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Amendments to O. Reg. 665/98 (Hunting) under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997 to update regulatory provisions to reflect current policies and standards and clarify wording to meet regulatory intent  (source: Environmental Registry)

The proposed regulation change is intended to update provisions of O. Reg. 665/98 (Hunting) to reflect update current policies and standards as well as clarify wording in specified regulations to meet regulatory intent.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Industry proposed changes to the Beef Cattle Financial Protection Program

At the request of Beef Cattle Financial Protection Program Inc. (a not-for-profit corporation governed by a Board of Directors. OMAFRA is proposing amendments to the regulations governing the Beef Cattle Financial Protection Program. The proposed changes would result in: an increased level of compensation for losses; expanded coverage and greater protection to Country Dealers and others involved in private treaty sales; and updated payment requirements in line with current banking methods.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Vehicle Weight and Dimension Reforms

Phase 4 – introduction of remaining Safe, Productive, Infrastructure-Friendly (SPIF) vehicles and simpler heavy vehicle weight calculations
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Modernization of Regulation 384 – Honey

Proposal to modernize and replace the Regulation 384 - Honey with a regulation under the Food Safety and Quality Act, 2001
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Modernization of Regulation 378 – Grades – Fruit and Vegetables

Proposal to modernize and replace the regulation for fruit and vegetables with a regulation under the Food Safety and Quality Act, 2001
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Modernization of Maple Products Regulation

Proposal to modernize and replace the Regulation 386- Maple Products with a regulation under the Food Safety and Quality Act, 2001
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011

Proposal to Amend Ontario Regulation 419/05: Air Pollution - Local Air Quality, made under the Environmental Protection Act, to include Ontario Air Standards for Nine (9) Contaminants.  (source: Environmental Registry)

The Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE) is proposing to amend Ontario Regulation 419/05: Air Pollution - Local Air Quality (O. Reg. 419/05) to introduce new or updated standards for nine (9) contaminants.
Effective Date:  July 1, 2011